Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 The place that men like

Today is the weekend. After a few days of class, Ye Chuan’s Thunder Punch learning machine also arrived.

The helmet-like device was inserted into the TM and put on Charmander’s head.

Charmander this family has the potential to learn Thunder Punch, but according to innate talent, not everyone can learn this Ability.

Fortunately, Ye Chuan’s Charmander innate talent is very good.

Charmander stretched out his claws, and the lightning flickered slightly. Because it is a non-original type, the formidable power is naturally inferior to the Thunder Punch released by Electric Type Pokémon.

But as a Fire Element Pokémon, Charmander who learned Thunder Punch also has the capital to fight back against Water Type Pokémon.

So early in the morning, Ye Chuan and Charmander were in the Pokémon training room, planning to start training Thunder Punch.

One punch, lightning flashes, Charmander’s fist hits the stake, sawdust fluttering, leaving a charred pothole.

“Gah.” Charmander called out, it turned its head and saw that Ye Chuan seemed to be thinking about something motionless, Charmander was curious, but just accompanied him.

“Thunder Punch is to use the Electric Type power of the body, and then gather it into the fist and release it. Although the formidable power is good, my Charmander is better than the fist type ability and the claw type ability. .”

Ye Chuan thought for a while, and an idea slowly gathered in his mind:

“In this case…”

Ye Chuan ordered Command:

“Metal Claw.”

Charmander’s claws glow metallic and shimmer.

“Charmander, try to channel the Electric Type power of Thunder Punch to Metal Claw.” Ye Chuan said.

When Charmander heard this, he began to follow suit.

Spark and silver light flickered for a while, and the current disappeared at the same time as Metal Claw’s rays of light, which seemed to be a failure.

Tried several times, still the same result.

“Isn’t it?” Ye Chuan was slightly silent.

The effect of Metal Claw is to metalize its own claws, and because there are many free electrons in the metal, it can conduct electricity, that is to say, the electricity of Charmander’s Metal Claw and Thunder Punch can theoretically be generated new combination.

But why did it fail?

Ye Chuan sat on the ground, who couldn’t understand, and at this time, a shadow appeared on his head:

“wū wū wū wū woo…”

Ye Chuan’s ears were filled with a baby-like cry, and a pale, bloodless hand stretched out from the back of his neck and directly restrained his neck. chill.

“Gastly, don’t disturb me thinking about things.” Ye Chuan calm expression, slowly said.

“It’s Youyou!”

There was a voice in the air, and the hands were naturally Gastly. Seeing that this wave failed to frighten Ye Chuan, he was a little angry. Floating up to him baring fangs and brandishing claws.

“Ok Youyou.”

Ye Chuan rarely refuted.

Seeing his contemplative appearance, he glanced at Charmander beside Ye Chuan with a curious look: “What are you thinking about?”

“Ability There is a degree of fit, and I wonder if it can be used in combination.” Ye Chuan recounted the situation of the Charmander just now.

“Of course it’s impossible!” After Youyou heard it, she immediately put her hands on her hips.

“Why?” Ye Chuan was stunned. In theory, it should work, right?

Seeing Ye Chuan’s ignorant expression, Youyou covered her mouth with her sleeves, her eyes pondering: “Oh roar roar roar, because your Charmander simply can’t control two abilities that are not native attributes at the same time. “

“en?” Ye Chuan didn’t think about this probability, he was thinking about the ability combination, and didn’t go to the attribute to think about the reason.

“Pokémon releases its own Ability, just like using its own limbs, but when releasing the Ability of other attributes, it has to control to use the Attribute Power in the body.”

Youyou looked at Ye Chuan, holding her arms and showing an expression that you don’t understand:

“Because calling other Attribute Power itself encounters precise control, if you call two Attribute Powers at the same time , then once it is not dealt with properly, Attribute Power will be disordered, and Ability will not be released.”

“Putting it that way, Metal Claw also disappears at the same time is the reason…” Ye Chuan thought for a while , found to be so.

In other words, the combination of these two abilities is not unreasonable, but to control two Attribute Powers that are not of the same department at the same time, which cannot be done with the current Charmander.

After figuring out the principle of the attribute, Ye Chuan seemed to think of something, looked at his Charmander, and said:

“Charmander, try to gather the power of Fire Type into the hand. “

Charmanp der nod> red, and in the next second, its claws glowed slightly, and the flames burned abruptly, calling Fire Element power much faster than other attributes.

“Strikes stakes with Thunder Punch.” Ye Chuan extend the hand.

“Gah.” Charmander Stockpile, punched with flames!

The fire was scattered, the stakes shattered and burned, Ye Chuan was stunned: “Isn’t this Fire Punch?”

This is how to learn?

“This Ability is really easy to learn.” Youyou next to him seemed to understand Ye Chuan’s thoughts, so he laughed.

“By controlling the use of Attribute Power in different ways, this is Ability.” Ye Chuan didn’t expect it would be so much easier after learning about Ability and figuring out the principle.

Those Pokémon Ability instructors probably teach Pokémon to control Attribute Power through this method to achieve the purpose of teaching Ability.

“Isn’t it easy to be an Ability instructor?” Ye Chuan couldn’t help thinking.

In today’s market where Ability learning machines are difficult to meet, a teacher who can teach Pokémon Ability is one of the most popular professions.

“Although it is very simple, it does not rule out that some Pokémon are stupid and do not know how to guide Attribute Power.” Ye Chuan glanced at Ye Chuan:

“If it weren’t for your Charmander comprehension ability, Do you think the sentence just now can let it guide the use of Attribute Power?”

“Okay.” Ye Chuan thought about it and found that it was not as simple as he thought, after all, there are too many uncertain factors. too much.

The next time, Ye Chuan and Charmander were training Thunder Punch and Fire Punch. In his spare time, he looked at the faint floating on the ceiling and asked:

“ So, when are you going back?”

Since this Gastly came home with Ye Chuan a few days ago, it almost depends on him.

“I won’t go back until I successfully scare you!” Youyou said confidently.

Ye Chuan: “…”

That’s all.

At noon, An Shiyu brought lunch on time. After the two finished eating, Ye Chuan suddenly found a familiar silhouette in the distance.

The little baby-faced Gu Qi was looking left and right, but when he and Ye Chuan met eyes, his eyes lit up and ran over:

“Ye Chuan” Chuan, you really are here!”

“Are you looking for me?” Ye Chuan heard Gu Qi’s tone, he seemed to be looking for himself just now.

“That’s right, because I don’t have your contact information. I was just wondering if you would be training today, so I’ll come and have a look.” Gu Qi said, grabbing Ye Chuan’s wrist:

“Ye Chuan, are you interested in going somewhere with me?”

“Where?” Ye Chuan was taken aback.

“A place that men like!” Gu Qi said excitedly, pulling Ye Chuan directly and taking him away.

Men…all like?

An Shiyu tilted her head and thought for a while, her face flushed suddenly, she packed her lunch box and ran after him:

“Wait, Ah Ye can’t go to that kind of place!”

(End of this chapter)

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