Start with a Mechanical Hunter

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Deadly Run (Part 1)

Chapter 4 Deadly Run (Part 1)

In a sense, what the original owner thought was not wrong.

In the    universe, there are as many civilizations as stars, and nearly half of them are mechanical civilizations. Among the top six ninth-level civilizations, three belong to the mechanical department.

To cause this phenomenon, in addition to the strength of the mechanical civilization itself, mechanical ascension is also the easiest to trigger compared to the other three ascension methods.

But, the most is not necessarily the strongest.

The    senior engineer glanced at the personal system in his attribute panel and breathed a sigh of relief.

Motion System 9%

Nervous System 5%

Endocrine system 1%

Circulation system 5%

Respiratory system 1%

Digestive System 1%

Urinary system 1%

Reproductive system 1%

The respective transformation rates of the eight major systems, the difference between the highest and the lowest, does not exceed 10%.

Explain that there is still a chance!

The transformation of the human body is irreversible. If it exceeds 10%, it can only follow the purely mechanical route envisaged by the original owner. If it does not exceed 10%, it can be saved.

As far as he knows, the most powerful civilization in the observable universe is indeed a mechanical civilization, but it is not only a mechanical civilization.

Returning to the untested stage of “Cyber World”, the mechanical riot has not yet begun, the world of infinite power has not appeared, the old days are destroyed, the ancient corpse disaster, and the quantum crisis are in the distant middle and late game, and that makes people extremely desperate There is no sign of the three major natural disasters at the moment.

Such a good opportunity, only once.

Only the strongest can control their own destiny.

As the electricity starts, a feeling of numbness spreads throughout the body. Under the adjustment of the access device, the current intensity is controlled within the acceptable range of the human body.

In the modified circulatory system, the cells will conduct impulses due to stimulation, pierce the cell membrane, generate potential differences, and stimulate biological currents, thereby improving his mental state.

The essence of    the mechanization of the physical body is to gradually replace the life operation in the human body system with a bionic system through continuous human transformation.

With the increase of the transformation rate, as long as a certain amount of electricity is charged every day, the body can secrete nutrients for a day.

A miracle!

It is said that some bio-enterprises in the “city that never sleeps” have developed human body flash charging technology – five minutes of charging, a whole day of spirit, human body circulation technology, you deserve it.

However, only a purebred robot with a transformation rate of 100% can completely get rid of the consumption of food and water; the charging of the high-level worker is more to stimulate his own mental state, so that he will not fall into a coma during the process of returning to the city.

In this dangerous iron sand desert, natives, deformed species, cyborgs, threats are everywhere, and there is no difference between coma and waiting for death.

But the other end of the walkie-talkie didn’t mean to be angry, instead he said with great interest:

“You alone can destroy my entire knight squad, yes, very good, are you interested in joining our knights, I can give you a higher level of transformation, so that you can cross the threshold of artificial soldiers and become us directly fighters.”

“A higher level of transformation, how high can it be, is it higher than you?”

“Compared to me? I’m afraid my status is beyond your imagination,” the person opposite laughed.

“To be honest, my imagination is definitely beyond your imagination.”

The senior engineer climbed onto the cover of the off-road vehicle and squinted to look into the distance. He had torn off the nearly broken tight-fitting T-shirt, revealing his sturdy upper body and three thumb-thick cables. The hot wind unique to the desert was blowing in his face. Come on, the iron plate on the neck clacked, revealing the word ‘G’ with a rough pattern.

“Young man, don’t be too arrogant, the world is much bigger than you think!” The other party finally showed an impatient tone.

The senior engineer smiled, shook it, popped out the last cigarette, threw the cigarette case out of the car, jumped into the car, and slammed on the accelerator.

“Since the world is so big, how can you only be a slave to artificial intelligence.”

“What do you say, ex-military AI, war!”

The iron sand desert was originally an urban agglomeration in the age of old civilization. In a certain mechanical war, it was first plowed by a nuclear explosion, and then swept away by some kind of large-scale energy weapon. Looking around, except for the ruins, it was the wreckage.

The sky is thick and dull nuclear dust. Under the dual action of nuclear pollution and energy pollution, the residual plants and animals have produced some kind of distortion, which urges them to emit a lot of radiant heat.

Elsewhere, a nuclear winter would cause soot to be injected into the planet’s atmosphere, blocking light from entering the surface, causing a sharp drop in temperature, depression, and barrenness.

But here, a large number of radiated creatures and distorted plants are combined to form a unique post-disaster environment. The temperature has not dropped, but has risen wildly. Not to mention ordinary people, even mechanically transformed people are difficult to live in this desert. Survive the radiation zone.

The areas that can survive are all areas that have been transformed by enterprises, and the locals call them oasis.

The off-road vehicle is full of horsepower and brings the wind and sand in the sky. Its goal is one of the oasis.

In the car, the senior engineer studied the NPC template he had stolen while observing the surrounding environment.

The senior engineer did not pay attention to the recruitment of the high-level knights.

Although on this planet, the Knights are also a powerful underground force, and Meat Equipment Technology is the object that countless companies are eager to imitate; there were also players who showed off the Knights’ hidden quest chain in the forum, and the rewards were indeed generous.

