Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 07 Eggs with golden patterns

In fact, Li Ge discovered a few days ago that he could attach his consciousness to the animals he had tamed. But the prerequisite is that the possessed animal must be conscious.

Therefore, Li Ge, who lay on the ground every day and every moment, looking up at the sky at an angle greater than 0 and less than or equal to 90 degrees, really couldn't bear it.

He felt like his non-existent neck was about to break.

Li Ge couldn't wait to find a perspective from which he could look down.

For this purpose, Li Ge stretched out a "little tentacle" made of clay and walked around.

Finally, his hard work paid off and he found a nest of intelligent gyrfalcons and their eggs on the cliff.

Originally, if you wanted to conquer such a powerful man in the sky, you would have to go through a big battle.

However, Li Gecai is not that stubborn.

He "attacked" the eggs first.

When the gyrfalcon couple returned to the nest, they immediately suspected that the eggs in the nest had golden patterns.

——Is this my egg?

——While I wasn't paying attention, I went to...get a tattoo?

Then, like every conservative-minded parent, the parents became surprisingly angry.

Especially after learning that all of this was Li Ge's handiwork, he became furious.

They treat Li Ge just like every parent treats a bad kid who brings up his own child.

——I said how could she learn so badly! all because of you!

and launched a violent attack.

However, Li Ge has "egg quality" in hand.

In the end, Li Ge finally made the Gyrfalcon and his wife successfully compromise and became his subordinates obediently.

As for killing the Gyrfalcons?

It's not that Li Ge hasn't thought about it.

But after killing them, who will raise the eggs in the nest?

Everyone who has tried it knows the pain of raising children.

Li Ge doesn't want to be reduced to a nanny from now on.

At this time, Li Ge was possessing the male Gyrfalcon and traveling around the world.

Looking through the Gyrfalcon's eyes, this is a completely different world.

Sliding high in the sky, the air seems to have become physical.

Close your eyes and scan every feather's gap.

The air seemed to turn into waves of theory, holding Li Ge's body in the air.

And after opening my eyes, I saw a vastness that stretched thousands of miles away.

The boundless woods are like a dark green carpet, meeting the blue sky at the horizon.

The steep cliffs look like they were carved without a knife or an axe.

Under the Gyrfalcon's ultimate vision, Li Ge saw the path on the cliff.

"Is there a road? Could it be that there are traces of people here?"

Li Ge thought he was already far away from people!

After wandering in the sky for a while, Li Ge returned to his true form - lying on the ground and looking up at the sky from various angles.

Although it is quiet and fresh, it is not as good as the feeling of flying freely in the sky.

"When can I move freely!" Li Ge sighed.

However, distress can only exist for a short time in Li Ge.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain!"

Li Ge thought freely.

Regarding this matter, he never expected the system to give him a similar skill.

However, one day when Li Ge is strong enough, he can consider dismantling the system and taking a look at the system to see if there is anything that can be recycled.

There were people around, which gave Li Ge some new ideas.

If there is a natural advantage in the convenience of living beings to lose their minds, then it must be human beings.

However, humans are also the most complex animals, and rash contact may pose a threat to themselves.

Li Ge needs to think carefully.

"Properties panel."

Li Ge murmured to himself.

"Swamp of Death lv1

Energy: 1.1

Volume: 117 cubic meters

Energy: 17.6

Moving speed: 2 meters per second”

Kingdom of Life lv1

Energy: 1.2

Volume: 121 cubic meters

Movement speed: one meter per second


Arrow Ant (lv0)

Toxic Spores (lv0)

Ancient Sophora japonica (lv0)

Gyrfalcon 1(lv0)

Gyrfalcon 2(lv0)

Gyrfalcon 3(lv0)

Talent skill: Humidity control. "

Li Ge looked at the increasingly vast territory and nodded with satisfaction.

After upgrading, the energy required to strengthen the land volume has increased, from one point to two points.

Doubled, but acceptable.

However, today, land volume is not Li Ge's focus.


Everything is quiet except when the bright moon hangs in the sky.

"Ding! Today's contribution is settled."

As the system beeps, the experience bar belonging to Arrow Ant is completely filled.

Li Ge, who had been looking forward to this for a long time, had already placed his consciousness on the place where the ant queen was.

Li Ge clearly saw a golden halo appearing under the queen ant's body.

"The special effects of the system are based on some ancient online game. This is too unoriginal."

Li Ge complained secretly.

But the next second, Li Ge was shocked.

Mutant disciple!

Under the golden light, a red background actually appeared. Then, the red light flourished and intertwined with the golden light, making the entire dark underground lair look like daylight at noon!

