Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 210

Chapter 211: Strange Samurai Sword

Chapter 211 Strange Katana

Twelve midnight, Hanging Neck Street

In fact, based on the time of this planet, the real midnight should be 15:00, after all, it has 30 hours a day.

But 12 o’clock is still the time for normal people to rest.

However, in Hanging Neck Street, colorful neon signboards almost filled the entire street.

Night is more dangerous than day.

Not long after he came out of the capsule hotel with a knife and no umbrella on a rainy night, he encountered a drug dealer who quietly injected himself with needles, a virtual advertisement for compulsory shopping, and a fanatical religious person who loudly preached the “AI blasphemy theory”.

The other party’s voice has an unimaginable contagious power.

Different from the previous two, in this one, he didn’t even have time to react before he was hit, and there was an ‘AI disgust’ state on his body. Once he encountered artificial intelligence, his body would have an instinctive discomfort.

“Oh shit.”

Rao is the firm will of this early stage boss, and he can’t help but curse his mother.

The danger level of this place is almost the same as where he lives, but the self in the game is far less rich in means than in reality.

Be sure to arm yourself as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to survive here.

It didn’t take long, and in the rainy night with a knife and no umbrella, I forgot that this was just a game.

Finally, after dodging a group of robots marching through the night, he came to Staff Lane.

In the dark alley, it is empty and there is no one.

In the rainy night, the alertness with a knife without an umbrella has been brought to the apex. Although this is only a simple task, it cannot be ruled out that there will be accidents.

There was almost no warning. In the rainy night with a knife and without an umbrella, it seemed that something had suddenly raised his waist. When he came back to his senses, he had already appeared on the roof of Staff Lane.

The mysterious shopkeeper was standing opposite him, and what was different from the day was that he had a wrist-like thing on his hand.


Rainy Night nodded with a knife but no umbrella, and said cautiously, “Excuse me, what do you want me to do?”

The senior engineer didn’t reply, he turned around and jumped to the roof of another building. He was stunned in the rainy night, and instinctively chased after him.

In a congested environment similar to the ‘Kowloon Walled City’, the two figures shuttled quickly. Gradually, the rainy night began to feel the pressure with a knife and no umbrella. It seemed that as long as the pace slowed down a little, the other party would disappear into the darkness, and While running, he also has to pay attention to the obstacles around him, such as worn-out cables, signs on the roof, and even drug addicts on the roof.

Gradually, with the loss of physical strength, he began to lose concentration and felt more and more pressure.

But a strong willpower has always supported him.

After an unknown amount of time, a ‘ding’ sounded, and the player panel sounded.

[You have comprehended the passive skill ‘Primary Tracking’]

Primary Tracking: During high-speed movement, the eyes always follow the target, while avoiding various obstacles

Remarks: This skill is a passive skill and cannot be improved by experience points, but only by proficiency.

‘cough, huh—’

Rainy night, with a knife and no umbrella, he supported his knees with both hands, gasping for breath, saliva spurting out, he hadn’t been so embarrassed for a long time.

This reminded him of the time when he first started training.

He raised his head and found that the mysterious shopkeeper was sitting on a plaque not far away. Recalling the part of you chasing me just now, he suddenly realized that every time he reached his limit, the other party would deliberately slow down. pace.

‘The other party is training himself? ’

In the rainy night, he walked to the plaque with a knife and no umbrella, and sat down. The other party looked forward and handed a bottle of drink.

Atomic Cola: A sugar-free drink with other chemicals added to enhance energy recovery, duration: 5 minutes

In the rainy night, with a knife and without an umbrella, you can directly open the pull ring and drink it up.

Senior engineer straight to the point: “I’m tracking a stealth serial killer.”

In the free zone, this kind of serial madman is very common. Some of them are terrorists who want to take revenge on society, some are experiments that fail to transform human brains, some are bionics who have been infected with viruses, and some are veterans with cyber psychosis.

The media in the city that never sleeps are also happy to report such explosive news for the sake of eyeball effect.

This time, the murderer made headlines for three consecutive days, because he avoided the siege of the mechanical eyeliner three times in a row.

At least this month, I haven’t seen such an arrogant criminal!

Senior worker is not that kind of a kind-hearted righteous hero, but the problem is, since yesterday, this stealth killer has been wandering around Hanging Neck Street. If this guy has his eyes on his cheap sister, it will not be a jerk.

But Yu Ye seemed to have misunderstood something, and said with a strange expression: “What do you mean, let me kill that murderer?”

The senior engineer squinted at the other side. Never Sleeping City is a mid-level map. Those who can elude ghosts and kill people here are basically ruthless characters above level 20. Maybe there is an elite template.

