Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: Slaughter Hunter (Below)

Chapter 109 Slaughter Hunters (Part 2)

Flea market, a large number of radiated animal carcasses piled up like mountains.

The senior workers walked among them and chose the final transformation.

Radiation beast corpses are not easy to rot, because when they are alive, they are exposed to high temperature, fission, and energy, which is enough for them to grow a pair of reinforced iron bones.

The senior engineer was thinking about the final transformation direction. After thinking about it, he cut the game page and clicked on the personal system column.

Personal system: 25% max (mechanical transformation) 22% (biological transformation)

Motion system 9% (mechanized transformation) 4% (biological transformation)

Nervous system 6% (mechanical modification) 7% (biological modification)

Endocrine system 1% (mechanized transformation) 1% (biological transformation)

Circulation system 5% (mechanized transformation) 4% (biological transformation)

Respiratory system 1% (mechanized transformation) 1% (biological transformation)

Digestive system 1% (mechanized transformation) 3% (biological transformation)

Urinary system 1% (mechanized transformation) 1% (biological transformation)

Reproductive system 1% (mechanized transformation) 1% (biological transformation)

Among them, the upper limit of transformation at level 10 is 25%, and the upper limit of transformation at level 20 is 50%. The higher the level, the higher the upper limit of transformation. At level 3 civilization, it is level 90. The transformation rate of the human body system can reach 100%.

Of course, the body structure of intelligent races on different planets is different. Some silicon-based life forms have no respiratory system, some Zerg life endocrine systems are too developed, and the upper limit can reach 200%. Some sulfur-based life forms live in red giant stars. In the ultra-high temperature environment, there is no reproductive system at all, and some gas-like life has only one circulatory system.

But in general, most carbon-based life is relatively normal, and there are only a few who go to extremes.

This also leads to the fact that the balance of system transformation is more important than the pursuit of extreme values.

This is also why within level 10, the upper limit of the transformation rate of a certain body system does not exceed double digits.

The answer is that if it exceeds two digits, other systems will not be able to carry it.

High-tech’s biological transformation has only 3% of the scope left.

At the beginning, he changed a reaper’s stomach and absorbed its digestive system, and the transformation rate was only +3%.

This is the value of local transformation in a certain system.

The endocrine system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, the transformation rate is all a measly 1%.

As it happens, this is all internal modification, not adding a biological prosthesis, changing a plug-in or something.

With the current biological state of Gao Gong, there is one more offensive weapon and one less offensive weapon, in fact, there is not much difference.

instead interferes with normal activities.

After all, the blade can be retracted into the body anyway, so other things are hard to say.

He first ruled out the reproductive system.

The painful experience of countless players shows that practicing the Sunflower Collection does not increase your strength much.

On the contrary, it will greatly affect the subsequent human transformation.

This is a more popular statement in the last life, and a more scientific statement is that the essence of life activities is the inheritance of genetic information.

Modifying the reproductive system at a low level may disturb the genetic information to a certain extent and reduce the success rate of the transformation.

“It’s better to wait until you practice the sunflower collection.”

The senior engineer thought about the problem from a different angle.

Under the current circumstances, what kind of transformation do you need, or what other shortcomings need to be made up for?

seriously thought about it.

seems to have no shortcomings.

The attributes of the five dimensions are far superior to the players of the same level, there is no shortage of explosions, no shortage of weapons, armor for physical defense, primary energy immunity for energy defense, a lot of skills at the spiritual level, giant blood-sucking, and partial deformation, even boss templates .

In this case, if you have to say it, it seems that you are not good at long-range attacks?

The senior engineer categorically rejected this idea. For the transformation below level 10, the long-range attack will only be equipped with a small pistol, which is not as powerful as his own ‘Longmen Flying Armor’.

And taking the guns and guns is the way of mechanical transformation.

If you are transforming a creature, if you want to install it yourself, it is also an energy weapon.

This is obviously not a level 10 transformation level.

As for the transformation at the cellular level, that is after level 20, and the equipment conditions for the powerful armor seem to be level 20.

Unless you change a kidney or something.

But that’s not necessary.

Senior workers are slowly turning around in the parts market.

【Zoology】Upgrade to lv5, the remarks are as follows.

Conduct basic research on mechanized organisms, radiation organisms, and mutants.

And 【Botany】is like this.

Plant variation, ecosystem, and preliminary exploration of low-level plant civilization

With the addition of these two knowledges, the effects of implantation of most organisms can be judged by senior engineers.

Walking to a mutated tree root, looking at the metal digesting rhizomes swimming like a snake, the senior engineer finally realized what he was missing.

What he lacks is the ability to protect the microvascular network of ‘activated nerve bundles’ and ‘shedding’.

His most powerful means is the super deformation of the fusion route, which is a great weapon for him to kill enemies by leaps and bounds.

But the transformation is cool for a while, and the attributes are lost after the transformation.

The biggest reason for this is that the ‘nerve bundle’ is completely fused with the limbs of other creatures, and the nerve system is torn apart when it is separated.

Also, these temporarily implanted biological senses will invade the body in reverse, causing a surge in rejection.

Solving these two problems can solve the trouble of deformation.

‘Super-shape transformation’ is a must-take route in his future planning.

is also the only way to fight super monsters.

