Start from covering the sky and become invincible

Chapter 41 The white-haired old scholar

Chapter 41 The white-haired old scholar

This monk on the other side is the middle-aged man who once interpreted fortunes here in Zhou Qing.

The vast Linghu Lake is sparkling and dotted with water. There are many fishermen on the lake. However, it is rare for strange beasts to attack people. These strange beasts have already developed spirituality and know how to seek good luck and avoid evil. Generally, they will not take the initiative to attack people. It's hiding deep in the lake.

No one knew why a strange beast attacked the middle-aged man.

No one knows why the big man can't use his magic power.

The strange beast itself was not poisonous, and its cultivation level was not very high. It was only by surprise that it crashed the big man's ship.

When the big man sank, people thought he was angry and wanted to go down to the lake to catch the strange beast.

Unexpectedly, when he came up again, he had become a corpse.

However, these had nothing to do with Zhou Qing, but because of this incident, Zhou Qing's reputation for signing was spread.

Now everyone in Linghu City has heard that Zhou Qing once solved a life-and-death lottery for the big man and told him about it, but the big man didn't believe it, so he was buried in the lake.

Gradually, when many people go out to do some dangerous things, they will come to Zhou Qingjie to get a life and death lottery before going out.

No one knows that on the day that the big man died, Zhou Qing carved the first mysterious pattern on the empty bamboo stick.

The fate of the big man was integrated into this pattern.

Two months passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Qing has solved more than 400 lots in the past two months. Now Zhou Qing no longer just talks about life or death, but tells others how they will die if they die, and why they are born if they live.

With more than four hundred lots, everything Zhou Qing said would happen without exception. I don't know how many people have avoided death because of this, and thus moved towards the life side of fate.

However, not everyone will do what Zhou Qing said. They will have to do a certain thing for various reasons, thus walking into death.

However, Zhou Qing didn't care whether they could get out of the disaster, because it depended on the interpreter's own situation, and Zhou Qing didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

He just carved a mysterious and mysterious pattern every time he solved a lot.

Each of these lines represents Zhou Qing's understanding of destiny.

This understanding comes from the person who interprets the signature.

When Zhou Qing revealed his destiny, it meant that he had plucked the string of destiny, and all subsequent actions of the interpreter were a manifestation of the fluctuation of the string.

The patterns on the bamboo sticks are Zhou Qing's analysis of the fluctuations.

At the same time, within two months of Zhou Qing's release, the shackles had become weaker and weaker, and half of them had been worn away.

Time is like water, passing quietly, and two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

The patterns drawn by Zhou Qing became more and more complex. From this fluctuation, Zhou Qing understood more and more.

The Taoist charm around him was getting thicker and thicker, and there was almost only a trace of shackles left behind. However, even with this trace, Zhou Qing was still unable to break through.

In the end, Zhou Qing withdrew the booth, and the interpretation of the signature could no longer bring him understanding.

Zhou Qing returned to his residence in the outer city with nearly a thousand bamboo sticks.

He began to sort out what he had gained in the past four months. In the process of sorting out, he felt that he could reach the four poles with his hands, but there was always a thin film hindering him.

He didn't understand why. With his own physique, there shouldn't be any shackles at this step, but it happened to exist.

In the past four months, Linghu City has no longer been calm, and there is a faint smell of a storm approaching.

On the Linghu Lake, more and more people are drowning, and they are all people from this city.

Linghu Lake is so big that you can't see the end at a glance, and the water and sky are connected. Therefore, Linghu Lake is surrounded by dozens of large and small cities.

The fishermen on Ling Lake were also people from dozens of cities. However, the only people who drowned were the city where Zhou Qing stayed.

The city guards had already been dispatched. Several monks from the Four Extremes Secret Realm and dozens of monks from the Dao Palace Secret Realm carefully inspected the corpses. Although it was found that they had all been poisoned by a poison that made it impossible to use magic power, they The source of this poison cannot be found.

However, this situation only happened to the monks, but the mortals in the city were not affected and continued to live as before.

Although these mortals cannot open up the sea of ​​suffering, mortals also have mortal ways of living, and mortals also have mortal pursuits.

During the month when Zhou Qing was in retreat sorting bamboo sticks, a group of people walked past his house. The leader was a white-haired old Confucian who had studied diligently for decades. In an oasis near Zhou's home, a In the mortal country, this old Confucian had done many things that caused a sensation in that country.

He knew that he would never become a monk in this life, but he did his own way of saving the world and the people in his own mortal way.

He met the emperor in person and even died to remonstrate with him. He was also given the Shangfang Sword, which he used to kill ten of the most sycophantic ministers.

At the age of eighty, he still refuses to succumb to fate and insists on doing something for the mortals in the world.

But he was still too old, and with the pressure inside and outside the court, he had to beg for bones. Now he left the oasis and returned to the city where he was born.

Even though Zhou Qing didn't care much about what was going on outside, he was still a little interested in the movement outside, so he walked out and took a look.

There were many mortals and monks standing on the roadside. There was no one in the air because the city lord asked not to fly in the city, and there was an empty road in the middle of the road.

I saw a large group of people following the old man, including dozens of horses, including not only the old man's family members and servants, but also some guards. Miraculously, Zhou Qing actually saw the monks among these guards.

It's hard to imagine that a mortal could let a monk serve as a guard.

Moreover, the monk's eyes were full of respect, which was even more difficult to imagine.

At this time, Zhou Qing heard some monks near him talking.

"This person is amazing. I heard that he is valued by an elder from the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm of the Zhou family, and he seems to have become a close friend with him."

"I've heard about this too. It's said that when the elder passed through that country once, he happened to see the old Confucian being robbed by a group of robbers, and he saved him."

"I don't know what happened after that, but the elder actually discussed the Tao with this old Confucian, not the Tao of cultivation, but the Tao of life."

"It is said that the elder sighed on the spot, 'I am not as far away as you are.' After that, the two became close friends. The elder once said, 'When your end is approaching, I will definitely go and see you off.'"

So Zhou Qing also understood the ins and outs of this matter.

This happened suddenly and went away quickly. Zhou Qing continued to bury himself in the bamboo sticks the next day. He must break the last shackles.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Qing had been in this city for half a year, but there was still no breakthrough. He frowned, wondering where he was missing.

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