Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 200

Chapter 200: Hanging Neck Street

Chapter 200 Hanging Neck Street

After giving up this mature row, the senior engineer got up and walked into Hanging Neck Street.

This street is a bit like a night market street. There are a lot of hawkers, some sell psychotropic drugs, some sell synthetic food, some sell pornographic CDs, and there are gang characters with holographic tattoos, virtual blue dragons, virtual white tigers. Turning around, although he is a middle schooler, he is inexplicably handsome.

After    bypassing the exposed women who were illusioned by the two virtual advertisements, the senior engineer couldn’t help rubbing his ears.

is too loud, and the tweeters on every stall can’t wait to soar to the highest electronic sound.

“Brother, why don’t you play, I will send you coins for free.”

Dodging the shoulders of a gangster, the senior engineer glanced at the game arcade not far away. Through the ‘data brain’, it was obvious that a large amount of simulated data was gathering.

“The Signal Base Station of the Cyber Network.”

The mimetic signal comes from the human body, so the role of the game arcade is to get people into it and continuously produce signals.

This is also some kind of infrastructure.

took a cold look at the gang member, a radiant beast aura emanated from his body, the gang member immediately knew that the senior engineer was not easy to deal with, and left embarrassedly.

The senior engineer walked into the alleyway of Hanging Neck Street. It was obvious that the place had just been refurbished and replaced with white bricks that could not be seen from the material. However, the buildings on both sides were still very old, and a large number of abandoned wires were intertwined in the air. , like a cobweb, the gap between buildings is also very small, which is very suitable for Snitch.

“Hang Neck Street, 3-301 Staff Lane.”

The senior engineer looked up, confirmed the building number, and walked up.

Gao Yuanyuan of   301.

His relatives.

‘A 17-year-old girl, both parents died, and she was rebellious and undisciplined. It’s a bit awkward. ’

Along the stairs, a lot of red paint was splashed on the wall, and the mice ‘chattered’ one by one, but when the senior engineer stepped on it, it was empty.

‘Holographic projection? ’

There are mice, there is red paint, and something is missing.

went up to the third floor, and sure enough, the four big characters ‘pay debts and money’ appeared densely on the walls, ground, and gates.

“These days, you can’t join the gang without any craftsmanship. All debt collection uses holographic technology, and it even has automatic induction.”

“It seems that the key is no longer needed.”

The senior engineer guessed right, the cat’s eye and the keyhole were blocked, but there was an obvious gap between the door.


Hey, there is actually a cat, I saw a big orange staring blankly at the sudden stranger in the small space.

“Are you also a Primordial Beast?”

The senior worker touched the other party, but he felt empty, and a large number of electronic light spots appeared on the cat.

“It turned out to be a 3D projection, and the hair effect is well done.”

The senior engineer looked left and right. There was one room, one living room and one toilet. The living room was very small. He probably couldn’t squat down in the toilet. The sound of water dripping one after another, combined with the dark and narrow environment, was quite suitable for shooting ghost movies.

And with the expert’s ear, he could clearly hear the subtle breathing sound in the bedroom, and in the darkness, there seemed to be a pale eye staring at him.

“Forget it, I’ll take it for a while, and I’ll clean up tomorrow.”

dragged the tattered sofa from the leaking window, looked left and right, and saw that there was nothing to cover, the senior engineer shrugged.

took off his coat, spread it on the damp sofa, and the senior worker threw himself on the sofa and fell asleep.

Behind the door of the bedroom, seeing that the senior engineer did not want to break in, a certain girl breathed a sigh of relief.

The day and night of the city that never sleeps are still very distinguishable. The moment the neon lights and various displays disappear, it is early morning.


A girl version of Sadako slowly came from behind the door. After confirming that there was no one, Gao Yuanyuan patted her chest lightly.

I always feel that something is different at home today.

The leaking window glass was replaced, the leaking faucet in the toilet was repaired, and even the cat’s eye and keyhole were opened.

On the flowerpot with the missing mouth, the pot of holographic plants lit up again.

The originally gloomy and terrifying environment was inexplicably a little warmer.

‘Sadako’ pursed his lips, suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly widened.

is broken, time is running out, I’m going to be late for school!

At this time, early in the morning, the stalls also came on stage one after another. However, due to the special nuclear landform of this planet, vegetarian dishes are more expensive than meat, and natural food is more expensive than synthetic food.

But no matter what, it’s better than chewing on nutritional cream.

“Boss, what’s there to eat?”

“Yo, it’s you,” the bearded uncle with sunglasses apparently recognized this one yesterday.

“It seems that for the sake of providing me with fresh human bodies, this meal is my request.”

“What do you have?”

“Maggot Pizza, Cockroach Skewers, Rat Noodles, Rat Salad.”

The senior worker licked his mouth, “Is there anything vegetarian?”

“It’s quite picky,” he stomped on the table, filling a bowl of rat meat noodles with barely visible noodles.