Generally speaking, the upper limit of planetary civilization is level 30, but this is the cyber test ground. Level 60 planetary monsters, level 90 space monsters, and even ‘star-devouring’ level horrors may all be due to a high-level experiment. and was born.

In the not-too-distant future, the reason why the tide of cyberspace can be launched, and the collapse of the main brains of the three planets with the support of advanced mechanical civilization behind them, is because someone dropped a ‘memory worm’ in a cub state.

This very special interstellar information creature turns into a memory matrix after adulthood, and it targets the fifth-level civilization disaster in the universe.

In other words, after the ‘memory worm’ grows, even if it is just the main body, it will be a super-standard life form of level 150.

It will devour the data, information, and memory of one planet after another, nourishing and strengthening itself.

And the tide of cyber is the pheromone that it spreads throughout the planet.

All living things will turn into ant colonies it controls, and its body is the ‘information queen’ composed of countless pieces of information.

In the previous life, players had a big psychological misunderstanding, that is, the Cyber Proving Ground was a novice village, and most of the monsters were small bosses in the novice village, and there would be no big monsters.

But this is not the case. Many disaster-level monsters bred in the Cyber Proving Ground cannot be resisted by third-level and fourth-level civilizations.

The reason for    is very simple. The minimum threshold for advanced civilization is level 6. How can things that they experiment, fear, and even deliberately evolve be low-level things.

Everyone is an adult, who has nothing to play in the mud.

Many ‘novice village’ players are playing, and there will be no future.

The    numbers have been beaten, and there is no future.

Including the machine cracking star where the senior engineer is located, except for the hundreds of small partners who could finally grab the ‘Noah’s Ark’ ticket, the other players have not been ‘sold out’.

Of course, the reason why this ‘pin number’ is in quotation marks is because the senior engineers seriously doubt that, except for those ‘biological batteries’ who played to the later stage, these little friends in the early stage are likely to have died ahead of time.

And most of the ones that hang up are not just the numbers in the game.

Fortunately, the infancy of the ‘Memory Worm’ is very long, and he has enough time to destroy, interrupt, and even accelerate this process.

Closer to home, a creature with a strong microvascular network and the ability to ‘shed off’.

Two familiar faces suddenly appeared in the senior engineer’s mind.

Gecko, Earthworm

Zoom in a little more, geckos, invertebrates

plus the biological knowledge in your own mind.

Mimic reptiles – bionic geckos, radiation deformities – mutant earthworms, mutant reptiles – split snakes, mechanical reptiles – gear snakes.

Synthesize existing conditions, and known directions.

A familiar face suddenly appeared in Gao Gong’s mind.

“No way.”

“you sure?”

In the temporary biological laboratory, Professor Han looked at the large earthworm dragged by the senior engineer with twitching eyes.

Name: Desert Worm

Species: Mechanical Biochemical Beasts – Oligochaetes – Metal Vermi

Emission class: E-

Skill: Metal Devouring lv5 Metal Secreting lv6

Remarks: Metal-eating mechanical beasts are not uncommon, but blood vessels and sweat glands that can secrete metal are extremely rare

The crowd searched for it thousands of times, and when I looked back, the man, no, the worm was in the dim light.

It turns out that this big earthworm is his true love!

“Are you sure you want to implant its cells?” Professor Han repeated.

“Of course, it can secrete metals, indicating that it does not have strong mechanical rejection, and as an oligochaete with a very low degree of evolution, its biological rejection cannot be very high.”

“I have implanted a skin medicine made by its sweat glands, and I already have a part of it in my body, and the failure rate of the surgery is extremely low.”

“It has all the characteristics of earthworms, with strong survivability, regenerative organs, and the ability to regenerate amputated limbs. The thick muscle layer of the body wall wraps the neural network very well. The chain-like neural structure makes it not subject to the brain. A nerve-healing node that grows as it grows, and grows as it grows.”

“Its body wall is rich with nerve endings, very sensitive, which is also important.”

Professor Han listened silently.

In his opinion, it is very strange that Gaogong is a successful bio-transformer, and it is very strange to absorb the cells of such low-level creatures.

But when he thought of his performance in the first battle of the Magic Mountain, he seemed to understand.

‘Nerve bundles’ are very fragile, and even if the nerve bundles are activated, it is not much better.

This is also why the brain in the vat can only be the overlord of the virtual level. Once it reaches the real level, even a D-level mechanical beast can beat it.

Unless it’s lucky and happens to bump into a powerful Class A corpse.

In fact, most of the wild brains in a tank follow a similar route. They are born from a certain or a group of high-level corpses, and they are born with countless thugs.

‘However, if the ‘nerve bundles’ are protected in some way through modification, the situation may be very different. ’

Professor Han figured it out.

In the same way, high-level workers can do it, but the brain in a vat cannot. There is no other reason. Information creatures themselves are extreme forms of life, similar to dominoes, which can iterate on their own, but cannot transform themselves.

“However, the level of desert worms is too low. I’m afraid that it will be cleaned by your advanced cells as soon as it enters your body.”

“It’s simple,” the senior engineer waved his hand, “We use quantity over quality.”

Professor Han was also speechless. What was speechless was that this could really be done. In order to prove that they were not waste, the old hunters went crazy searching for desert worms.

These big bugs, it seems that there are hundreds of them left.

But what is the difference between this amount of ‘cell transplantation’ and taking a bath?

(end of this chapter)

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