Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 478

Chapter 479


Chapter 479 A New Beginning

After Mewtwo was captured by Ye Chuan, its original Trainer was also handed over When I arrived at the Trainer Alliance for the next interrogation, it was said that it was an interrogation, but in fact, I used Psychic Type Pokémon to hypnotize me, and I said all the words. Fortunately, Youyou was more measured, and he gave the guy a sigh of relief.

The Trainer Alliance is also very happy. After all, many people are here on business trips, and they don’t know when they will be able to return. As a result, Ye Chuan caught the prisoner within a few days.

But today, Ye Chuan is going to Trainer Alliance.

Because Mewtwo can’t control his Psychic, so he has to find a way to create something similar to the previous armor, and then check the body by the way, as mentioned in the Bell’s experimental log, many experiments The lifespan of the product is less than a few days, or even a few hours, so Ye Chuan is a little worried about Mewtwo’s situation.

After coming to Trainer Alliance, Ye Chuan found that Mewtwo’s emotions seemed a little nervous, even in Poké Ball, Ye Chuan could feel its restless Psychic.

“Relax, I brought you here just to check your body, and by the way, find a way to let you learn to control your Psychic.” Ye Chuan said silently in his heart.

He knew Mewtwo could hear it, and Mewtwo knew he wasn’t lying.

As expected, Mewtwo’s mood began to calm down, maybe it was the previous days that disgusted it, so Mewtwo didn’t want to go back to the previous life at all.

“Mr. Ye.” At this time, many people in charge of the research waited for a long time. Although they did not know Ye Chuan’s specific identity, they knew that it was a relatively big person from the headquarters.

“Then let’s go ahead and talk about it,” Ye Chuan said.

After coming to the research room on the side of Trainer, she said to the first woman in a white coat and glasses:

“Mr. Ye, I am Fan Lin, the research director of Trainer Alliance. , is the main Chief-In-Charge this time.”

“Hello.” Ye Chuan smiled: “I’ll trouble you later.”

“Okay, but If possible, can we do a more in-depth study of that artificial Pokémon?” Fan Lin said, seeming to be very interested in Mewtwo.

The Poké Ball suddenly began to vibrate.

“Mewtwo has been hurt by research experiments before, and I don’t want Alliance to test it again,” Ye Chuan said.

“I understand.” Fan Lin was not surprised when she knew it was impossible.

After coming to a pure white laboratory, there were several sophisticated instruments, and the surrounding researchers were waiting for Ye Chuan to summon Mewtwo.

“Come out.” Ye Chuan took out the Poké Ball, the white light flickered, Mewtwo appeared in a half-kneeling position, then the rays of light faded, it slowly stood up, its tail fluttered slightly, The body is shrouded in a layer of purple power.

“This is the artificial Pokémon…” The others showed expressions of interest, but they also knew that it could not be studied without Ye Chuan’s permission.

“Then, let’s check your physical condition first,” Fan Lin said.

Ye Chuan turned his head to Mewtwo and said, “Mewtwo, please cooperate with these people.”

Mewtwo looked at the researchers in white coats, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, But it still listened to Ye Chuan’s words and walked to the instrument on the side.

Seems to be very familiar.

“Did you actually walk up to the scanner by yourself?” Fan Lin was a little surprised, but then checked it out.

Ye Chuan is faintly muttered to oneself. Mewtwo is so familiar with these instruments, either because it can read the minds of those researchers, or because it has been tested too many times, it has long been known that those instruments are probably Are doing something.

The red light of the scanner swept across Mewtwo’s body, and the three-dimensional structure and data were presented in the instrument on the side, Fan Lin looked at it:

“Well, it matches biological characteristics. , the body is also very healthy at present, and the cells show no signs of aging.”

“What about lifespan?”

“No problems have been found for the time being.”

“Is that so.” Ye Chuan nodded to suppress Mewtwo, and then he said: “The Psychic of the Alliance is very large, and the Alliance can make a kind of armor of Psychic?”

“Sorry, the Alliance does not have this This kind of technology.” Fan Lin called the head.

“But it looks like it doesn’t have any problems for now. Does it still need to be suppressed?” Fan Lin looked at Mewtwo and couldn’t help but ask.

Ye Chuan shook the head: “I just tried to suppress it temporarily, not a long-term solution.”

Although Fan Lin was very curious about Ye Chuan’s way, she But he was very sensible and did not ask, but said:

“Has Mr. Ye heard of Bai’s Technology?”

