Start at the pet store

Chapter 9 A stroke of genius

Probably because their eyes were too obvious, Yang Pei scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "Hey, I'm the best at sterilization surgery."

That’s okay, not bad!

Lu Jingxing smiled and patted his shoulder: "Okay, I'm very optimistic about you!"

It just so happens that they have only used half of the current facade, leaving the other half empty.

"I brought the key." Lu Jingxing opened the other half of the rolling shutter door, pulled it up, and went in to take a look.

The former boss built a half-wall in the middle and left two invisible doors. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that the side is actually open.

Ji Ling poked her head in and took a look, frowning: "You didn't give me the key. Wow, it's so dirty in here."

It was indeed very dirty. If you step on it, you will find a footprint, and the dust is very thick.

Ji Ling also walked in and made a rough gesture: "We can move the cat climbing frame over here. The cat cafe needs to be quiet. We can put a workbench here..."

The depth is relatively long, and some sofas can be placed on the left side, all covered with cushions and blankets.

"Well, there are also some toys and other things for guests to play with the cats." Lu Jingxing nodded, thinking that her plan was good.

"There is also a small shelf here." Yang Pei pointed to the corner and smiled: "You can put canned cat food, cat bars and so on."

These can be included in the ticket price or charged separately.

Anyway, they are all used for customers to feed cats, and they can make money!

"The best..." Ji Ling thought for a while and added: "It would be best to make the entire cabinet for food, tea and drinks."

Otherwise, if the guests have to leave when they are tired, thirsty or hungry, they won’t be able to play for long.

But this side is not as wide as their front facade, and there won't be much space for a large cabinet.

"Oh, it's okay. There is a small room at the back here." Lu Jingxing thought for a while, took out a key and showed them: "I put the books in this room from when I was studying, so my parents didn't give me the key. he."

It is probably for this reason that the former boss simply did not use this place.

There is a window between the inner room and the outside, which can also be opened directly.

"Wow, that's okay."

If it is used to make their small kitchen, all problems will be solved!

Lu Jingxing also didn't expect that this small room could still be used.

He looked at the books inside. Unfortunately, many of them were already moldy: "I will move these back to dry them out later."

The more I think about it, the more feasible it becomes.

Of course, Lu Jingxing still had to find some time to get all the replacement documents and other documents.

Not to mention, it took a lot of effort.

Dragging a trunk full of books, Lu Jingxing ran until the afternoon to finish everything.

He spread the books out in the house to bask in the sun before running back in his empty car.

As soon as Ji Ling saw him, she came up to him with a smile: "Brother Lu! Come on, come on, I'll give you a surprise!"

She pulled Lu Jingxing in and opened the side door.

The room that was still dusty and messy in the morning has now been wiped clean, and the floor is so clean that you can look in the mirror.

"Wow, that's okay!" Lu Jingxing walked up carefully, fearing that he would get dirty if he stepped on it.

"Brother Yang took down the wooden shelves inside!" Ji Ling took him to see it.

Yang Pei poked half of his head out of it and smiled: "It's harder to clean in here, but it's almost done."

He first swept and then mopped, and then took a towel and wiped it clean bit by bit.

Lu Jingxing also thought that it would be difficult to move the rotten wooden frame, so he probably had to lift it.

As a result, Yang Pei directly dismantled it and transported it out piece by piece. Now it is being washed and dried outside.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work!" Lu Jingxing was very satisfied and shared his progress with them: "The documents have been processed. I'll just pick them up in two days."

Because the former boss ran away, there were some minor twists and turns.

Fortunately, the result was good. After all, the house belonged to him and he was a local, so he was not in trouble.

Then there is the purchase of various things, which is another big expense.

"Actually, I don't think there's a need to buy all new ones..." Ji Ling thought for a while and said hesitantly: "In the group I joined, someone's pet shop closed down. I think we can all use a lot of things..."

Some bosses thought it was unlucky and refused to come.

Lu Jingxing thought it was nothing, and his eyes lit up: "Where is it? Let's drive over now and have a look?"

Just do it.

Leaving Yang Pei to guard the house, Lu Jingxing drove off.

The boss is cleaning out things. Some cages and other things were very expensive when they were bought, but no one wants them now.

He was so excited. When Lu Jingxing and the others arrived, he was so excited: "Great, I'll give you a discount on everything you want to move out!"

His store is actually doing pretty well, and there are many old customers nearby.

But the landlord keeps increasing the price, and this month it increased by one thousand.

"Hey, I can't keep doing it." The boss sighed helplessly: "The profit itself is not high. After all, I have to hire a few people. He wants to increase the salary at the end of the year. No matter what I do, I will just work for him! "

Hearing that Lu Jingxing and the others owned their own store, he was envious: "That's much better. The cost has been reduced a lot."

Lu Jingxing handed him a cigarette and comforted him with a few words.

The two of them were chatting aside, while Ji Ling was making various choices.

"Well, this basin is good, you can use it... This cage is very good, this flight box is also great..."

She was so full that a whole car was crammed into her.

She even disassembled the cage and folded it into a board so that it wouldn't take up space.

Lu Jingxing was a little amused and exchanged glances with her: Are you sure you want so many?

Ji Ling nodded vigorously: Yes!

The boss turned around and was stunned: My goodness, the store is almost emptied!

But he was not angry, and was cheerful: "It's just right, I thought it would be a pity to throw it away, it's best if you can use it."

He didn't ask for a high price, just quoted 800 yuan.

When Lu Jingxing was ready to pay, the boss pointed to the side: "Do you want this cabinet? If you want, I'll call a car to deliver it to you."

Anyway, I don't want to give the landlord a bargain even if I throw it away!

Lu Jingxing took a look and his eyes lit up: "Sure!"

If you go there to buy it, it will cost at least several thousand yuan.

Not to mention that the boss will help deliver it.

He transferred 1500 yuan to him directly. The boss said it was too much. Lu Jingxing shook his head: "With so many things, it's reasonable."

The boss felt bad and stuffed the remaining cat litter and cat food into his car: "These bags are all opened, and the unopened ones have just been transported away."

It would be better if he came earlier.

But Lu Jingxing didn't think it was a pity, he was already very satisfied!

Ji Ling pointed to the sofa inside: "Can this one be taken together?"

"Ah?" The boss was a little confused: "This one can't be taken, it's all scratched."

He was ready to throw it away. Since they wanted it, he waved his hand: "I'll transport it to you later! It's for you!"

So, the truck followed them, and Lu Jingxing drove in front to lead the way.

"That sofa can't be taken." Lu Jingxing frowned thinking about the scratches, and the leather was cracked.

"It doesn't matter!" Ji Ling smiled and said: "I've seen videos of other people modifying sofas. You can measure the size and make a custom cloth cover."

The leather surface is broken, so it's broken. The whole main frame is still good.

And even if you buy a new one, it will be scratched by the cat. I don't feel bad if this one is broken. At most, I can just change the cover later.

Lu Jingxing thought about it and agreed: "You are still thoughtful."

Girls are indeed more careful.

It must be said that Ji Ling's stroke of genius really saved him a lot of money.

Especially after arriving at the store, I found that Yang Pei had dismantled the cat climbing frame, reassembled it on the right, and then cleaned these sofa cabinets and put them in place.

The overall main color is soft beige, and it is very warm when the lights are turned on.

Ji Ling and Yang Pei went in and out to fiddle with these cages. These cages need to be cleaned and reassembled, but the glass cabinets are already full of cat food cans and so on.

Don't mention it, the things are neatly arranged, and the carpet will be laid out later.

The posture of the cat cafe has stood up all of a sudden!

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