Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: Gene Panther

Chapter 146 Gene Panther

As the transport plane slowly entered the cabin of the helicarrier, a butler-type robot greeted him with a smile.

“Welcome to the ship of heaven, desert paradise.”


Xiao Huang’s face turned pale, and a mouthful of bile spit on the other’s face.

The    butler-type robot didn’t change its expression, picked up the handkerchief on its chest and wiped it, it was just a more cordial greeting.

“Young Master Xiao, you are here again, what type of maid do you need, I will arrange it.”

However, Xiao Huang, who is a regular customer, is full of horror at the moment, clutching the senior worker’s sleeve tightly, shaking his head constantly: “No women, no women, let them all stay away from me!”

The butler looked at the senior engineer, his eyes lit up, and he said, “You are Mr. Gao, the famous beast tide resister, aren’t you, the lieutenant general specially asked me to receive you.”

The senior engineer nodded, looked at Xiao Huang, and said, “You’d better arrange for someone to check his body. I suspect that he is overstimulated.”

At the moment, Xiao Huang grabbed the senior engineer with a look of despair, and said: “It’s not my nonsense, that girl just blew up, there is definitely something wrong with the latest model of the virtual machine, you have to believe me, Gao brother. .”

“Then are you going to throw me away?”

Xiao Huang was entangled in pain. Although this virtual machine scared him and immediately became paralyzed, the shadow in his heart was the boss; but when he thought of the happiness it brought to him, and the archives of so many girls he managed to squeeze, Xiao Huang felt Some are reluctant.

“Don’t worry about it, let me show you, you know, I’m an absolute professional in this area.”

Xiao Huang looked grateful: “Brother Gao, you are such a good person, I will give you the virtual machine of the collector’s edition when I look back.”

“You just need to feel at ease and recuperate. This kind of disease is cured early, but if it’s too late, I’m afraid you can only change it.”

“Change again, I have changed the third one, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and send me to the treatment room!”

After Xiao Huang was carried away by the maglev stretcher, the senior engineer looked around, gravitational conduction, core cabin, cargo spaceship, self-circulation system, tsk tsk, everyone believed that it was a large space station.

is worthy of being the home of the security team.

“Your Excellency Frasso specially instructed to see you as soon as possible.”

Various blood Frasso, the founder of the security army, this is the news that I learned from Xiao Huang.

He had never heard of this person in his last life.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, the senior engineer walked into the gravity-free passage, and a familiar sense of weightlessness came. Under the action of the gravitational traction technology, the body slowly floated up and moved forward quickly.

The senior engineer noticed that a blue light flickered from time to time on the walls of the tunnel on both sides.

“Mr. Gao, weapons are not allowed on the Helicarrier. If you carry them with you, please hand them over in time.”

“Of course I didn’t bring it with me,” the senior engineer said calmly, “Why, you’ve already come to the helicarrier, do you still need to worry about life safety?”

“Of course not.” The butler smiled.

In a monitoring room, the senior engineer’s body data, height, weight, appearance, are being marked one by one.

At the same time, voices sounded.

‘Alloy titanium skeletal marker, under inspection, no retractable arms. ’

‘The human body has passed the magnetic field inspection, and there is no radioactive energy weapon. ’

‘In the brain test, the activity of the cerebral cortex was normal, and there was no trace of artificial manipulation. ’

‘The prosthetic eye was successfully hacked, and the virus entered the incubation period. ’

A projected video suddenly opened, and the playback angle was exactly the line of sight of the senior engineer.

After turning five times, the figure suddenly lifted up, and when the senior engineer recovered his sight, he appeared in an open-air garden, dimly lit, a polite gentleman, a girl in a dress, and a wandering One of the service robots.

A senior worker in a camouflage jacket looks out of place here.

This jacket is also the official uniform of the vigilantes.

“Please wait a moment, I will inform Your Excellency Frasso, I am afraid that Your Excellency Frasso has just fallen asleep at this time.”

“no problem.”

The senior engineer didn’t care about other people’s strange eyes, squinted his eyes, took a cigarette, and looked at the fountain in the center, not knowing what he was thinking.

“You finally came.”

A melodious voice sounded, the senior engineer turned his head and raised his brows slightly, she was actually a super beauty she had never seen before.

Wavy blonde hair, skin like suet white jade, and eyes like blue amber.

The other party was wearing a long purple halter dress, holding a fiery red drink in his hand, and smiled at him.

“Do I know you, this android lady?”

The senior worker looked at the other party. From the perspective of the material, the other party’s skin was the top material on the planet, and the body structure was also very healthy, at least it would not cause any internal structural problems due to the prominent figure.

The subtle expressions on   ’s face are also very well done. First, a standard smile, and then gradually stiffened with the aggressive eyes of the senior engineer. There was a flash of anger in his eyes, and his fingers holding the wine glass were slightly forced.

