Start the journey of science and technology from Naruto

Chapter 124 Cleaning up Otsutsuki Momoshiki

Otsutsuki Momoshi, who was about to speak, also saw the power radiating from the white light falling from the sky, which shocked him! !

Taoshi looked at the white light in the sky in confusion!

"What is that?" He suddenly asked the two of them.

Menma and Sasuke looked at him with sneers. Although they were bruised, they still stood up with strength.

"You want to know what that is? That's your nightmare!" Menma said with a smile on his face!

A trace of fear and hatred flashed deep in his eyes. The various experiments there could be said to be his lifelong nightmare.

Even the hatred for Konoha for more than ten years is not as big as that there!

And there is still a trace of fear!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand as if to attract all things from heaven! Menma was sucked straight away!

"Then I'll get the information from your head!"

Then he started reading his memory!

"Ah!!!" Menma felt a stabbing pain in his head, as if countless steel needles were pricking him!

"Menma!!" Sasuke shouted angrily while holding on to his body!

"Hehehe!!" Otsutsuki Momoshiki showed a ferocious smile!

【warn! The information database has been compromised...AI mode activated! ! 】A cold and emotionless voice suddenly sounded from Menma's mouth!

Then he raised his head and looked at him with blank eyes!

"What?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked in disbelief.

Menma gathered strength with his right hand and knocked Momoshiki away with one punch! !

【AI mode activated! Determine the target………】

Menma's eyes seemed to flash with data, and he was analyzing Otsutsuki Momoshiki!

[Target threat level is high! ! Activate the backup energy source and activate the nano armor! ! ! 】

Spatial fluctuations appeared around Menma's body, and armor gradually formed covering his whole body!

[Connecting to the brain smart chip...the connection is successful! ! 】

The armored eyes light up with red light!

Menma raised his right hand and began to gather strength in his palm!

An energy beam shot at Otsutsuki Momoshiki at an extremely fast speed! !

Otsutsuki Momoshi easily dodged the beam attack.

Menma rushed forward at great speed, and the second round began again!

Sasuke couldn't help but smile bitterly when he looked at Naruto. He originally thought that he and Naruto had escaped the restraints and control of the armor.

Now it seems that everything is still under their control, and he and Naruto have not escaped their control at all!

[The AI ​​intelligence of Experiment No. 1 has been activated! ! AI No. 2 starts to activate! ! 】A mechanical voice sounded in Sasuke's mind!

Sasuke smiled bitterly and gave up struggling while listening to the voice in his head, and then his eyes became empty!

An armor made of nanomaterials also appeared on his body!

[Anti-energy barrier is ready to be formed! ! 】

[Backup energy is starting! ! 】

Sasuke looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the sky and conducted data analysis! !

Because of the energy field shield, Menma can resist Otsutsuki Momoshiki's attack, and can also cause a certain amount of damage to him!

However, it is still gradually at a disadvantage. Although the AI ​​mode has high computing efficiency, its fighting methods have certain rules and are not as complex and changeable as intelligent life!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki was caught off guard by his speed defense and attacks for the first time, but after a moment of disadvantage, she quickly became familiar with his attacks and was able to deal with them gradually!

And his various secret skills are too weird. If he didn't have skills such as standing to resist gravitational repulsion, the armor would have been destroyed long ago.

[No. 1, attract him over! The anti-energy barrier is ready to open! ! 】

Menma's AI received Sasuke's communication, and soon No. 1 began to pretend to be defeated!

Otsutsuki Momoshi had no doubts and continued the onslaught! !

Just when they landed, four mechanical pillars suddenly bounced up from the ground, and Otsutsuki Momoshi and Menma Sasuke were surrounded in the middle! !

"Is that it?" Otsutsuki Momoshiki said disdainfully, mentally preparing to evacuate.

The four pillars began to flash with lightning and gradually glowed!

Soon the four pillars burst out with power and a barrier was formed, and the three of them were trapped inside! !

Sasuke and Menma both took out energy knives from the different space and looked at him quietly!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at the surrounding barriers, and his expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that they had such a weird skill, which could limit space skills!

What he didn't know was that the barrier was still slowly absorbing the surrounding energy, but he didn't notice it because his body had too much energy! !