In the later stage of the main line of this planet, it is not that no players licked to the end, spent countless efforts to build reputation and goodwill, and finally became a high-level member of the Knights.

Then he fell into the pit.

All the knight classes of the Knight Order will be transformed into children, or clones, of that military artificial intelligence.

Although knights can keep their own personality templates and memory banks, once the ‘war’ needs, they will directly control all higher consciousness – including the player’s account.

is equivalent to training NPCs for free.

Just like this, it is not as good as a monopoly in the city that never sleeps.

Although those big companies also use various means to control their employees, including but not limited to making employees’ thoughts into read-only mode and storing them in the corporate database, or injecting employees with artificial epinephrine during overtime in the name of free medical care, or Implant high-frequency chips directly in the access compartment, and release high-intensity electronic noise during vacations – but it at least sends money.

Compared with the Knights, a big company is a decent person.

Although these wages go through one hand, two hands, and three hands, they will eventually go back to the pockets of big companies.

“Tsk tsk, the Cyber Experiment Field, since it is an experimental field, it is natural to have experimental materials. After the war, aren’t humans the best consumables?”

Not only Star Machine, but the initial land and novice village of all players are all kinds of cyber experiment grounds.

The definition of the Cyber Experiment Field is the exploration, research, and development of different types of civilization ecology by advanced civilization, as well as the technology tree under this social ecology.

It can be a super enterprise monopolizing everything, or artificial intelligence controlling the future, or a strong invasion of alien species, and a doomsday-like living environment, and even clone culture, biochemical crisis, and chaos between different planetary intelligent races. body.

In the gray area of the Civilization Council, the various civilization technology trees are taking root and sprouting in an anti-civilization way.

As the players will conclude in the future——

In this game, there are two problems that will hinder the development of science and technology, one is peace, the other is ethics, peace is solved by war, and ethics are solved here.

This is the Cyber Experiment Field.

But for players, this is not a bad thing.

Because there are a lot of experimental and taboo advanced technologies, players can use these technologies to achieve cross-civilization-style strength improvement.

Planet-level civilizations are all first-level civilizations. Under this civilization scale, the upper limit of the main occupation level is 30, which is the first-order; but in the Cyber experiment, there are scientific researches that can achieve second-order and even third-order knowledge and experimental results.

“Sure enough!”

The senior engineer suddenly raised his head and saw that above the sky, three small black dots were approaching him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

‘The drone of the Knights! ’

As early as when the senior engineer started, he knew that with the ruthless style of the Knights, it would never be so easy to forget.

There is also a more intuitive, on the game panel, the task of [Deadly Run] is [Unfinished] state.


Name: Military Technology·Flying Eagle No.3

Category: Drone

Quality: Excellent

Weight: 38kg

Flight altitude: 5000 meters

Control system: low-level military chips

Energy: No. 3 energy battery (6 hours of battery life)

Flight Module: Booster*4

Attack Module: Mini Cannon*100 (Bullets) Small Anti-Armor Missile*2 Micro Rocket*1

Attack range: 2000 meters

Shield: 200

Included template: Destruction mode (explosive shock wave to objects within 5*5 meters)

Remarks: Although it is a military technology of the old era, it has experienced many actual combats and is still practical

In the game “Cyber World”, equipment is divided into whiteboard (pipeline product), sophisticated (customized template), excellent (war weapon), rare (strategic weapon), epic (black technology), epoch-making (cross-civilization) .

Among them, the whiteboard is the most common weapon and equipment, and it is equivalent to the special product of the camp, and the old-time military technology of the Knights undoubtedly belongs to the latter.

Gao Gong slammed the steering wheel, and the next moment, a ferocious firepower chain rolled up a lot of smoke and dust, and almost swept into the back compartment.

At the same time, the senior engineer heard a subtle ‘whoosh’ sound in his ears, and immediately, a strong explosion accompanied by mud waves rolled toward the roof of the car, almost instantly turning the windows yellow.

After chasing and fleeing, the scene outside the car changes dazzlingly.

The senior engineer almost turned the steering wheel into a twist, the wipers made a ‘crashing’ sound, and the soles of the feet stepped on the accelerator pedal with high frequency, changing the rhythm and disrupting the drone’s tracking system.

If it is the most advanced drone in the city that never sleeps, it must be equipped with a tracking weapon and a fixed-point strike system, which is a powerful weapon against the city’s super-transformers and cyber-psychiatrists.

If it is more violent, the electronic signal will directly connect the ‘armed space station’ on the orbit of the planet to carry out a large-scale physical sweep, the so-called ‘justice from the sky’.

If this level of attack, it can definitely easily solve the senior engineer.

But if this is the case, the difficulty of this task will not be just ‘ordinary’, after all, above the ordinary, there are difficulties, nightmares, hell, and even cross-civilization-level tasks.

In fact, the firepower of the three drones has surpassed the “normal” level to some extent.

An increase in difficulty on the one hand will inevitably lead to a decrease in difficulty on the other hand.

The senior engineer knew why. In fact, after the first wave of blows did not hit him particularly badly, he knew that it was stable.

The front of the car turned, the engine roared, and the off-road vehicle split into the concrete forest.

(end of this chapter)

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