If Li Ge hadn't lost his eyes, he would have been blinded at this moment and couldn't see anything!

Fortunately, Li Ge no longer needs his eyes to see.

Li Ge seems to rely on the release and feedback of mental power when observing things now.

Because of this, in the strong light, he could clearly see every change in the queen ant!

The light from the outside is pouring into the queen's body bit by bit, which seems to make him extremely painful.

The queen ant straightened up, tensing every joint, as if in spasm.

As the queen ant's body trembled, the lines began to deepen. And it also began its own transformation.

The outer shell cracked again, revealing the tender white new body inside, and then, after contacting the air, it quickly darkened.

The lines also flicker and appear in the flow of energy, as if there is flowing magma inside, bringing new strength to the queen ant.

"So this is what evolution looks like?" Li Ge murmured to himself, "I wonder if there is anything that can evolve elsewhere?"

Li Ge quickly turned his attention to other parts of the ant nest.

At this glance, Li Ge was so shocked that he was speechless.

The busy ants in the anthill have stopped doing their own business.

At this time, they all stood in place, struggling to evolve in the golden-red aperture.

At first glance, the originally dark underground ant nest lit up with layers of golden-red rings, one after another, just like stars in the dark night.

Very beautiful.

However, if you look closely, it can make people feel creepy.

The exoskeleton was no longer pure black at this time, but glowed with a cold metallic light.

The newly grown big hoe still contains some liquid, but it is extremely sharp. When it is opened and closed, there is a faint sound of metal friction.

Feet become slimmer!

However, the slender hairs on it turned into terrifying and ferocious barbs.

As the ants move, the legs will be completely opened from time to time, like extremely thin maces.

However, it happened in the next second.

These barbs are all retracted and tightly attached to the legs and feet, making them invisible unless you look carefully.

The originally slender and weak tentacles were now wrapped in exoskeletons that resembled spines, swaying slightly in the air.

The most common and smallest worker ants have reached a body length of 1.5 centimeters, not to mention the larger soldier ants, some reaching 2.5 centimeters, while the largest ones are generally around 3 centimeters.

Three centimeters big ants!

What is that concept?

A katydid, also known as a katydid, is only four or five centimeters!

Don't look at it, ants are temporarily smaller than katydids.

However, ants move in groups!

Moreover, each ant can lift objects a hundred times its own weight.

After strengthening, maybe more!

When encountering an enemy, thousands of huge ants turn into black waves of death and swarm forward!

The wave receded, leaving only bones on the ground!

Thinking of this scene, Li Ge let out a sigh of excitement.


As the light gradually shrank, Li Ge also retracted his thoughts.

"Since it has about...doing an experiment?"

In the tree, a colorful spider the size of a baby's fist sat firmly on a web of fine silk.

At this time, it was lazily enjoying the sunlight shining through the gaps in the leaves.

Beside her were the broken limbs hanging on the net.

The prey that had been sucked dry one by one with only a piece of skin left was hanging on the net, swaying slightly as the breeze blew by.

These are all its trophies.

Suddenly, a blind butterfly bumped into the spider web.

The butterfly struggled desperately, but became tighter and tighter.

The spider first opened its eight legs and sensed it carefully, then slowly turned around and walked towards the poor prey.

Boring, such a spider is really boring.

Sitting online every day waiting for food to be delivered to your door... This is really a difficult life!

The spider sighed while injecting venom into the prey's body, melting the prey's flesh and blood into a puddle of juice.

Yes, this spider is also an insect with intelligence.

However, it does not have the same enterprising spirit as the queen ant.

Stealing soil to renovate a house?

Looking for energy to advance in a hurry?

Just kidding, I don't do that kind of thankless thing.

Staying at home every day, eating, drinking, and basking in the sun is the true meaning of spider life!

Unfortunately, he didn't know that its good days were coming to an end.

Under the tree where he stood, the ant squad was gathering.

Li Ge attached his spiritual body to a soldier ant and crawled towards the huge spider.

To be honest, this spider is really too lazy.

Li Ge had climbed to a place one step away from the spider web, stood still, and carefully observed the front. This is really a novel feeling.

The spider that was originally the size of a baby's fist turned into a giant!

It was as high as two floors as I felt in my previous life!

The big and stocky body, the terrifying mouthparts and jaws all caused great psychological pressure on Li Ge.

"Is this how ants feel when facing enemies?"

Li Ge sighed secretly in his heart and stepped back.

"Forget it, there are specialties in the art industry, I'm not a coward!"

He defended himself a little, and then gave the order to the queen.


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