Start from covering the sky and become invincible

Chapter 80 Sky Eye and Stone Gallbladder

Chapter 80 Sky Eye and Stone Gallbladder

The martial arts eye, as the name suggests, is a kind of eye suitable for fighting. It can see through the enemy's flaws in battle and then carry out targeted strikes.

It can directly see through the origin of all moves, and all secret techniques have no secrets in its eyes. It can see the truth and reality at a glance, and see through all illusions.

In the Luan Gu Emperor Sutra, it is recorded that there is a way to open the martial arts heavenly eyes through the nine most important ancient characters in the Luan Gu Emperor Sutra. The first step is to refine the nine ancient characters into the eyes.

Zhou Qing used his finger as a pen to slowly draw in the void. His fingertips seemed to be pressing against a huge mountain that towered into the sky. It was so heavy that a small space sank under it.

Nine ancient characters jumped out from his fingertips one after another. They were extremely mysterious and seemed to contain the rhythm of the great road of heaven and earth. They slowly floated in front of Zhou Qing, surrounded by wisps of chaotic mist.

Zhou Qing looked at these nine ancient characters with a calm expression and an empty heart, adjusting his state.

Speaking of which, although Wang Teng is the true successor of the Luan Gu Emperor, except for the guardian who is not on his side, he has all the other Luan Gu inheritances, even the golden chariot, the emperor sword and the emperor talisman. Such a thing is also in his hands.

And next, Wang Teng may also be able to cultivate the martial arts heavenly eye that he has not yet cultivated yet.

It is not an easy task to refine the word "Emperor" into the eyes. Even though Zhou Qing has a complete secret method and can be said to have explained the details of every step thoroughly, he still does not dare to be reckless.

The nine ancient characters are too profound. Zhou Qing has just obtained them and has never thought about them at all. Therefore, the most important thing he needs to do now is to understand these nine ancient characters.

Zhou Qing stared at these nine characters, constantly trying to figure out the complex changes in them. In the process, there were endless patterns evolving in his eyes, as if they were laws, evolving simultaneously with the nine ancient characters.

For three months, Zhou Qing sat quietly for three months, starting from scratch to understand the ancient avenue, and now he finally has a certain degree of confidence.

He did not hesitate, and followed that unique technique to form several seals, establishing a unique connection between one of the ancient characters and his eyes, rushing in and merging with one of the eyes.

In an instant, Zhou Qing's eyes seemed to have become the carrier of the great road, with endless lines intertwining in his eyes, manifesting the order and rules of heaven and earth.

Deep in his pupils, there was a chaotic air filling the air, evolving into various objects. The sun and moon shone, and the stars were suspended, as if they were about to turn into a universe.

After a while, after Zhou Qing adapted, he once again triggered an ancient character, established a connection, and merged with the other eye.

For things like the Heavenly Eye, even if it is the same kind of Heavenly Eye, some people have it between the eyebrows, and some people have it at both eyes. There will be some differences in the position, but it will not be strong or weak because of the difference in position.

To open the martial arts heavenly eye with the ancient secret method, whether you choose to open the heavenly eye between the eyebrows or both eyes, you only need to refine nine ancient characters. It does not mean that you need to refine eighteen ancient characters to become two eyes. .

Therefore, there is actually no difference whether the next ancient character should be refined into the left eye or the right eye, because the physical eyeball is just an appearance.

This kind of Heavenly Eye is essentially an inscription of the Great Dao, and the physical body manifests the shape of the Heavenly Eye, but the source of the Heavenly Eye is related to a person's soul, related to a person's Tao, or in other words, more essential to a person, Relevant to things that better represent the person.

So on the surface, Zhou Qing merged with the naked eye, but in fact, what he actually merged with was a more essential thing. It would not be because his head was blown off in a certain battle, and then he recovered and found that his eyes had turned into ordinary naked eyes. matter.

In fact, this is true not only for the Heavenly Eye, but also for the various secret realms of the human body, as well as a person's constitution. Although the external manifestation of these things is in the physical body, their real location should be somewhere Something of a higher level.

It is precisely because of this that a person will not be missing a pole in the secret realm of the four poles because his arm was cut off, and he will not be able to connect to a certain pole of heaven and earth, nor will he be beaten up because half of his body, part of the spine, and below the navel, The separation of the internal organs and other parts will cause this person to lack the wheel sea, several Taoist palaces and divine treasures, and several transformations of dragon transformation.

Including the physical constitution, it will not be because this person's physical body is completely destroyed by others, and then the physical body is condensed again and it becomes an ordinary constitution.

After the second ancient character was refined, Zhou Qing's eyes changed faster. Pieces of chaotic energy surged, condensing into various suns, moons and stars, forming star fields.

Next, Zhou Qing gradually refined the other seven ancient characters into his eyes. There was a kind of depth and power in his eyes, and there were patches of miniature star fields evolving deep in his pupils, all of which were composed of endless Dao patterns. The composition is a manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth.

Dao patterns represent the rules of heaven and earth. When a combination of Dao patterns is combined, various powers can be formed. The various abilities of the Martial Arts Sky Eye are composed of these endless Dao patterns.

At this time, Zhou Qing's eyes opened and closed, as if he could see through all things in the world, see their origins, and see their true "inside".

However, this state is very unstable, sometimes blurry and sometimes clear.

Half an hour later, his eyes returned to normal. Although he was still unable to see through the origin of things, his eyesight had greatly increased. His eyes emitted divine light, which was enough to see through thousands of miles. Normally, this was a big problem. To the extent that you can do it.

Now, Zhou Qingqing has completed the practice of the prototype of the martial arts heavenly eye. According to the records in the secret method, each subsequent small realm will refining the eyes with nine emperor characters. Without any external aid, once the breakthrough When you reach the Great Power, the Martial Arts Heavenly Eye will take shape immediately.

However, with the help of auxiliary spiritual objects, this process can be advanced much earlier.

With a flash of light, a purple stone gall with golden light appeared in Zhou Qing's hand.

This kind of stone gallstone is not really mature. Although it can help him speed up the progress of opening his heavenly eye, it cannot achieve it in one step.

However, for the remaining short period of progress, he can take some other spiritual objects from the clan's treasure house to make up for that period of progress.

Stone gallbladder, also known as fairy gallbladder, is said to be formed by the essence of true immortal gallbladder being sealed in earth and stone and accumulated. This view was widely recognized by people in the ancient times.

In this era, most people believe that these are rare treasures naturally bred by the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers.

After Zhou Qing tore open the stone gall skin, a fragrant aroma immediately emerged. This aroma alone is no worse than some medicine kings.

Zhou Qing raised his head, placed the stone gallbladder above his eyes, squeezed it gently, and purple-tinged gold juice slowly flowed into his eyes.

This juice is very magical, making people feel cool first and then tingling.

Zhou Qing's eyes shot out two rays of electricity, and he began to use the secret method to accelerate the formation of the Sky Eye. If you look carefully, you can see that the lines in the eyes are densely covered, condensing into pieces of the sun, moon and stars.

This process cannot be rushed. Zhou Qing needs a little bit of refining juice. When the stinging sensation in his eyes disappears, he can squeeze out some more juice.

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