Start the journey of science and technology from Naruto

Chapter 140 Self-destruction! ! Accept the signal and head to the target area!

A1001 waits until the data analysis is completed, and then prepares to let them pretend that they can't defeat it, and then directly self-destruct without leaving anything behind!

However, their offensive is getting lower and lower. Although their battles are calculated on a daily basis, they are facing robots with huge lethality, and they must stay alert at all times, and there is no way to hide!

The amount of energy and physical energy consumed is far beyond what can be compared with normal fighting!

Their strength is gradually weakening, but because the robots have completely analyzed their combat data and information and analyzed their every action, the battle now is like an adult beating a child!

They soon noticed something strange. Although their pressure was reduced, the uneasiness in their hearts became more intense!

A1001 is thinking about how to end this farce and completely eliminate them!

This may affect your own plan. According to analysis, it is possible for the entire pirate force to unite, although the chance is only 30%!

But for mechanical soldiers, as long as the probability is not 100, it is an ordinary probability! !

Then A1001 discovered that a fleet was heading here. He quickly analyzed it and finally determined the action plan!

I saw several teams of people with cold temperaments standing on a battleship, as cold as robots!

"The front is the target area, attack to get the target information!!"

One person said to everyone

They all replied with the same expression, and then they all used Shaver to fly up and rush towards the island!

Facing the attack of the mechanical soldiers, Garp obviously felt a bit at a disadvantage!

Seeing that Warring States and Zefa were also at a slight disadvantage, they knew they had to break the deadlock, otherwise they would all be defeated here! !

"Iron Fist!!" Garp gathered his strength and punched the robot away!

Then the right arm began to turn black, and the armed color of the whole body was condensed on the arm, and continued to condense toward the fist!

"Direct punch!!" Garp threw a punch without any momentum. The speed was not slow but it was extremely dangerous in the eyes of the robot! !

【warn! Danger Danger! ! 】

But in order to complete the task, the robot gave up its avoidance and faced it directly, weakening the protective shield!

The two fists met, creating a huge explosion, and the shock wave hit the entire island! ! ! The CP0 agent who just flew into the island was directly hit by the air wave and flew backwards! !

Garp also flew backwards, and Akainu, Aoki, Pheasant and Kizaru three people hurriedly caught Garp!

I saw that the aura on Garp's body became obviously weak! !

Half of the robot's arm was broken directly, and arcs of electricity kept flashing! !

【warn! warn! Seventy percent damage to the body! ! Cannot be recycled! The self-destruction system starts! ! ! 】

【ten! Nine………】

Hearing his voice, everyone was shocked. Warring States and Zefa, who were fighting, also retreated directly after repelling the robots!

The three of Kizaru and Garp also evacuated quickly!

Their nerves feel like a fatal crisis is tingling all the time!

The whole person couldn't help but retreat directly! !

The robots that fought against Sengoku did not suffer much physical damage, but they stayed with them for the mission. They also activated their self-destruction systems!

In just a few seconds, they escaped from the island, shouting not to enter!

The CP0 agents ignored them, but dozens of colonel and brigadier general level agents all rushed in!

Aoki pheasant condensed icebergs behind him to resist the crisis. Even if he condensed several icebergs, the sense of crisis was still not weakened much! !

[Three...two, one! ! 】

In the second second, CP0 agent appeared in their sight!

Suddenly all the agents felt a sense of fear and crisis. Before they could say anything about retreat, they saw the two robots lighting up with hot and bright lights!

The combat power that could match the level of a Yonko just disappeared in the light!

The shock wave of the explosion directly destroyed the entire island, and Warring States and others were directly blasted out by the air wave! !

Fortunately, I had the iceberg made by Qing Pheasant as a carrier, otherwise I would have been injured even if I didn't die!

After a long time, they came to observe and found that there was only a huge mushroom cloud in the sky, and there was nothing left, only the calm sea!

The entire island disappeared completely, and Warring States and others were speechless watching this scene!

As for the CP0 battleship, it has been destroyed long ago!

