Start from a ball of mud and expand infinitely

Chapter 27 Preparation and Training

Li Ge knew that enemies would definitely come in the next few days.

And they are all well-equipped, skilled and well prepared.

Because of this, Li Ge has also entered a busy preparation stage.

A wolf howl tore through the silent night in the canyon.


The sound of the earth shaking continued to sound.

A group of black shadows are running away like crazy!

Under the moonlight, the fleeing animals looked extremely embarrassed, but they had sharp and sharp teeth!

That turned out to be the usual majestic wolf pack!

What exactly is it? The wolves were chased so awkwardly!

As the tremors of the earth became stronger and stronger, the terrifying demon appeared.

He is seven meters tall and a giant.

A huge shadow was cast on the ground, like an ancient demon.

The thick claws can accidentally brush the branches of trees and sweep them off!

That is……


With a loud roar, the giant beast revealed its bloody mouth and a mouth full of fangs.

As the sound came out, the wolves in front ran even harder.

The giant beast looked proud.

It seems that he is very satisfied with his power.

Suddenly, an eagle chirped in the air.

In the sky, the white feathers of the falcon are extremely conspicuous, reflecting their brilliance in the moonlight.

This is unusual.

Eagles rarely appear at night.

Because during the day, eagles have the sharpest eyes on land.

However, in the dark night, these eyes are greatly reduced.

However, this falcon did not seem to be affected at all.

It patrolled and circled in the sky, swooping down suddenly.

He scratched a claw on the giant beast's head.

"Idiot! You drove the wolves away!"

It turns out that the animals from the Kingdom of Life are training their troops.

Li Ge issued an order to capture some animals on his territory.

Preferably the lethal ones.

Then tame it a little and become a help in battle.

The executors are Gyrfalcon and Grizzly Bear.

The grizzly bear is responsible for driving away, while the gyrfalcon is responsible for observing the sky and pointing the direction.

However, they had been chasing this pack of wolves for more than twenty hours.

From morning to night.

Still couldn't get to the designated location.

Gyrfalcon was full of resentment and anger.

He has never seen such a stupid animal!


only need to!

Follow your own instructions!

But in the process of "herding wolves", this stupid bear was either attracted by the messy things, or else he was only focused on showing off his power and forgot to control the direction of the wolves.

Once he became as excited as before, no matter how Gyrfalcon called in the spiritual realm, there was nothing he could do.

Thinking of this, the Gyrfalcon felt that his sharp claws were extremely itchy, and he couldn't help but scratched the Grizzly Bear's head a few times.

However, the grizzly bear that was strengthened five times was too skinny.

A gyrfalcon's claws can easily leave marks on rocks, but a grizzly bear?

It's probably like scratching the skin and losing a few hairs.

Li Ge was also watching all this.

From morning to night.


After getting used to the well-trained Ai Jian ants, orders were given.

Li Ge didn't like the idiot Grizzly Bear no matter what.

Li Ge finally gave up.

"Forget it, that's it for today's training!"

Li Ge ordered.

The Gyrfalcon responded, gave the Grizzly a hateful look, then circled in the air and flew away.

And grizzly bears…

"No, boss! I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Li Ge: "..."

Play with your mother selling batches!

Non-existent veins popped out.

Li Ge was glad that he no longer had a body.

Otherwise, he might have been lying on the ground due to cerebral hemorrhage.

However, Li Ge knew that even losing his temper would have no effect.

Li Ge thought, and the tall beast suddenly shrank like a deflated balloon.

The mud of the Death Swamp suddenly appeared, picking up the fleeing wolves and the half-meter-tall grizzly bear, and swept towards the country of life.

"Don't think about the lavender field until the training is successful."

Li Ge's voice was cold.

"You know, idiots are not qualified to eat."

"No, no, no! Boss, I was wrong, I won't dare next time!" The grizzly bear's little eyes were full of despair and panic, and he regretted very sincerely.

Sure enough, to deal with foodies, you still need to work hard on eating.

Gradually, Li Ge's territory became lively.

The originally despised "rock making" skill has also come into its own.

On the land of the Kingdom of Life, pits four or five meters deep with vertical rock walls appeared one after another.

Fortunately, I have the skill to make rocks.

If it is a pure earth pit, although it can be shaped by draining out the water, it will take a lot of effort to make the hole so vertical.

What's more, if he didn't know that one "prisoner" had taken a bite at the earth wall on a whim, Li Ge might have lost the size and energy of the Kingdom of Life!

Yes, there are prisoners at the bottom of the pit!

And a pit is a cage.

What is contained in it is one kind of animal after another.

