Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Panther Knight

Chapter 184 Panther Knight

‘In other words, this flame is about the ‘clone hall’, some agreements with big corporations, and the lifting platform of large anti-gravity technology. ’

After translating the words of the two-headed high priest into human language, the senior engineer came to a conclusion that the technology in this research institute should be related to ‘alien immigration’.

“Then, why did the General Quill you mentioned fall out with ‘God’?”

The two-headed priest hesitated for a moment and said, “It is said that it is related to the Son of God.”

“Son of God?”

“All flame boys are the sons of God, but only the flame boy who can inherit the talent of ‘God’ can be favored by ‘God’.”

“However, the bloodline of the ‘God’ seems to contain a curse, and every child of the **** has a strong flaw. The gods have tried many ways to no avail. In the end, the outer gods gave the gods an idea to let those ‘children of gods’ Mother-eater, this will make up for their curse.”

“General Quill opposed this idea and ran away with the concubines of the gods, only to be imprisoned by the gods.”

“Where did those concubines come from?” Huang Wen asked.

“A large part of the concubines of the gods are the spoils of the gods, and some are tributes from other forces. They are all perfect fertility tools. The gods and their crystals will be sent to the fertility hall, and flame boys will be born continuously.”

Senior Engineer and Huang Wen looked at each other, that is to say, those flame boys were actually the genetic clones of the Son of God.

“What about those foreign gods?”

“I don’t know about this. When God met them, he always sent us away first.”

“What’s the reputation of that General Quill?”

“Before the accident, General Quill was recognized as God’s right-hand man and had a high prestige.”

After confirming that the other party was not lying with the ‘Eye of Truth’, the senior engineer asked him to be taken back.

The senior worker frowned in thought.

Huang Wen thought for a while and said, “Are you sending someone to contact the inner responder, assassinate the ‘God’, and then support that General Quill to come to power?”

“I don’t think it’s that simple,” the senior engineer sighed. “If that ‘god’ is really just a native lunatic, how could he manipulate those clone machines.”

“Boss, you mean—”

“Either the other party is pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, just like Professor Han, or the other party’s partners, those ‘foreign gods’ are helping him.”

“I’ll go there myself.”

The senior engineer paused and said, “By the way, Valkyrie, didn’t I give her a death order to let her listen to you.”

Huang Wen smiled helplessly, and said, “I have to be able to speak. She wrapped my mouth with tape while I was sleeping at night, and then disappeared the next day.”

The corner of the senior worker’s mouth twitched, this is really an unimagined path.

“You didn’t send someone to look for her?”

“Sent, found.”

“Where are the people?”

Huang Wen pointed to the mechanical dam in the dark, “There.”

Inside the flame pass, people are panicking.

Although the flame motorcycle party’s main force is the ‘God’ lineage, after so many years of expansion, it has also annexed many small hills. In the past, the motorcycle party was big, and these hilltops did not dare to disagree, but today’s battle, the flame boy’s main force Most of the casualties, and even the ‘God’ returned with serious injuries, the idea came out all of a sudden.

“I heard that the newly rising force is at the helm of a mechanical hunter.”

Many people looked at a big man with an inch head, that is, the newly named ‘Hercules’. This ‘Hercules’ has another identity, that is, before being annexed, he was the leader of the mechanical hunters near the Flame Pass.

‘Hercules’ cursed in his heart, do you really think that the world’s mechanical hunters are one family? You want to test that monster, don’t push me up.

‘Hercules’ said righteously: “Now that God has been severely damaged, we should protect the kingdom of God and avoid the enemy’s invasion, and we must not think wildly.”

‘Hercules’ immediately turned his words and said, “God of commerce and trade, you have many eyes and ears, what do you think about this matter?”

‘God of Commerce and Trade’ is a big fat man in a suit. Seeing the other party turn his gun, his expression froze.

Lao Tzu is only doing business on the top of the ‘Flaming Motorcycle Party’, don’t call me for things like fighting and killing!

“Well, I think, we should wait a little longer, maybe ‘God’ will be resurrected on the spot.”

As soon as these words came out, the other ‘gods’ fell silent.

With a pig-like style of play like ‘God’, it is not once or twice that he has been hit hard, but the most amazing thing is that every time, ‘God’ will be resurrected in place.

But it was the first time that he was beaten so badly.

A group of gods discussed coming and going, and finally broke up.

Among them, the ‘God of War’ returned to his own shrine with an irritated face, stood at the gate and looked at the palace of the sky, with a look of resentment in his eyes.

As the defeated side of the “God War”, although he saved his life, his son died in the battle, his wife was taken away by the “God”, and he even gave birth to two sons.

The hatred of taking away the wife and the hatred of the son is about to kill the hatred of the father, and life is complete.

So the God of War hates ‘God’ especially, but today’s scene made him feel a little chill in his heart.

Even if the Flame Motorcycle Party is defeated, the myth of “God” is still deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone.

Can’t wait for the day of revenge?

At this moment, a maid of God hurried over, without speaking, handed a note directly.

God of War took it, opened it, and his expression changed.

The third beauty **** stood at the door of the prison, wearing a crown, wearing a tulle, she was incomparably beautiful under the moonlight.

Her red lips parted lightly: “Open the door.”

The    guard hesitated, but finally opened the door.

Every beauty **** is the most favored concubine of “God”. Although the first two beauty gods died for various reasons, this does not affect the favor of “God”.

They dare not offend the other party until they fall out of favor.

The **** of beauty walked to the deepest cage, and in the cage sat a blood-stained General Quill. General Quill had a shaved head, and his appearance had a unique charm. The left hand and right foot were replaced by prosthetics, but this showed The opponent’s heroism.

“God was defeated, the army was defeated by the legendary hunter’s men, and the **** returned with serious injuries. Most importantly, the legendary hunter didn’t even shoot himself.”

“So you want to betray ‘God’?” General Quill sneered.

Meishen took a deep breath, “General, didn’t you take us away to prevent us from being eaten by those monsters, why are you unwilling to help us now?”

General Quill was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said coldly: “You are not a beauty god, who are you?”

‘Beauty God’ smiled charmingly, and the next moment, countless bone spurs protruded from under the skin, piercing this beauty’s skin, revealing a slightly delicate face.

“My name is Bai Gu, I’m that one’s subordinate, General Quill, isn’t it good to join us?”

“Without ten times the strength, you won’t be able to enter the Flame Pass!”

“You don’t need ten times the force, just one person is enough.”

Quier frowned and looked at each other, Bai Gu smiled and pointed to the sky: “Our boss is here in person.”

Above the flame gate, ‘Gilbert’ rose into the air, and flew over the wall in three or two strokes, and the huge figure slammed heavily on the ground.

Above the    giant leopard, a steel knight looked down on all beings.

(end of this chapter)

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