Momoshiki waved his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand. This is Jinshiki's ability! !

Then look at their ability to directly affect their own blood! The surrounding magnetic field changes, and time seems to stand still!

This is exactly his skill Time Freeze!

It's just that it doesn't really stop time, it's just a special energy position. Everything within the position will be affected and eventually stop moving. To outsiders, it looks like time has stopped! !

After all, real time stop is extremely powerful and cannot be used so easily without any loss!

Time is supreme, space is king. The rules of time and space are not so easy to master!

The spatial abilities currently used are all formed by borrowing external forces and are not completely controlled! !

【Discover the special energy field! Activate the stance shield! ! 】

Sasuke and Menma's AI quickly analyzed the special power fluctuations and immediately initiated countermeasures!

So it’s not restricted!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill them with one blow, but when she saw that they were not affected, she was slightly shocked!

Sasuke and Menma rushed forward without any pause! !

Although Otsutsuki Momoshiki was shocked, she didn't think about anything else. She used a skill similar to Shinra Tensei on the two of them, and a repulsive force suddenly came from them!

The two quickly responded.

But Otsutsuki Momoshiki used gravity again, and Menma was directly attracted!

Then Momoshi threw a gravity ball into the sky, similar to the skill of exploding stars!

Take Menma's damage and hit him into the air with one blow!

The huge gravity made it impossible for Menma to break free for a while!

Momoshiki took the opportunity to attack Sasuke, hoping to take the opportunity to eliminate one of them first! !

After all, it is easier for Sasuke to deal with Menma who has spatial abilities!

"It's amazing!" In the space base, Tsunade and the others couldn't help but admired the wonderful battle, their eyes full of envy!

Their current strength has reached the Super Shadow level at most, and they can fight a few moves against those at the Six Paths level, but they are not their opponents at the Six Paths level! !

Of course, this is an auxiliary without adding armor. If armor is added, the Six Paths level will be considered a bird! !

For Tsunade and the others, although the armor is very powerful, they still like the abilities they control. Although they use external forces, they are somewhat unaccustomed to it! !

Lin Feng just laughed at this! ! Before he, a helpless person, could say anything, they started nagging him! !

Lin Feng watched Otsutsuki Momoshiki launch her ultimate move again and knocked Sasuke away again. He looked at the energy detection system next to him and showed a weird smile!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki knocked Sasuke away again, and the powerful attack collided with the barrier trembling slightly! !

[Armor loss is 30%! The left arm is missing, the right leg is missing! ! Space blockade cannot open different spaces to replenish energy losses! ! 】

[The target energy is reduced by 20%! ! It is recommended to start bioenergy! Bioenergy begins to be extracted! ! 】

A mechanical sound sounded! !

Even Sasuke, who was controlled by AI, let out a wail of pain. His body began to shrink, and all creatures in the body could be absorbed by the armor! !

Because of the armor's cover, the groaning sound was not heard. The nano-armor was restored to its integrity due to the replenishment of energy! !

"Haha! I want to see how many times you can recover!!!" Otsutsuki Momoshiki said angrily! !

Powerful energy began to gather in his hand, and then he swung it out violently!

【Cannot escape! The maximum power of the energy field! ! 】

The AI ​​controlling Sasuke instantly analyzed that the energy was too powerful and could not be avoided, so it could only activate the energy stance for defense!

The existence of the barrier not only limits Momoshiki, but also limits the abilities of the armored soldiers. They originally possess absolute power and extremely fast speed, but the limitations of their spatial location prevent him from unleashing his speed!

There was a huge explosion, and a charred armor fell to the ground. The damaged armor... exposed the rotten body inside!

Momoshiki Otsutsuki looked at the destroyed enemies and smiled, suddenly feeling something was wrong!

His energy has not been restored, and more than half of it has been lost. .

At this moment, a sharp blade pierced his body!

Menma appeared behind him, the armor covering his face, making it impossible to see his expression! !

Then Menma kicked him off the ground!

Aim at his position with both hands!

The hand began to change and formed a beam cannon! !

The energy condensed quickly, and a ray of light flashed!

There was a violent explosion on the ground! ! !

Menma floated in the air and looked at the ground quietly! !

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