Ye Chuan heard this, stunned for a moment: “Ah, um …”

“Bai’s Technology currently holds the Pokémon technology of cream of the crop. If you have a way, you can go to Bai’s Technology Group to ask if the armor that suppresses Psychic can be developed. “Fan Lin said.

Ye Chuan’s face was a little complicated: “Well, I understand.”

After checking for a while, Ye Chuan also left the Alliance after confirming that Mewtwo’s body was fine. .

“Are you looking for the Bai Group?” Ye Chuan scratched his cheek with his fingers.

What should I do if my grandfather deceives me?

“But… Since the space backpack can also be made, it should be no problem if you get an extra armor…” Ye Chuan moved towards the center of Pokémon while thinking.

While thinking, Ye Chuan returned to the Pokémon Center unconsciously.

As a result, a hasty voice came from the front: “Ah, Ye Chuan!”

Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to find An Shiyu holding a small fist and looking at him , with a worried look on his face.

“Shiyu… why did you suddenly run out?” Ye Chuan asked suspiciously.

“Aye, Miss Ling said she is leaving!” An Shiyu said.

“Leave?” Ye Chuan looked confused.

“She said she couldn’t protect A Ye, she couldn’t do anything… so she planned to leave!” An Shiyu said.

Ye Chuan heard this, but said: “In fact, she has helped us a lot, how could she be unable to do anything.”

Zero’s ability to collect intelligence is very strong , is a talent, Ye Chuan doesn’t want to let her go.

“But Ye, she’s gone.” An Shiyu whispered.

“How long have you been gone?” Ye Chuan asked.

“Just now.” An Shiyu pointed his finger.

Hearing this, Ye Chuan immediately started Aura Force, searching for the familiar breath.

The next second, a familiar Aura was perceived by Ye Chuan.

“Really… let’s go.” The blue light in Ye Chuan’s eyes slowly faded, then said with a slight smile:

“I probably know where she is. “

“Huh?” An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t think why Ye Chuan knew, so she quickly followed behind him.

At this time, Zero was carrying her own small pocket and was planning to leave the city. Although she left without saying goodbye, she really did not have the courage to face Ye Chuan.

Whether it was Zapdos before or Mewtwo later, she found that her strength was simply unable to protect Ye Chuan.

A bodyguard who doesn’t even have the ability to protect is no different from trash.

Although she needs this money to treat younger sister’s illness, she really can’t stay shameless.

“Alas…” Zero sighed.

But thinking about it carefully, the past few days were quite happy. Ye Chuan didn’t treat her like other employers, but treated her like a friend. As for An Shiyu, she was more gentle to her, and she couldn’t help but think of her sensible and lovely younger sister.

The food is also delicious.

As for Ye Xiaoyi, although she doesn’t like to talk, she can feel that she is also a very kind child.

She really wants to stay and work if she can.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t deserve it.

Zeroshook the head, silently waiting for the car at the station.

Soon, a taxi stopped in front of her, the window rolled down, and a man asked, “Little elder sister, where are you going?”

“Castelia Airport. “Zero said.

“Okay, let’s get in the car.”

Zero opened the door, and just as she was about to sit in, a hand appeared and grabbed her arm.

Zero was stunned, turned his head, and found Ye Chuan and An Shiyu behind him!

“Young, Young Master?”

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu stood there, then Ye Chuan released his hand and hugged his arm and said:

“Why, leave without saying goodbye?”

Hearing this, he blushed suddenly, not because of shyness, but full of embarrassment and embarrassment, didn’t expect that if he wanted to leave, he would be caught by the employer Catch it on the spot.

“Sorry, Young Master.” Zero lowered his head:

“I’m really… incapable of protecting you, and you don’t want to leave someone to eat?”

“Although I don’t know why you think this way, the past few days you have been here have really helped us a lot.” Ye Chuan said with a slight smile:

“So you It’s too boring to say goodbye like this.”


At this time, the taxi driver said impatiently, “That… … If you want to talk, don’t disturb my business.”

An Shiyu heard this, she smiled slightly, took out a few bills from her wallet and handed it to the master: “Sorry, master. , please wait a moment.”

The taxi driver took the money for a moment, then said with a smile:

“No problem, you can wait as long as you want.”


“So Young Master, I’m resigning, thank you for your care these days.” Zero said seriously.

Ye Chuan looked at Zero in front of him, suddenly got into a taxi, and pulled Zero in together.

