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Chapter 775 The air here is not sweet at all!

Chapter 775 The air here is not sweet at all!

United States, Los Angeles International Airport!

As soon as it landed, it felt like an exotic scene.

Ye Xiaotian took a deep breath and shook his head.

Isn't that all right?

"Young Master Ye, are you?"

Seeing Ye Xiaotian's gesture, Karl asked a little puzzled.

"there is nothing.

Just before I saw a news saying that some people came here to study abroad, and it was said that the foreign air was sweet when they got off the plane and took a breath.

Now I have demonstrated it myself, and it doesn't feel very good. "

Ye Xiaotian said lightly.

"Young Master Ye, isn't this pure nonsense?
Before I joined Ye Shao's company, I have been here many times.

The environment here is terrible.

Homeless people are everywhere.

Racism abounds.

And it is legal to own a weapon.

Once the police suspect that someone is attacking, they can kill them directly. There is no democracy or freedom to speak of.

I dare not go out at night, no matter where I am in our country, I can feel safe all the time.

Moreover, it also controls high-tech patents, puts polluting industries in developing countries, and establishes itself as a white lotus image.

These misdeeds are too numerous to write down! "

Now is the time to make a statement, how could Karl let go of this opportunity, and immediately criticized it sternly.

Acting even more cynical than cynical youths, they completely regard themselves as Chinese.

"Okay, old Ka, I haven't spent this time in China in vain. I can even use such uncommon idioms as too many to read!"

Ye Xiaotian patted Karl on the shoulder in satisfaction, and praised with a smile.

"Young Master Ye, in fact, in order to better integrate into China, I have never given up on learning Chinese and hired a tutor.

If it weren't for the fact that it is so difficult to apply for a green card in China, and there are only a few hundred per year, I am afraid that I would be a qualified Chinese. "

Carl quickly explained with a smile.

"Okay, that's a good attitude.

When you get back to China, you, the fashion master Carl, can no longer be idle.

After returning to China, assist Jiang Jingting in handling the international affairs of Yip's Clothing Company, and her position will also be promoted. "

Ye Xiaotian nodded.

"Thank you, Young Master Ye!"

Karl immediately thanked him sincerely.

Don't look at Karl's prosperity abroad, look at the situation with a smile, he is a fashion master who is famous all over the world, but his real identity in Ye's clothing company in China is just an ordinary employee.

Therefore, every time Carl would not talk about his professional title outside, now that he has Ye Shao's approval, Carl will not be so embarrassed next time.

Although Ye Xiaotian came to Hollywood to visit Zhang Xinyan on a secret trip this time, Carl didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and directly acted as Ye Xiaotian's housekeeper temporarily, and prepared everything for Ye Xiaotian.

Moreover, being able to do something for Young Master Ye made Carl so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. I'm afraid many bosses in the Ye Group would envy him for having this opportunity to stay with Young Master Ye!

After Ye Xiaotian and Karl walked out of the airport, a special car arranged by Karl immediately took him to the top-tier suite that had already been booked!

Hollywood is worthy of being a world-renowned film center, not only the birthplace of global fashion, but also the center of the global film and music industry, with the world's top entertainment industry and luxury brands.

DreamWorks, Disney, 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Sony Corporation, Universal Pictures...etc. are located here!

Although Ye Xiaotian is sitting in the special car, it does not prevent Ye Xiaotian from feeling the vigorous atmosphere of Hollywood's film industry.

Chateau Marmont!
The overnight price may cost tens of thousands of dollars.

The best hotel room will naturally be prepared for Young Master Ye!

"Young Master Ye, please!"

Karl let Ye Xiaotian into the room and acted as a waiter.

The hotel waiters on the side were stunned at the moment!

World class fashion guru!
Hollywood regulars!

A character you must know as a waiter!

At this moment, he actually serves as a waiter for a man with an oriental face!
And the humbleness made their proud waiters feel ashamed!
Make them wonder if this is the arrogant and rude fashionista who usually comes to their hotel and hugs left and right without even looking at others?
But Karl didn't realize it, and even felt honored to be able to live in the same hotel with Ye Shao!
"Young Master Ye, I'm going to make a call now and find someone to look up Miss Zhang's itinerary."

After Karl let Ye Xiaotian into the room, he said immediately.

"Let your friend come directly to the hotel.

If the news is leaked temporarily, the original surprise will be gone. "

Ye Xiaotian shook his head and ordered.

"Yes, Young Master Ye!"

Carl nodded, and immediately went to contact.

Maybe it was because of Ye Xiaotian, Karl urged him anxiously, and not long after, the doorbell of the hotel room rang.

Carl immediately stepped forward to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, a tall, blond foreign woman threw herself on Karl.

"Carl, you haven't seen me for a long time!

I heard that you haven't touched women for a long time. Is it because you are old and useless? Let me check for you. "

As he spoke, the other party immediately wanted to act.

"Ava, what are you doing?
I came to you for business!

Don't mess around, hurry up and talk about business! "

If Carl hadn't minded before, he would have accepted all the orders, but now Young Master Ye is waiting here, how dare he mess around in front of Young Master Ye!

"Carl, why are you being prudish?

You be honest, do you like that woman from the East?

I advise you to die of this heart.

Since she came here, it is not that no Hollywood tycoon has taken a fancy to her and tried to get her, but they all failed. "

Ava sneered.

"Ava, shut up now!
You see clearly what is going on now!
Ye Shao is here, what nonsense are you talking about! "

Seeing that Ava's words became more and more outrageous, Karl even turned pale with fright at Ava's words, sweated on his back, and trembled all over!
First, he saluted Ye Xiaotian respectfully, and then saluted Ye Xiaotian according to Ava!

Ava saw that Carl had such a big emotional reaction, and his behavior was completely different from before. Carl brought him here before, but he started to move before he entered the hotel. After being yelled at by Carl, he immediately realized the problem.

There was actually a man with an oriental face in this room, and looking at Karl's demeanor, he was even more respectful to him!

Although Ye Xiaotian shook his head at what Carl and Ava did just now, he didn't expect Carl to be so daring to play at such an age.

However, I also got some useful information from Ava's words just now.

When Zhang Xinyan came to this colorful world of Hollywood, she was able to stick to her own bottom line, did not go along with others, and let herself be depraved, which made Ye Xiaotian's affection for Zhang Xinyan even more!
(End of this chapter)

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