Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Three Eyes

Chapter 177 Three Eyes

Huang Wen stood on a sand dune with a gloomy expression, this dead face made many former team members murmur in their hearts, is it really a facial paralysis?

The former boss was cold, but he wasn’t so cold.

And replaced with a new ‘hunter module’, breaking the hunter limit, shouldn’t this be double the happiness.

Are you lost in love?

Huang Wen’s mood is indeed a bit like a lovelorn.

It’s like there is a Bai Fumei who wants to go both ways with him.

But he turned around like a showman, and actually swayed Bai Fumei.

This Bai Fumei is the will of the machine.

This “machine will” belongs to a type of large AI, and it is a hardware-oriented industrial AI. Among all large-scale AIs, it belongs to the powerful one.

However, the boss also admitted that it is risky to convert part of a living person into AI, and the huge data flow may destroy your personality at any time.

Even if you don’t break down immediately, if your will is not strong enough, with the continuous upgrading of various machines, sooner or later, your will will collapse, your thinking will disappear, and it will become pure ‘machine consciousness’.

But on the other hand, once you can bear the “crown weight”, the reward is very large.

You will become a ‘mechanical master’ as an ordinary person, just like the ruler of a mechanical city.

And with the expansion of the faction, your authority can even surpass the ‘Mechanical Master Brain’.

According to the boss, the ultimate goal is to become a ‘planet host’, that is, an existence with the same will of the mother city.

Ordinary mechanical hunters will only worship the terrifying combat power of bosses.

But only the experts know that a ‘technical solution’ that the boss took out, even in this mechanical age, is the most mature and advanced technology.

This is equivalent to a technical expert who spans more than a dozen majors. Just like the research he has devoted himself to ten years, there are almost no technical problems.

This is the most terrifying.

The ‘external neural connection device’ developed by himself has even solved the problem of the imperial mecha.

If this is the age of civilization, this is definitely a strong contender for the highest science prize.

Therefore, Huang Wen has no doubts about the promise of the boss to become the ‘mastermind of the planet’.

The only question    is whether he has the will to withstand the onslaught of data flow all the time.

He hesitated.

As a mechanic, his greatest ambition is to build his own mechanical kingdom.

If he didn’t have this ambition, he wouldn’t be a mechanical hunter. Wouldn’t it be fun to work part-time?

But after being ‘paralyzed’ for half a year and all his organs failed, he suddenly became frightened.

He is afraid of another failure. At that time, let alone paralysis, I am afraid that even his own personality will be directly shattered.

By then, he’d become a complete biological computer.

So he thought about it for three days and three nights and chose to refuse.

Then he regretted it.

I once had a sincere love in front of me. I didn’t cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God can give me a chance to come again…

I might still refuse.

Huang Wen, who was surprised to realize that he had a ‘weak trait’, now everyone thinks that he is mocking him, and his face is stinking and smoking.

In the end, it was one of his former subordinates who said cautiously: “Captain, it seems that a drone has returned.”

Huang Wen looked up and saw that above the sky, more than a dozen small black dots came back.

With the thought of   , the drone flew down and deformed in mid-air, turning into a metal tube as thick as an index finger, which was inserted into the skin, and the upper and lower sections were merged. In the end, it was only the size of a bone joint, which was completely inserted into the skin.

At the same time, countless pictures taken by drones came into my eyes.

Although he can link with every drone, monitor remotely.

But there is still a difference between being through the camera and being on the battlefield.

The latter produces something called ‘Battlefield Intuition’.

His ‘battlefield intuition’ is a bit special, but the effect is the same.

After all, he is now in a state of ‘human-machine one’.

There are a hundred drones on him like this palm-sized drone.

‘Manipulator Module’ is the only conductor template among all templates.

is also the only one that depends not only on the accumulation of military exploits, but also on the degree of loyalty.

should be because its role is not only at the combat level, but also at the tactical level.

He should be the only ‘manipulation hunter’ for quite some time.

However, he also wanted to try the ‘Machine Will’ at the strategic level.

After a while of self-pity, Huang Wen began to order.

Soon, the mechanical hunters scattered all over the place were driven up and wrapped around the flames like a big net.

Huang Wen knows what the boss means, and the battlefield is where the mechanical hunters grow the fastest.

Now that the metropolitan areas are disappearing one by one, it is hard to find a suitable battlefield.

And this Flame Pass seems to be suitable for their No. 3 base, but it can’t be smashed.

He wants to be on the periphery, killing the living forces of the ‘Flaming Motorcycle Party’ as much as possible.

A level of a motorcycle party.

As the drone sneaked in, little green dots were marked on the mechanical hunter’s tactical glasses.

The tactical glasses are an upgraded version of the battlefield recorder. In addition to the communication function and the recording function, the positioning function is also added.

Although    is only an inconspicuous little function, with the cooperation of special tactics, the increase in combat power is very large.

The Creepers sat aside and did not interfere with the formation of these newcomers.

Trial and error on the battlefield is very important.

After all, the old guys came here too.

What he is responsible for is to wipe the **** of these newcomers.

Looking at the new-faced Captain Hunter, he suddenly asked curiously.

“I heard that you are the blind man’s apprentice, your name is Three Eyes?”

The three eyes are not big, he looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, and his face is tender. Seeing the wriggling person ask, he smiled shyly, his eyes opened slightly, revealing dense pupils.

“Tsk, needless to say, even with this eyeball, some people believe that the blind man is your father.”

The threshold of the biological hunter is higher than that of the mechanical hunter, but the starting level is also higher. The ordinary biological warrior can reach level 10, and the biological hunter can reach level 15.

This is also the reason why Sanyan can become the captain at such a young age.

In this ten-man hunter team, half of them are snipers.

The    sniper quickly found a position, and the other five also formed a team of two or three, and sneaked in.

The creeper looked on with cold eyes and found that in addition to the three eyes, there were two snipers equipped with tactical prosthetic eyes, and the other two had one modified the nervous system, one modified the endocrine system, one improved perception, and one decreased hormone secretion, all of which are suitable for Sniper’s makeover.

The five people communicated with each other through tactical glasses, and they were two and two.

Soon, the six flame boys died silently.

Tsk tsk, today’s young people, so quickly understand that group fights are better than singles.

Soon, the gunshots inside also rang out.

(end of this chapter)

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