Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 387

Chapter 388


Chapter 388 No!

speaking of which, yesterday at the service point, a guy did take a camera and said he wanted to take pictures of his Pokémons. Although he took a lot of angles at the time, Ye Chuan did not take seriously , after all, it’s just a photo.

didn’t expect a temporary kindness to be picked up for evil deeds.

Ye Chuan squinted slightly, then looked towards the man, and said, “I’ve never cheated money.”

“I cheated you with just a few photos, The price of Pokémon itself is not low, is it possible that you will not confirm in person and then pay?”

“If someone showed you a few pictures of Quasi-Legendary Pokémon, would you also Want money?”

The man was at a loss for words, but the photo the guy gave was too detailed, from every angle of the Pokémon, and Black’s Scyther was too rare, so he didn’t If you think too much, you will directly give the deposit first.

Who knew that the liar came here to cheat the deposit. Although the deposit is not much compared to the original price of Pokémon, the deposit is still not low, it is several thousand.

“I…” After the man calmed down, he began to observe Ye Chuan suspiciously.

“Do you have the other party’s communication number?” Ye Chuan said with arms crossed after seeing him staring at him:

“Show me.”

“Yes, yes, but I was blocked…” The man took out his mobile phone and gave Ye Chuan a look at the communication number.

“Where did you add it?” Ye Chuan glanced at it. Because it was blocked, the man couldn’t see the details of the other party’s communication number.

“The same city group, I met in the post bar.”

The man said.

Ye Chuan frowned, but he remembered the other person’s appearance, then he thought about it and continued to ask:

“How much was cheated?”

“Six thousand six hundred and sixty-six.” The man said, “It’s a deposit, of course the price of Pokémon won’t be that low, after all, it’s a different-colored Pokémon.”

“I have a way to find them. “Ye Chuan said.

The men all looked at each other, and then showed an unexpected expression: “Really, can you help us find them?”

At first, everyone was still wondering if Ye Chuan was no more. Pretending he wasn’t a liar, but when he said he could find them, the men gradually began to believe that Ye Chuan was not a liar.

“Well, come with me.” Ye Chuan nods.


Ye Chuan let Scyther return to the Poké Ball, then glanced at the girl beside him: “Let’s go, it seems that we can’t continue the battle.”

An Shiyu shook the head and held his arm with a smile. After all, Ye Chuan has something to do, and she is not that kind of willful character.

“By the way, your names?” Ye Chuan asked, turning his head.

“My name is Xiong Er.”

After the man finished speaking, he pointed to the other men: “They are my friends who were training Pokémon here just now, and then saw that Scyther only told me later.”

“Really.” Ye Chuan was a little surprised, and then asked: “Although different-colored Pokémon are rare, it does not mean that there will be no repetitions, so you are not afraid to admit your mistakes. Now?”

“I should not admit it wrong, because your Scyther’s scythe is too strange, like a machete, I think even if there is the same Black Scyther, there should be no such knife. That’s right.” Xiong Er said.

Ye Chuan nods, which makes sense.

“That…where are we going?” Xiong Er asked curiously after seeing Ye Chuan walking and taking out his phone to look at the map from time to time.

“Trainer Alliance.” Ye Chuan said.

“Eh…” Xiong Er was stunned for a moment:

“Trainer Alliance doesn’t care about this, after all, Pokémon trading itself is not advocated by Alliance, we just went to Trainer Alliance , but after asking the front desk, the explanation given by the other party is not to give Help.”

Ye Chuan glanced at him, but didn’t want to waste his time explaining: “Come with me and you’ll know.”

“This…” Xiong Er looked at his friends. Although he was suspicious, he still followed.

After all, although more than 6,000 won’t be a big hemorrhage for him, it’s too much of a loss to be deceived.

After coming to the Trainer Alliance in Jiangliu City, Ye Chuan looked at the buildings in front of him and found that the Trainer Alliance here is much bigger than the one in Scuba Diving City.

After entering, Ye Chuan brought a group of people to the front desk.

“That…” The lady at the front desk frowned slightly when she saw Xiong Er and the others, and then said:

“Sorry, they all said that the Pokémon trade is not from Trainer Alliance. It’s within the jurisdiction, so please go back.”

Xiong Er and the others looked towards Ye Chuan when they heard it, revealing a pair of “Let me say, what’s the point of you coming here?”