“I love to eat, but if I don’t eat it, go and stay by the side!”

“Hey, who doesn’t know our old Jack’s temper, you are a newcomer at first glance.”

Gao Gong was not angry, he took the noodles with a smile, his eyes flashed with fog, and a strong killing intent suddenly erupted from the old Jack opposite, but when he saw Gao Gong who lowered his head to eat noodles, he paused in confusion. , hesitated for a moment, and continued to pull his face.

Name: Jack K

Race: Transforming People

Occupation: Mercenary Level 25, Bounty Hunter Level 15

Total Level: 40

HP: 630/1110

Skills: Intermediate cooking lv4, light weapon use lv7 (elite), heavy weapon use lv4 (elite), full strike lv9, battlefield survival lv3 (expert)

Negative Status: Cyber Psychosis

Template: War Maniac

Remarks: A powerful mercenary who used to hunt and kill androids for a living has now become a street vendor. His past must have a special story.

‘There is a template!’

Generally speaking, only bosses will have templates, but this is not necessarily the case. Special plot pig feet can also have templates.

The City That Never Sleeps is worthy of being a high-level map. You can come across this kind of plot of the special forces king in the city just by eating a bowl of noodles.

Why is this rat meat so stuffed?

After eating the noodles, Gao Gong resolutely got up and left. The excavation of this kind of character plot should be left to the player. He is not short of these three melons and two dates. More importantly, once the disease of cyberpsychosis is committed, it will be But the six relatives do not recognize it, so it is better to avoid it.

Strolling to the entrance of the game room, the senior engineer found a group of people at the entrance cleaning up bloodstains. They were all new faces. The key is that the weapons are also very fresh, such as chainsaws, dog-leg knives, metal muscles and metal skins. He was back in the Fallout Desert all at once.

“New gang, yes, this is the outer city.”

Ninety percent of the gangs in the city that never sleep are gathered in the entire outer city. Dragons and snakes are mixed, and dragons and dragons emerge in endlessly.

“It’s really scary to fight and kill.”

said casually, the senior engineer found the underground clinic of the prosthetic doctor of the Wild Wolf Gang according to the address on the document.

Looking at the demolished construction site in front of him, he was speechless.

“This is the No. 214 renovation project in the old city. How can I help you?”

At the door of the construction site, a robot uncle smoking an electronic cigarette saw the senior engineer coming, and immediately switched to the question and answer mode.

The senior engineer did not speak, but handed over a real estate license.

“It turned out to be the owner of Warehouse No. 124, but unfortunately it has exceeded the stipulated trading hours, and you cannot get compensation.”

“Then what can I get?”

Robot boss hangs up.

The    senior worker sighed, took out a cigarette and handed it over.

“The items in warehouse No. 124 are in the utility room of the construction site. You can pick them up by yourself. Also, the nicotine content of this cigarette is not enough. Next time I want an electronic cigarette.”

“Next time definitely.”

After dragging a bunch of things out of the utility room, the senior engineer bribed the robot boss with a pack of cigarettes, in exchange for a small cart, and went back and forth three times before dragging the things.

“Good-hearted man, please, give me a code.”

“It’s useless to find me, find a programmer.”

knocked a robot beggar aside, and the senior engineer finally dragged everything to the third floor.

Looking at the crowded living room, the senior engineer sighed.

The beginning of everything is difficult, at least it is much better than being chased and killed as soon as you cross.

The cardboard boxes are opened one by one, most of which are garbage, wine bottles, electronic comics, expired drinks, and discarded chips.

Fortunately, there is a harvest after all.

A number book that recorded that the Wolf Gang was offline, a projection TV, a portable operating table, a bunch of prosthetic surgery tools, four prosthetic hands and feet, and more than a dozen whiteboard-level prosthetic plug-ins.

“Not bad, at least it can be opened.”

Mechanical coins are just factory currency. In Mechanical City, people use credit points.

In the city that never sleeps, this is called a machine generation point.

Between different mechanical cities, credit points and credit points can be exchanged with each other.

But between the factory and the mechanical city is generally a commodity transaction.

So in a short period of time, senior workers have to be self-reliant and work hard to make money.

took out the number book, and the senior worker went to a public telephone booth and dialed the number inside.

“Who are you? Introduced by the big butcher? Okay, I’ll do it.”

“When will the eldest brother start, what? Aren’t you going to come out again, you haven’t been in the world for many years? Then what do you want to do?”

“Is there a black market near the outer city? Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for you.”

“Underground renovation? No problem, I’ll introduce the client to you.”

It is worth mentioning that although the wolf gang’s home was bombed and its leaders died all at once, it was precisely because of the clean death that its hostile forces did not eradicate the grass.

In other words, it still has a lot of eyeliner.

After making a phone call, the senior engineer went upstairs again, but at the door of the third floor, he saw Miss Sadako who hesitated at the door.

Sadako also saw the senior engineer.

(end of this chapter)

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