A1001 looked at the collected data and stored it directly in the database!

And we are preparing to make corresponding robots according to the strongest combat power of the pirates. As for the ones we made before, they are all used as engineering robots for mining resource collection and processing! ! !

The spacecraft quickly expanded after flying into space, forming the basic prototype of the space base. Then several warships flew to other planets to establish space passages to collect resources! !

As for what happens on land, A1001 doesn't care at all. The first goal now is development! !


What happened in the navy was not concealed. After all, the navy's high-level combat forces all came back in a mess. People from the Four Pirate Emperors, the World Government Revolutionary Army and other forces had more or less arranged spies in the navy!

This news shocked everyone! !

The three generals of Sengoku Garp and Zefa Navy are powerful enough to destroy a Yonko-level pirate group!

Now, the look of embarrassment on their faces shows that they are at a disadvantage. Everyone is shivering. They can't imagine what force can be so powerful! !

Suddenly the world became quiet, and all the spies in the navy took action to find the truth of the matter!

As for the navy, they were also extremely quiet. They even ignored the World Government's inquiries!


In the world of nothingness, a mechanical planet is flying aimlessly. Controlled by the system, it can be said that the base has been flying rapidly and in a straight line without any deviation.

A prototype artificial intelligence is processing engineering data again!

Suddenly an abnormal signal appeared in the signal collection device!

【Unknown signal discovered! ! Level 1 warning! ! ! Wake up Skynet intelligence! ! ! 】

Xingchen felt that he had had a perfect sleep, but suddenly there was a noisy sound in his ears!

【So annoying! What's the fuss about? ! 】

【Special signal found! Activate the Supreme Order upon receiving the signal according to regulations! ! 】The voice of AI rang!

Xingchen's spirit became shocked and he hurriedly looked it up!

And after frequency analysis, fluctuation comparison monitoring found that it was the signal emitted by the signal transmitting device! !

【Very good! Wake up the master immediately! ! Start the simulation to decipher the data source, and the base will turn immediately! ! Head to the target area! ! 】

The mechanical planet stopped quickly, began to change its direction, and then quickly headed towards a location! !

Lin Feng felt like he had been sleeping in the darkness for a long time, having countless dreams! !

After being awakened by the stars, it feels like I just slept!

With strong physical fitness, he quickly adapted to the situation of being asleep for many years and quickly returned to normal!

【Owner! Received the signal from the advance army! ! Now deciphering the data and heading towards the target area! ! 】

Xingchen quickly introduced!

After Lin Feng stood up, he felt like he was in a trance!

Hearing her words, I didn’t react for a moment!

Get up straight from the culture medium!

The nanobots quickly formed a thin armor coat!

Looking at the girls who were still sleeping, he patted his face to wake up the hysteria and said

"Very good, I'll go there now!"

Lin Feng came to the main cabin and asked, looking at the base that was still brand new.

"How long has it been since Stars?"

【Owner! It's now been an hour since the last sleep time. Calculated according to Blue Star's 24-hour period, the time is 652 years! ! 】

"So long?" Lin Feng murmured!

Then I looked at the received signals, and based on the analysis of several scientific and technological knowledge, I finally determined the target area! !

[The master calculated that it would take twelve years to reach the target area if flying at full power, but the energy consumption was too high, and the energy hiding mode could not be turned on! Energy-saving flight would take thirty-eight years! No trace will be revealed on the road! ! 】

Xingchen said quickly after calculation!

"How much energy and material storage is there?"

[Material storage consumes less than one-twentieth. If flying at full power, the energy consumption is one-twentieth and half! 】

"Fly with all your strength! It's all worth it! Arrange for the mechanical factory to be started, the scientific research room to be opened, and the energy materials to be opened. I will create a brand new mechanical army!!"

"Let's get this loss from this world!"

Lin Feng said with cold eyes!

【Obey! ! Owner! ! 】

The mechanical planet began to operate, and countless lights lit up! !

The planet streaked through a long tail flame and gradually accelerated towards the target area! !

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