Wasting time?

Ye Chuan took out a card from his wallet and put it gently in front of the front desk lady.

“I need help.”

The lady at the front desk looked impatient, but when she saw the card Ye Chuan took out, she was stunned, then After picking it up and confirming it repeatedly, his expression suddenly became solemn, opened the mouth and said:

“Okay, okay, please wait a moment, I’ll go to Captain.”

Finished speaking , she hurriedly ran to the back room, and after a while, a woman in Alliance uniform came out, her eyes swept around, and finally looked towards Ye Chuan They opened the mouth and said:

“Where did you get this card?!”

Ye Chuan hugged his arms: “Mine.”

“Yours?” This woman is slightly frowned , as if confirming something.

However, Ye Chuan was still indifferent at this time. After seeing the other party constantly looking at him, he said:

“Your attitude… do you want me to tell you about it? Speaking of the rules of the Trainer Alliance?”

The woman seemed to think of something after seeing Ye Chuan’s tone, her complexion changed slightly, and then she straightened her body: “I’m sorry!”

“Okay, I need help from the Alliance here, find me a place to talk.” Ye Chuan said.

“Okay, please come with me.”

After seeing the woman politely inviting Ye Chuan in, Xiong Er and the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

“My dear, have we met the big guy from the Trainer Alliance? Look how polite the Captain is to him.”

“It seems so, we are lucky. “

They followed quickly.

In a lounge, after the woman poured a cup of tea for Ye Chuan and the others, she sat on the side and said respectfully: “May I ask your name…”

“Ye.” Ye Chuan After speaking, the woman had a clear expression, but did not ask her name any more.

After Ye Chuan explained the specific situation, he then pointed to the men: “They are the victims. After all, if you find my head, please investigate the identity of the liar.”

The woman was hearing this, and her face suddenly appeared embarrassed:

“Jiangliu City has a lot of people going and going, and it is difficult for us to catch the liar with this kind of online fraud. After all, there is no trace. Even if it takes a lot of material and manpower, it may not be able to be found. I think it is better to hand over the liar who is looking for online fraud to the police.”

Xiong Er and the others all showed disappointment. It’s better to go to the police, but when they go to the police station, the police say it’s about the Pokémon trade, and it’s better for them to come to the Trainer Alliance for help.

“Yes.” Ye Chuan said: “And it’s easy.”

“It’s easy?” The woman was a little surprised:

“What can I do?”

“Those guys are the photos taken at the service point. As long as you ask the staff at the service point and get the surveillance to confirm the identity, you should be able to catch the liar soon.”


“So did those people show up at the service point?” the woman said, if that’s the case, then the search would be much easier.

After all, there are surveillance footage and identity information of the scammers, and it is only a matter of time before they are found.

Afterwards, the woman quickly arranged for Ye Chuan to contact the service point outside the city. After a while, the information came from the service point.

“Is it them?” The Trainer’s Alliance card was passed over. After seeing the two avatars above, Ye Chuan nods:

“Well, it’s these two guys. The photos I took.”

Xiong Er and the others also came over at this time, after all, they had never seen a liar.


Three hours later, the scammer was caught.

The efficiency is quite high. After all, there is monitoring, and with no difficulty, the whereabouts of the two liars can be found.

“Let go of me, we are trainers of good character, how could we be liars?”

“That’s right, you must be mistaken, we didn’t lie!! ”

When Ye Chuan and the others arrived at the Alliance, when the two liars saw Ye Chuan, their arrogant tone suddenly came down like a balloon Normal.

“You guys are so daring, you dare to take a photo and use it to deceive people.” Ye Chuan stood in front of them, said with a smile.

The two people looked away in conscience and didn’t dare to look at Ye Chuan.

“Mr. Ye, are you sure it’s them?” the Captain on the side asked.

“en.” Ye Chuan nodded, then said with a smile:

“I understand.” Then, she knew what to do next.

The time gradually came to the night, Xiong Er and the others thanked Ye Chuan well and left the Trainer Alliance.

“A lot of things really happened today.” An Shiyu sat beside Ye Chuan, said with a faint smile.

“en.” Ye Chuan nods.

It seems that you should pay more attention next time. After all, photos can be used to deceive people. This world is really full of idiots, and some liars are not enough.

If Xiong Er knew what Ye Chuan was thinking, he probably wanted to cry.

