Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 President of the Student Union

“It’s getting late, let’s end today.” Bai Qianlan glanced at the watch on her wrist, lightly saying.

After she finished speaking, she stood up:

“Ye Chuan, come to the student union activity room with me.”

“Okay.” Ye Chuan nominates .

After seeing Ye Chuan leaving with Bai Qianlan, many people’s faces were full of puzzles, is Ye Chuan bad? He is not bad. This move made many people think that Ye Chuan would also be brushed down directly. As a result, the expectations were inconsistent with the reality, which made some students who were originally sour even more sour.

However, with their achievements, they really have nothing to say.

On the other side, Ye Chuan had followed Bai Qianlan to the corridor.

Looking at Bai Qianlan walking in front of her, she was only about the height of her chest, Ye Chuan followed her to an activity room, opened the door, and Bai Qianlan didn’t turn her head back. Said:

“Close the door, lock it.”

After hearing her say this, Ye Chuan turned around and locked the door of the activity room.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Bai Qianlan walked to a sofa, then extended the hand and lay on her stomach, whimpering:

“I’m exhausted, one or two dishes and no food. The self-aware guy is just a waste of my time.”

Seeing Bai Qianlan’s sudden change in style, Ye Chuan sat on the sofa with a look of surprise and said:

“Sister Qianlan, it’s obviously because you gave very good benefits, so that’s why so many people come.”

“If you don’t give better benefits, there will be no one in the student union next year.” Bai Qian Lan’s lying body suddenly raised her head and looked at Ye Chuan extend the hand:

“Xiao Chuanzi, come and give my sister a hug.”

“I won’t give it.” Ye Chuan said speechlessly.

Bai Qianlan, a second-year student of Yinshan Middle School, the current student council president with the reputation of mini tiger, perfect academic performance, perfect sports performance, just such a person——

Yes Ye Chuan’s cousin.

Although she is peers, Ye Chuan will be one year later than Bai Qianlan because she goes to school earlier.

“What, I’ve already let you into the student union, you can’t even hug me.” Bai Qianlan muttered:

“I remember when I was a child, you took one bite at a time. Sister Qianlan, you want to kiss and hug or something.”

“I don’t remember such a thing.” Ye Chuan rolled the eyes, and in his memory, the one who wanted to kiss and hug It was clearly Bai Qianlan.

Bai Qianlan snorted, then took out a lollipop from her school uniform skirt and ate it. Her black gem-like eyes didn’t forget to look at Ye Chuan, as if she was planning something. .

“What do you want to do?” Ye Chuan seemed to have a bad premonition.

“Xiao Chuanzi.” Bai Qianlan moved her body and leaned over, then folded her hands and blinked at Ye Chuan:

“Are you interested in being a student union? President?”

In exchange, Ye Chuan’s speechless eyes:


“When will this hard time end? .” Seeing Ye Chuan’s refusal, Bai Qianlan hugged her thigh and fell into a state of autism again, Ye Chuan could feel the air pressure of negative energy hovering around her body when Ye Chuan looked at her.

“Since I didn’t want to be the student council president, why did I run for it in the first place?” Ye Chuan asked.

“I don’t want to either. I was tricked by the president of previous time. He also said that as long as I sign on it, he will teach my Pokémon to learn big characters.” Bai Qian Lan looked unlovable:

“It’s okay to be deceived, but this Ability…”

“Ability didn’t teach you?” Ye Chuan looked at Bai Qianlan’s Appearance, as if to understand something.

“Ability certainly taught me.” Bai Qianlan looked away and muttered in a low voice:

“It’s just a big self-destruct…”


Ye Chuan’s mouth twitched.

“Xiao Chuanzi, I’ll teach you a big self-destruct, you can be the student council president!” Bai Qianlan hugged Ye Chuan’s waist and begged loudly.

“No, do you want to murder my Charmander?!”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door:

“President, , are you inside?”

After hearing the voice, Ye Chuan glanced at Bai Qianlan and got up to open the door. At this time, a man and a woman stood outside the door. After seeing Ye Chuan, They all smiled kindly.

“You are here.” Behind him, Bai Qianlan’s faint voice came, Ye Chuan turned around, and found that Bai Qianlan was already sitting on the desk at this time, with her head lowered slightly and using a pen Documents are written.

Ye Chuan: “…”

You held the pen upside down.

“President, do we need to extend the time for tomorrow’s interview?” the boy asked:

“After all, there are still many people who have not been interviewed.”

“No need, the past few days have enough time for lunch break, there is no need to waste our extra working time to get this.” Bai Qianlan finished speaking and spread a palm:

” The most important thing at the moment is the preparations for the sports festival, and we don’t have to worry about recruiting new members.”

“I didn’t know the priority.” The boy lowered his head and said.

“It’s okay.” After Bai Qianlan finished speaking, she looked towards Ye Chuan: “speaking of which, I haven’t introduced you to each other yet, Ye Chuan, please introduce yourself.”


Ye Chuan glanced at Bai Qianlan, then said: “senior good, I’m Ye Chuan from the first grade Pokémon class.”

“My name is Liu Xuan.” The boy is that A sunny boy with a kind smile on his face.

“My name is Jiang Xue. Also, I’m not a senior. I’m also a freshman in the first year. I’m in the second class next to you.” With a gentle and sweet smile:

“Let’s work together in the future.”

“Okay.” Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

“Then, this is the student union member’s silver badge and school card.” Bai Qianlan took out a black card and a silver badge pin from the drawer:

“The card I have already recorded it for you, and the school will reimburse the expenses in the cafeteria in the future. At the same time, this card also allows you to freely enter and leave the virtual training room.”

“Okay.” Ye Chuan took the new School cards and pins are then cautiously kept.

“Then the lunch break is almost over, everyone will go back to the classroom for the afternoon classes first, because I have other arrangements after school today, so I will talk about the rest tomorrow.” Bai Qianlan said slowly.

“Good president.”

After that, everyone was ready to leave. Before Ye Chuan left, she glanced at Bai Qianlan, who was working hard at this time. He kept his eyes on the documents on the desk.

But when Ye Chuan was about to close the door, he saw that Bai Qianlan softened at a speed visible by naked eyes, and finally her face was pressed against the desk, like a salty girl without love. fish.

Ye Chuan: “…”

However, he can use the virtual training room.

Ye Chuan took out the Black card, looked at the school badge of Yinshan Middle School, and went to see it after school in the afternoon.

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(end of this chapter)

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