Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Machine Will (Part 2)

Chapter 195 Machine Will (Part 2)

Human perception is determined by biological signals. Internally, biological signals are expressed as ECG, EEG, EMG, body temperature, and blood pressure. Externally, biological signals are touch, breathing, and emotions.

For the first time, Du Zhaodi felt that she had transcended the scope of human beings and entered a wider world.

The world is made up of electrical signals, industrial data, and mechanical units that seem to be calling her to become one with herself.

This huge torrent of data drowned her in an instant.

However, Du Zhaodi was extraordinarily sober, and even happily swam in it, which reminded her of the feeling of swimming by the river when she was a child.

Mechanical Template: Daughter of Machines

Effect 1: You have an extraordinary perception of machines, and the success rate of mining loopholes in mechanical systems is +15%

Effect 2: You can get the love of AI, mechanical life, intelligent machinery, charm +100

Effect 3: In the mechanical world, your identity is easier to be recognized, and it is easier to receive hidden tasks

The senior engineer looked at the big data on the screen and found that the refresh rate of the big data was at least 30% faster, that is to say, in just a short time, the production efficiency of the three bases increased by 30%.

This is another template in action.

Mechanical Template: The Heart of Creation

Effect 1: You have a strong passion for machine manufacturing, production efficiency +30%, energy consumption -20%

Effect 2: Your success rate of making rare items +15%

Effect 3: Machine sublimation, you can always grasp the fleeting inspiration, improve the performance of mechanical creations with a high probability, and raise the mechanical creations to a level with a small probability

“As expected of a woman with three templates, she must block the data shock.”

There are two reasons why    large AI is rarer than normal AI.

One is that large-scale AI belongs to the top layer of the AI food chain. Only a perfect mechanical system can be born, which is very rare in itself.

Second, the intelligence of artificial intelligence is not hard to come by. The key is intelligence. The bigger the ocean of data, the more difficult it is to control it.

This is also why in the universe, most artificial intelligences take the route of first bionicing the main race, and then surpassing the main race.

First become intelligent life, and then become large intelligent life.

The siren at the core of the spaceship suddenly sounded.

‘Invaded by unknown data, hacked by unknown data’

In the unmanned factory of Base 1, the same alarm sounded.

Several security officers hurriedly opened the office door and found Zhao Tong.

“General Manager Zhao, I don’t know why, the power consumption of the power conversion center has suddenly doubled.”

“Also, many closed production lines are automatically turned on, and they can’t be turned off no matter what.”

“General Manager, do you want to pull the switch?”

Zhao Tong was very calm and said: “Don’t worry, this is a new technology experiment at the headquarters, it will be fine in a while.”

Several security guards left in disbelief.

Zhao Tong did not explain any new technology.

In fact, he didn’t know what technology it was.

At Base 2, one after another new mecha began to move without a driver, and even installed lower limbs and inserted data processing modules on their own.

The overall look is very scary.

In Flame Pass, the former ‘Immigration Research Institute’, huge ventilation pipes cracked from the surface, and ancient robots came out.

“Miss Xiaoju, what’s the situation?”

Xiaoju looked at these ancient robots with her mouth open. She had lived here for almost a month, and this was the first time she knew that there was an army hidden under the Flame Pass.

Ancient robots are not so much ‘humans’ as they are fighting machines. Some of them have no heads, and some are like tanks with legs.

They are humanoid, animal-shaped, and some have no shape at all. The only thing in common is that they are all rusty and look very old.

“There is a surprise!”

The senior engineer looked at the sudden increase of the ‘Ancient Robot Army (10,000)’ on the faction panel, not knowing what to say.

Although every Imperial Research Institute has the most cutting-edge technology at that time, it is not uncommon to have a strong defensive force.

But these ancient robots have not been discovered until now, which is really a miracle.

If the flame motorcycle party had such a large army, it would be really difficult to fight.

After all, everything in the empire can be said to be backward by today’s standards, but the firepower, even now, is a ferocious one.

These droids converge on a tide and move towards the center of the ship, with all manner of dangerous weapons in their hands.

Xiaoju’s complexion changed, and as soon as he pulled the steering lever, he was about to block their way.

However, the unexpected happened, the steering stick could not be pulled.

The mech behind    bypassed her and walked towards the center of the spaceship.

“Miss Xiaoju, Miss Xiaoju! My mecha won’t obey me, what should I do!?”

Xiaoju just wanted to speak, when her figure swayed violently, her seat belt hurt her chest, and her mecha didn’t obey her orders!

And wearing a neural connection helmet, she actually felt an ‘urgent’ emotion from the mecha.

is like going on a pilgrimage!

If we talk about the large-scale AI on the virtual side, it is a standard one-person-one-world.

Then the large-scale AI on the industrial side is the hardware.

Each part of the hardware plate has become a part of the huge mechanical system, and has its own ‘soul”, and the core of the soul is in the temple of the sky.