However, it was the guy named Zhang Gen who gave Ye Chuan a headache.

“The popular Pokémon Gym Leader is the villain who destroys the school…” Although Ye Chuan could let the Trainer Alliance catch the guy named Zhang Gen, but…

He thought that with the popularity of that guy, it might cause misunderstandings among the people, leading to smearing the image of Trainer Alliance.

And the case has been closed, Ye Chuan can’t prove that the prisoner who was arrested is the top bag, and that the Pokémon Gym Leader is the real prisoner.

The special ability of Aura Force cannot be used as evidence, after all, it is too subjective.

“Does it mean that you don’t know each other?” Ye Chuan squinted slightly.

At this time, Chen Shan, the Captain of Trainer Alliance, saw Ye Chuan before they left, and walked over and said:

“Mr. Ye, do you still need help from the Alliance? ?”

Ye Chuan glanced at her, then pointed to the seat next to her: “Sit down, I have something to ask you.”


As soon as Chen Shan sat down, Ye Chuan asked, “Zhang Gen, what kind of person is he?”

“Zhang Gen?” Chen Shan was stunned, and then asked :

“Are you talking about the Gym Leader of Jiangliu Gym?”


“If Zhang Gen is the Gym Leader, um… He is a beloved Trainer, although I don’t know him, but I often listen to his deeds.” Chen Shan said with a smile:

“For example, in order to save a child, he was killed by a Rhyhorn’s broken leg bone.”

When she said this, Ye Chuan’s expression became more subtle.

Even he began to wonder if his Aura Force had really gone wrong.

“Mr. Ye?” Seeing Ye Chuan’s thinking look, Chen Shan asked curiously:

“Is there something wrong?”

“It’s alright, I’ve worked hard today.” After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he stood up:

“Then, I’m going back to the Pokémon Center to rest.”

“Okay. “

After leaving Trainer Alliance, the night breeze blew Ye Chuan’s face.

Looking at the passing pedestrians, Ye Chuan sighed softly.


At this moment, a soft warmth came from his palm, Ye Chuan turned his head, found An Shiyu holding his hand, and asked in a low voice:

“Aye, are you alright? “

“It’s fine.” Ye Chuan smiled.

When An Shiyu saw that Ye Chuan didn’t say anything, she seemed to realize that this seemed to be something she couldn’t know. She didn’t force the other party, but extended the hand and buried Ye Chuan’s head on his chest.

A pleasant body fragrance came from the tip of her nose, An Shiyu stroked Ye Chuan’s hair with her soft little hands, and said softly:

“It’s okay, Ye Chuan and me. .”

After a long time, Ye Chuan raised his head and found Shiyu looking at him tenderly.

“Is it better?” the girl asked with slightly red cheeks.

Although a little shy.

“en.” Ye Chuan nodded with a smile, then pinched An Shiyu’s cheek: “Let’s go, let’s go back to Pokémon Center, I’m hungry.”


After returning to the Pokémon Center, Ye Chuan and the others had a meal, and when they were about to go back to their room, they occasionally encountered Xiong Er again.

“Benevolent.” After Xiong Er saw Ye Chuan, he immediately walked over with a smile:

“What a coincidence, I met you again.”

“Where’s your friend?” Ye Chuan asked after seeing only one person.

“Hehe… they all went back. After all, they were with me just to find a liar to settle accounts.” Xiong Er shook the head:

“I will go back to work at Gym later. already.”


Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then asked: “Could it be that what you said is Jiang**ling Gym?”

Xiong Er nodded: “Well, after all, Jiangliu City has only A gym, I am the referee of that gym.”

“The referee…” Ye Chuan suddenly showed an interesting expression, and then said:

“Xiong Er, do you have time? “

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, Xiong Er said, “Yes, yes, after all, I only go back to Gym to rest, and Gym is closed at night.”

” Do you have anything to do with my benefactor?”

“Yes, I’m very interested in you, please come back to the room with me.” Ye Chuan said with a smile, An Shiyu blinked her eyes at the side. , looking at Ye Chuan beside him.

“Huh?” Xiong Er subconsciously took a step back and clamped his thighs:

“Well, that, although my benefactor helped me find a liar, I’m not that kind of person! “

Seeing the other party’s expression of resistance, Ye Chuan smiled: “This is up to you.”

“No, no!”

(this chapter end)

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