The rock wall is very soft and will break into pieces once an animal collides with it.

However, I can’t stand how thick it is!

So far, no animals have been able to escape.

Looking at his "prisoners", Li Ge nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the unwilling alpha wolf tried to escape again.

The small place left no room for him to run.

It jerked upward.

Jumped to half the height of the cage.

Then, like a blanket, his whole body lay on the rock wall, and his claws dug deeply into the gaps in the rock wall.

The rock shattered.

The alpha wolf stepped on the air and slipped down.

"Fortunately, I had foresight. Fortunately, even after the mental power is removed, the rock is not hard enough and can be shaped at will."

"Otherwise, if this claw goes down, the pieces it breaks will not be rocks at all!"

"It's my energy and my heart."

Li Ge murmured.

In fact, Li Ge once tried to directly subdue some animals using the "assimilation" skill.

However, I wonder if it was because when we captured the grizzly bear a few days ago, there was a little too much noise, which scared away all the intelligent animals and plants.

Or maybe all the evolved animals in this canyon have been conquered by Li Ge.

All in all, there are no animals that have evolved at all!

As for ordinary animals...

Forget it!

After conquering it, you can neither contribute energy nor cooperate in combat!

When Li Ge communicated with him and gave orders, he found...that he was a fool!

Li Ge also tried to actively inject energy into it.

However, some things just don't work.

Li Ge instilled nearly a hundred points into that animal.

It’s enough for lv1 subjects to evolve!


The animal didn't react at all!

Li Ge looked helplessly under the tree.

There, there was a gray stuffed ball squirming.

Every time it squirms, soil splashes out from below.

If you look closely, you can see that under the round body, there are short legs that are busy quickly.

The front two little legs dig holes, and the back two little legs kick back continuously to kick out the dug soil.

This is a mole.

Of course, it was also the subject of Li Ge's experiment a while ago.

The fur on his paws is much stronger now.

However, in terms of wisdom...

Li Ge turned his eyes away in despair.

Don't mention it anymore, if you think about it too much, tears will fall.

If this is the case, it is better to train those wild ferocious animals directly.

Using energy as a reward is much less expensive than conquering it directly.

It can also enhance the physical fitness of animals.

With just one command, they can attack everyone except the citizens of the Kingdom of Life!

Of course, it doesn't matter even if they attack the citizens of the Kingdom of Life.

Because they can't beat it.

It’s training time every day again.

The soil of the Kingdom of Life spread towards the "cell" and built a slope for them.

The Wolf King was the first to rush out, followed by dozens of other wolves held in solitary confinement.

"Kill!" Li Ge ordered.

The murderous voice was imprinted in every wolf's mind,

Opposite him, there are adult-shaped stone targets one after another, covered with abstract paintings, and the twisted eyes and nose can barely be seen.

It was painted by that little girl Ge Nan.

She said it represented a human face.

The alpha wolf was extremely reluctant at this time and roared threateningly.

Li Ge sneered.

Under them, a blood-red swamp appeared.

The alpha wolf wanted to jump out, but the swamp soil suddenly solidified and grabbed his paws tightly.

Corrosion skills are activated!


The alpha wolf howled.

One second.

Two seconds.

Corrosion skills stopped.

When the alpha wolf pulled his paw out of the swamp of death, it was already dripping with blood.

The hair and skin on it have been corroded away.

Because of the injury on his feet, the alpha wolf could no longer stand and fell to the ground.

The other wolves also became uneasy.


The voice struck his heart again.

"If you don't obey, you will be killed!"

The order was issued again, but there was a retreat in the eyes of the alpha wolf.

It knows what it means to kill.

However, according to animal logic, it should not be killed at this time.

Should run away.

Li Ge sighed helplessly.

Repeat the old trick.

After a brief wailing, the skin on the side of the alpha wolf next to the ground was bloody and bloody.

"Follow my orders or die."

Li Ge threatened.

These commands one after another are extremely simple.

Because Li Ge didn't expect them to cooperate with such an unintelligent animal.

You just need to fight on your own.

However, if they can't even understand such a simple command...

It is better to become nutrients in the marsh of death.

Li Ge thought like this, and traces of murderous intent spread out.

The alpha wolf seemed to suddenly understand something.

Suddenly, the trombone sounded.


Then, dragging his body full of scars, he rushed towards the natives in front.

The other wolves saw that their king had taken the lead in charging, and they also rushed forward.

The long fangs bit and the huge bodies collided.

The cracked stone men turned into rubble as they moved.

"This is decent." Li Ge nodded secretly.

After giving out the big stick, the next one is sweet dates.

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