But he did intend to find some work for the other party.

Although you can use ‘Faction Experience’ for your quest rewards, this is not the reason for the opponent to prostitute yourself.

“Help me keep watch,” the senior engineer stood up, threw a contactor over, flicked his wrist, and his figure flickered a few times in the roof and disappeared.

“This is–”

Rainy night with a knife and without an umbrella, his eyes shrank, and the opponent’s muscle force, movements, and explosions, including the strange retractable device and the way he stayed in the air, all made him feel a strange excitement from his bones.

This stealth killer is very cautious, the senior engineer has noticed the other party’s traces several times, but when he is about to put a ‘hunter mark’ on the other party, the other party will suddenly disappear mysteriously.

However, he was still able to determine the approximate range of activities of the opponent.

As the radiation field of Gao Gong unfolded, the surrounding lights began to ‘sizzle’.

Electronic control, affecting all electronic devices within the radiation field.

This is an ability of the template ‘Radiation Field Mastery’.

The senior engineer can be sure that the opponent must have some kind of electronic equipment, maybe this ‘stealth ability’ is the ability of this equipment.

In the city that never sleeps, there is no such thing as a police uncle. Instead, there are various types of vigilantes. They are affiliated to various security companies and contract various blocks. , and the low-level blocks have no oil and water, and no one is willing to contract, such as the outer city and most of the old city.

This is how the    free zone came about.

And where there are no security guards, there is no such thing as the Law of the Machine City.

Senior engineer appeared upstairs in a hotel called ‘Yanshu’. Opposite him, two maglev cars rolled over to the side of the street, and the front of one of the maglev cars was cut off.

In the third car, a middle-aged man with a pot belly was being dragged down by the bodyguard. He was stabbed in the abdomen, and beside him, there was a very cute little girl.

‘I’m late? No, someone came earlier than me. ’

With the launch of the ‘eye of freedom’, the fog began to rise from the ground. In a trance, the senior engineer saw two figures fighting, both of them moving so fast that even the real eye could only reflect blurry images. sight.

‘Can you hit a sonic boom, the speed and strength are over 40? ’

‘This Congressman is a bit familiar, isn’t this Congressman Hu who supports the chip of good interconnection ethics. ’

‘This guy has a lot of peach news recently. ’

There is no censorship committee for news in the city that never sleeps, and senior engineers have watched at least 3 small videos of each other.

‘Give a mark, maybe one day you can use it. ’

After    gave the opponent a ‘Hunter Mark’, the senior engineer swung the ‘single molecule line’, and the figure disappeared into the darkness again.

Rainy night with a knife and no umbrella did not wait upstairs, but appeared on the street not far away.

According to his personal experience, as an experienced killer, he will definitely choose a retreat, and in an environment like the outer city, there are many retreats.

But his focus is on ‘stealth’.

‘If I can be invisible, then the place I choose will not be a place with many people, but a place with a lot of monitoring, because the most dangerous place is often the safest place. ’

Most of the outer city is a ‘free zone’, but it is not without exception. According to the observation of rainy night and daytime, there is a ‘Sicilian community’ nearby, which is a standard wealthy area. It is heavily guarded and surrounded by high walls. There are a dozen mechanical dogs.

The rainy night did not dare to approach, because he found that those watchdogs were all higher than him. They were 10-level guard dogs with their own infrared recognition function and tracking system.

He was not sure that the other party would definitely come over, but at least it was more likely.

He squatted on the outskirts of this wealthy area for almost ten minutes. Sure enough, he saw a strong explosion, his eyes lit up, and he quickly took out the contactor.

But within two seconds, a high-pitched scream peculiar to a girl rang out.

“Lower your head!”

Rainy Night didn’t hesitate, so he pounced in one direction. The next moment, a long knife mark appeared on the wall behind him, and with a ‘bang’ sound, the upper and lower walls were separated.

At this moment, Yu Ye’s mind was blank with a knife and no umbrella.

When he reacted, a wry smile appeared on his face.

‘To be killed first. ’

However, in the next moment, the figure of the senior engineer suddenly appeared, and his right leg was like a whip, hitting the blank space.

The next moment, a figure was kicked and flew ten meters away.

At the same time, countless shuttle-shaped metal pieces flew out from his body, condensing into an energy cannon in mid-air, and the beam of light flashed past.

In Yu Ye’s astonished eyes, five-digit damage shot out.

This killer was gassed, and only a strange samurai sword was left on the ground.


The senior engineer grabbed the opponent, and the single-molecule line collapsed violently. Before everyone arrived, he grabbed the samurai sword on the ground and disappeared.

A few seconds later, a fully transformed mechanical girl fell from the sky.

(end of this chapter)

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