Appearance, movements, micro-expressions, and temperament, this level of bionics has almost reached the technological upper limit of the second-level civilization.

“There are signs of wear and tear on your tiger’s mouth,” the senior engineer suddenly said: “With your net worth, there should be no problem in changing to a prosthetic body with a damaged appearance. The only reason is that this is your dominant hand, and you like to use it to hold it. gun.”

“I don’t know you as a gun expert, but if you’re a good gunner you haven’t met, there really is one.”

“The captain of the symbiosis squad?”

The android beauty’s expression changed a lot and she said, “My name is Anna.”

It turns out that this guy is a woman and a android.


In Gao Gong’s impression, this man seems to have withdrawn from the hunting competition after the ‘Broken Arm Project’. This is a wise choice. In fact, if Gao Gong hadn’t turned the tide, 100% of the beast tide would have been unstoppable. living.

But in Anna’s eyes, the meaningful look in front of her looked like a kind of contempt.

Ana said with a cold face: “I just left the Motor City because of another mission.”

“I understand, so what’s the matter with you?”

We don’t know each other well, we haven’t said a word.

“I want the monopoly of the energy depletion agent.” The other party was really straight to the point.

The senior engineer laughed dryly, not bothering to say a word.

Ana stared at each other, and suddenly ‘pochi’ smiled, “Trust me, you will agree.”

After   , she drank the glass and turned to leave.

The senior worker stared at the back of the other party. To be precise, it was the two big white snakes tumbling in the other party’s red dress. These two thighs, from slender to beautiful and round, gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

At this moment, the butler trotted over and said, “Mr. Gao, please come with me, Your Excellency Frasso wants to see you.”

This helicarrier is really big, with the area of several hotels, with neon lights flashing, swimming pools, casinos, simulacrum centers, neurodrug experience rooms, entertainment clubs, everything, and there are waitresses in charge of hospitality everywhere. Bionic maids, native maids, and cyborg maids, the mechanical plug-ins on their bodies are not for fighting.

Some of these waitresses are in Gothic Lolita outfits, some with long dresses, some without dresses, and they come and go, making people dazzling.

The senior engineer criticized it with his eyes.

In the end, the senior engineer was led into a splendid hall. An elegant white-haired giant leopard was lying in front of a throne, grinning, and his head was raised to touch the roof.

A middle-aged man with blue skin and purple eyes sat on the throne, stroking the head of a leopard water tank with a lazy face.

Seeing that the senior engineer looked at the white leopard with a surprised look, Frasso smiled and said, “Gene ornamental beast, a very interesting little animal that someone gave me.”

“I have seen your Excellency,” Gao Gongxiao greeted him pretentiously, without bending his waist.

Frasso didn’t care, and said: “There will be a grand award ceremony tomorrow. In order to recognize the hero who fought against the beast tide, that is, you, I will award you a first-class mechanical medal.”

“Thank you, Your Excellency.”

Frasso changed his sitting position, his fingers full of rings turned slightly, and said: “Actually, you made me very embarrassed, not because you did a bad job, but because you did a good job. As soon as the energy depletion agent came out, give it directly to those Dirty beasts are cut off, they are really clean and ruthless, but in this way, the role of our vigilantes will be lost.”

“Your Excellency is modest. The protection of the animal tides and factories along the coast, where can there be a lack of security teams?”

Frasso smiled: “Even so, it is still unstable. I heard that you are going to open an oasis, and you must be lacking all kinds of equipment. You are our hero, and our security team will not forget you. ”

“Oh? What about the price?”

“We will help you sell the energy radiation agent. You must know that there is not only a beast tide here, but also this continent. This drug of yours can completely monopolize the global market. Don’t be so shallow, give up some benefits, we are completely Can make a big deal.”

The    senior engineer finally understood why that Anna was so confident. The source was here.

“How much can I share?”

“We help you solve raw materials, joint production, you can get 30% of the net profit.”

“That sounds like a lot.”

It sounds normal that the channel merchants take the majority, and they also help you solve the raw materials.

Frasso laughed and said nothing.

Gonggong said: “Let me think about it.”

“Okay, you just came here, let’s play here for a few days, there are a lot of good things you haven’t seen here.”

“Well, arrange for me a girl tour guide. I want a beautiful one.” The senior engineer stretched his waist: “I’m a little tired after flying on the plane for so long.”

“Let’s have a good rest first, and I’ll talk about it tomorrow,” the middle-aged man looked extraordinarily easy to talk.

The senior worker turned around and walked to the door. He thought of something, turned his head and said curiously: “By the way, what does your genetic leopard eat? Nutritional cream should not be eaten.”

“Of course, my Gilbert eats only the freshest human flesh.”

The    senior engineer squinted his eyes and said, “It’s not a bad problem to be picky eaters.”

There is one more chapter in the evening

(end of this chapter)

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