Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Hunting Neck

Chapter 19 Hunting Head

He has been a human being in two lifetimes, oh no, he didn’t behave very much in the last life.

Reincarnated as a human being, it was the first time that Gao Gong had fought this kind of cruel hand-to-hand combat.

The right eye of the senior engineer has completely turned red, which is the infrared mode. In this mode, the two groups of humanoid heat sources are moving at high speed.

The knife light waved, and it was fiercely placed on the opponent’s scythe. He stepped forward with his left foot, and turned his wrist flexibly. The red unicorn slashed the other reaper’s chest in the sparks generated by the friction. Above the armor, the opponent is forced to retreat three steps.

[You deal 76 damage to D-rank Reaper]

was alert, his eyes flashed from the corner of his eye, a black shadow pierced from under his ribs, Gao Gong twisted his body fiercely, and narrowly avoided the key point.

[You take 19 damage and enter a bleeding state]

And the high-speed microcomputer finger tiger on the left hand of the senior engineer directly turned on the chainsaw mode, and the four high-speed rotating circular chainsaws were fiercely printed on the opponent’s visor.

The opponent’s cheeks were visibly sunken, and the blood and the thick pulp that burst from the eyeballs were stirred together.

‘Ow~~’ The other party let out a shrill scream, and the mouthparts behind the iron armor opened, revealing four sharp teeth up and down.

[You deal 123 damage to the D-level reaper and cause blindness]

The fishy wind was blowing in the back, and the senior engineer didn’t have time to dodge, his right hand flexibly turned, and the thick long sword of nearly two meters was blocked on his back with a ‘Su Qin’s back sword’.

However, the opponent’s downward slash also changed. Before the thick biological sickle was about to slash, it suddenly divided into nine sections, turned from the knife to the whip, and slapped the senior worker fiercely on the back.

The senior engineer could even feel the metal clashing sound from the collision between his titanium alloy skeleton and the opponent’s biological whip.

[You take 39 points of damage and enter a bleeding state]

If he were a normal person, he would be half disabled if he didn’t die with this whip, but the senior engineer was half a robot, and the severe pain even made his consciousness extraordinarily clear. Set of biochemical muscles.

Reinforced iron bones, with steel bars, iron bones can exert more powerful power.

The senior engineer did not retreat but advanced, enduring the pain, the electron beam spread from the palm to the five fingertips, the right wrist turned again, and the huge blade turned flexibly again.

Holding the knife in one hand, the other hand viciously grabbed the neck of the reaper in front of him. In the rubbing sound of ‘Zira’, the serrated knife tip pierced through the abdomen and stabbed out from the opponent’s back. It seemed to hit something in the process. , that’s the other side’s vertebrae.

Insert the knife with one hand, draw the knife with both hands, and cut open the opponent’s belly while drawing the knife.

After a while, green pus, weird organs, and undigested human flesh spewed out.

[You deal 235 damage to D-level reapers]

[You have killed the growth reaper, EXP +480]

The reaper behind    saw the fierce opponent and the compatriot who was almost folded in half, the sickle paused subconsciously, and for the first time an emotion called ‘fear’ appeared in his mind.

Senior Engineers pounced again.

The knife light and the sickle collided with each other, and the speed was too fast for the naked eye.

If there is one of the blueprints that the senior engineer has produced before, which is the most useful, it is not the fierce microcomputer finger tiger, nor the explosive mechanical scabbard, but the most inconspicuous sensory nerve flow booster.

This small palm nerve modification brings more changes to the melee combat ability of the high-tech, and the hand and the knife are integrated to some extent.

This is where the prosthesis is stronger than the weapon, it is not a tool, but a part of the person.

After fighting for more than ten times, the infrared vision finally locked the opponent’s energy source, but the arm was stabbed with a knife. a central part.

That is the source of energy for the reapers.

[You deal ‘one-hit kill’ to the target]

[You have killed the growth reaper, EXP +480]

Although it was one enemy four, it was quite dangerous, but the fighting time was not long, only ten seconds from beginning to end.

The consequence of    was one injury and four deaths, the senior worker lost one-third of his blood, and the four D-level reapers were separated.

This kind of record, even among the strongest group of mechanical hunters, is a remarkable achievement.

However, the battle was not over yet. The senior engineer put his sword in the sheath, picked up his sniper rifle and hid in the bushes. After a while, white mists rose from various places.

The rest of the reapers did not dare to act separately, and the two of them began to cautiously probe into the fog.

Soon, they got what they wanted, which was a booby trap connected by wire, and three grenades linked together.

‘Boom! ! ’

Thirteen reapers, six of them were killed at once by the high-level workers, and two were injured. The remaining reapers had no strength to hunt him down.

This made the leading reaper leader even more furious. Compared with the reaper in the developmental stage, which was still a humanoid, it was completely beyond the scope of the humanoid.

Its height is nearly three meters, its heavy back is arched high, and the sickle in its hands is not a pair, but two pairs, and on its back, three pairs of oversized cicada wings vibrate the air, which shows that they can Fly, at least for a short period of time can glide at high altitude.