“Are you going to give me a ride?” Ling asked in a daze after seeing Ye Chuan also got into the taxi, and An Shiyu immediately sat in the co-pilot’s seat.

“Master, go to the nearest Pokémon center.” Ye Chuan said to the driver.

“Pokémon Center?” The driver was stunned. The nearest Pokémon Center seems to be five-six hundred meters away, right?

An Shiyu said with a smile: “Yes, the money just now is the toll.”

When the driver thought of the few banknotes just now, he immediately said: ” Alright, please fasten your seat belt.”

After the car started, Zero realized that Ye Chuan didn’t send her away, but brought her back!

But the car has already started, so she can’t just jump out of the car.

“You’re not useless, on the contrary, you’re doing a great job.” Ye Chuan glanced at her and continued.

Zero hearing this, without saying a word, she knew that these were just Ye Chuan’s words to comfort herself.

“Think about it carefully, if it wasn’t for you to gather intelligence, I would have impossible to go to the power plant, and even more impossible to catch the prisoner yesterday?” Ye Chuan said:

“You The ability to help me has helped me a lot.”

“But… these are all indirect causes.” Zero said.

“But without you, wouldn’t these be realized?” Ye Chuan said:

“Also, your strength is much stronger than Shiyu and Xiaoyi. When danger arises, you can protect them, and I can concentrate on dealing with things.”

“Your intelligence ability and strength are outstanding, I need you, zero.”

Zero looked at Ye Chuan, for all the words he just said, I need you to shake zero’s stubborn thoughts, because she could hear Ye Chuan wasn’t joking, the tone was serious, yes really need her.

Zero slowly exhaled, and then said to Ye Chuan: “Young Master, I understand!”

At this time, there was a sudden vibration in Zero’s pocket, She was stunned for a moment, then took out a mobile phone from the inside. After seeing the number on it, she first glanced at Ye Chuan who was on the side, and finally pressed her index finger with her thumb nail and hung up the phone.

“Don’t answer?” Ye Chuan asked: “Advertising calls?”

“No…” Zero said apologetically, “My younger sister called me. .”

“Then why don’t you answer?”

“It’s working time, so…” As soon as Ling finished speaking, Ye Chuan took the phone from her hand, Then pressed the phone number that was hung up.

“Young, Young Master?”

As soon as it rang, the phone was connected, and then came a soft and weak voice: “Sister… Did I bother you? work?”

“No.” Ye Chuan said with a smile.

After hearing a man’s voice on the other end of the phone, she was stunned for a while, as if she was confirming the phone number, and then she stuttered and asked after realizing that it was indeed her elder sister’s phone number. : “Who, who are you?”

“I am the employer of your elder sister.” Ye Chuan said.

“Hi Hi Hi Hi, Lord?!” With the sound of biting his tongue, the other end of the phone panicked:

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to give the elder My sister called, I just missed my elder sister too much, so I accidentally pressed the call button, sorry!”

“Actually, you can find your elder sister at will.” Ye Chuan said .

“Eh, eh?!”

“The working environment here is relatively free, and there is no problem with occasional phone calls between relatives. By the way, Little Sister, how old are you? ” Ye Chuan asked.

When he asked, he looked at Zero’s reaction. Zero looked at Ye Chuan in a panic. Although she really wanted to get her phone back, she didn’t dare to grab it directly.

“I… 12 years old…” Hearing Ye Chuan’s tone seemed to be very good, he said weakly on the other end of the phone.

“You’re in junior high school?”

“No, I’m in the hospital. I’ve been in the hospital since I was very young…”

The hospital?

At this point, Zero took the phone back, hung up the phone and apologized to Ye Chuan: “Hold, sorry Young Master!”

“I stole you without authorization. If you want to apologize, shouldn’t I apologize to you?” Ye Chuan smiled.

Zero did not speak.

“As I just told your younger sister, you can usually chat with your younger sister on the phone, don’t let yourself be too tight.” Ye Chuan said.

Zero hearing this, seems to be afraid to confirm whether Ye Chuan is telling the truth.

“Although I am the employer, you have a little power, right? It’s good to work hard, but it’s a bit impersonal to enforce it like a machine.” Ye Chuan said with a smile :

“I would prefer to see Miss Zero working in a relaxed state.”

Zero hearing this, after being sluggish for a moment, suddenly smiled and lowered her head:

“I see, Young Master.”

(End of this chapter)

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