The senior engineer looked up at the sky, and the ‘Planet Environment Simulation’ was automatically opened, and what appeared in front of him was the picture in his memory.

A world of gray and dark tones, black smoke of nuclear waste spit in the chimney, huge mechanical buildings, criss-crossing mechanical conveyor crawlers, and automatic robots that are always working.

“What a disgusting environment.”

The senior engineer now finally understands why the original master ran away. The working environment is worse than the construction site.

But Director Du seems to like it very much.

On the production line of the   prosthetic body factory, arms and thighs are spit out from the production workshop and assembled under the action of the operating arm.

As different body parts are put together, the robot gradually takes shape.

The more senior engineers look, the more familiar they are, I rub it, isn’t this me.

Tens of thousands of ‘high-level workers’ raised their heads at the same time and looked at them.

At the same time, outside the Palace of the Sky, tens of thousands of ancient robots, including mechas, knelt down at the same time.

Director Du slowly opened his eyes.

This time, her horizon is composed of tens of thousands of cameras, sensors, and even the perspective of ancient robots.

Director Du, everywhere!

[You successfully created a large AI ‘Du Zhaodi’, specialization point +1, experience +200000, ‘Du Zhaodi’ favor +1000]

In “Cyber World”, ordinary NPCs do not have good feelings. After all, people are fickle, but some AIs have good feelings because their underlying logic is fixed.

At this time, Director Du was moving his body, and there was no problem with his body. The cracks on his skull were repaired with bionic technology, and there was no scar on the surface, but it would take a certain amount of time for the short shoulder-length hair to grow back.

As a rich woman and a little wolf dog, the senior engineer has always been attentive and has prepared various types of wigs for a long time.

Director Du gave the senior engineer a blank look and chose a shoulder-length short hairstyle that was exactly the same as before.

Director Du’s aesthetic is as ‘simple’ as ever.

[‘Du Zhaodi’ favors you +100]

Gong Gao was happy, Director Du’s favor was so good, he cheekily leaned over and took a sip.

“What are you doing!” Director Du gave the senior engineer a serious look.

[‘Du Zhaodi’ favors you +100]

The    senior engineer suddenly discovered a second use for the system.

While Director Du was moving, the senior engineer quietly poked her and revealed her attributes.

Name: Du Zhaodi

Race: Mechanical Life

Level: 55

Mechanical energy:? ? ?

Personal attributes? ? ?

Skill? ? ?

field? ?

Well, I can’t see it.

This is also normal. If you exceed level 10, most of the attributes will not be displayed. If you exceed level 20, you need special exploration skills. If you exceed level 30, you can’t even find out the name.

The only thing that attracts the attention of senior engineers is the domain, because not every large AI has a domain. The larger the domain, the stronger the AI.

Just finished the operation, I am afraid that even Director Du himself does not know his abilities.

And the best way to check is to fight.

But looking at the five-digit ancient robot army outside, the senior engineer dismissed the idea.

He is not Rebel A, nor is he Sister Rose, he doesn’t want to abuse.

The commotion of   Flame Pass was quickly calmed down by the high-level appeasement, except that there were many more ancient robots patrolling the streets.

These robots don’t have AI, but they are smart and can even communicate basics.

Director Du fell into a deep sleep. This operation consumed a huge amount of brain power.

While Director Du was sleeping, the senior engineer came to an underground cage and met the black market butcher.

“I heard that you were a prosthetic doctor in the city that never sleeps?”

The butcher’s eyes brightened when he saw the senior worker, and he said humbly: “I have seen the great Your Excellency, I have indeed worked in the city that never sleeps.”

“Individual or gang?”

“A gangster that was wiped out, not worth mentioning.”

“Do you have your own transformation technology?”

“In front of Your Excellency, where is there any advanced technology to say,” the butcher continued: “But I am willing to serve you personally to compensate for all your losses!”

A prostitute doctor’s refuge, this is a good thing that 99% of the indigenous warlords cannot refuse.

This guy is a bit slick.

The senior engineer stopped talking nonsense. From his right eye, a faint mist flowed out like mercury, and soon covered the entire cell.

But to his surprise, as the mist gradually penetrated into the opponent’s body, a pair of electronic shields suddenly lit up in the opponent’s eyes.

‘Broken road three-type electronic wall, for you to block all psychological suggestion, hacking, hypnosis technology. ’

The butcher’s eyes quickly recovered from confusion, and there was even a hint of pride in his eyes.

“Have you installed a firewall for your brain? You deserve to be in the city,” said the senior engineer with a creepy smile. “Since it’s not good to be soft, then we have to be hard.”

Gao Gong got up and patted the shoulder of the person behind him.

“I’ll give it to you, revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge.”

Tamil gave a brutal smile, and slowly squeezed out the blood-colored blade from his palms, elbows, and knees.

The screams soon rang out.

(end of this chapter)

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