And its attributes are more than double those of the reaper in the growth stage.

Name: Reaper Leader

Radiation class: C

HP: 3240/3500

Stamina: 1000/1100

Bioenergy: 11580

Creature Attributes: Strength 55 Agility 46 Stamina 38 Intelligence 8 Perception 27

Skills: Steel Slash lv9 Cross Slay lv9 (Advanced) Electromagnetic Whip lv8 (Elite)? ? ,? ?

Boss Template: Taming Aura, ? ?

Effect 1: Has the power to drive and manipulate similar mechanical biochemical beasts

Effect 2: It has a shocking effect on aliens, perception -5, additional fear state

This reaper leader is stronger than the one the original owner has dealt with. It has a boss template!

And there are two reapers with boss templates!

If nothing else, as long as a reaper leader ends, the people of the Cable Tribe will never live.

And the reason why they are still alive, even after the senior engineers attracted some firepower, the defense line became more stable, the reason is the mysterious Professor Han.

Whenever the male and female were about to kill, they would change their direction inexplicably.

And the reaper leader also felt very strange, obviously the prey was in front of him, why when it killed them, they always disappeared suddenly.

That old prey has a problem with his eyes!

The intelligence of the   C-level monster was not much worse than that of ordinary people, and when the pheromone of its children disappeared one by one, it finally became furious.

And as it exploded, countless light spots scattered under its three pairs of cicada wings, and each light spot fell, it would turn into a hot wind wave, and a strong radiation storm began to brew around it.


Professor Han’s ears, mouth, and nose suddenly leaked blood. The old man’s already pale face became even paler, and his body was shaky.

The face of the animal skin girl changed greatly. If the professor is gone, all of them will die here.

“Calm, calm,” Professor Han’s voice still carried a reassuring aura.

“This may be an opportunity.”

“what chance?”

“This is because the other party you are controlling is getting too big. Nice job!”

On the other high ground, the senior worker grinned and blinked his right eyelid twice, turning into a sniper mode.

The gunshots sounded one after another, and the leader of the big reaper was a target for him.

[You deal 23 damage to the reaper leader]

[You deal 15 damage to the reaper leader]

[You deal 35 damage to the reaper leader]

[You deal 27 damage to the reaper leader]

The attack power of the sniper rifle Maoya is 78 points, and there is also a kinetic energy damage blessing. However, when the bullet of the sniper rifle falls on the opponent, it is weakened to only one-half or one-third.

But that’s the case, in less than half a minute, Gao Gong poured more than 60 bullets, knocking out nearly half of the opponent’s blood.

And the big move of the reaper leader also had a strong effect. For example, many people from the cable tribe, like Huang Yuanli before, rolled their eyes, foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, without the metal sparrows and a few others they controlled The small mechanical biochemical beasts also began to flee under the pressure of the leader level.

‘It would be nice to be ruthless at this time. ’

The    senior engineer also began to get anxious. At this time, if there was a beast hunter customized by himself, he would directly send it into his soul.

It’s really not good, RPG is also good.

The senior worker’s eyes fell on the other female beast. Although this female beast was still flying like a headless fly, it was flying faster and faster, and it was getting closer and closer to the direction of the cable tribe.

This means that the opponent has begun to break free from the control of that Professor Han.

Professor Han couldn’t control the other party, so he could only run away.

The C-level reapers of the two boss templates are not impossible to beat, but they are really hard to beat.

Senior workers are not someone who lacks determination, either withdraw or kill one now!

Almost immediately, he made up his mind.

The tiny motors of the two knee joints roared again.

The senior engineer rushed into the radiation storm at full speed.

[You are blown by the radiant wind, all attributes -20%, duration: three days]

[You enter ‘skin damage’ state]

[You enter a ‘minor lesion’ state]

[You go into ‘stomach cramps’]

Gao Gong slammed the steel rope claw, caught a branch of a big tree, and climbed up in three or two.

Deformity has the advantage of being deformed, that is, the thick branches are almost connected to form a platform.

Gonggong firmly grasped the handle of the knife, the veins on his five fingers were exposed, and even traces of electric current appeared in his palm, as well as a faint smell of protein paste.

The sensory nerve flow promoter also entered the load state.

Not to mention the electromagnetic exciter, the entire mechanical scabbard is trembling wildly. If it weren’t for the strength of the senior engineer, it would be 16 points, which is equivalent to the grip strength of three adult men. The scabbard has to be sprayed before the knife is pulled out. out.

Finally, with the help of jumping between trees, Gao Gong finally came to the back of the reaper leader, which was nearly three stories high in the sky.

His left eye had been blown open by the wind, and his right eye was staring at the source of radiation in the air.

Gao Gong’s thigh muscles were tensed to the extreme. While jumping, he suddenly let go of the scabbard, and a strong momentum burst out along the blade, carrying his body across three meters.

The bright red knife light once again broke through the sound barrier and slashed on the opponent’s thigh-thick neck, and the red line formed a line along the knife light.

The next moment, the blood waterfall spewed out.

[You deal 1549 damage to the reaper leader]

(end of this chapter)

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