Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 490

Chapter 491


Chapter 491 Conspiracy

“Young man, are you spreading fire?” Ye Chuan stood On the side of the road, I couldn’t help but recall this sentence in my mind. The whole journey is about 100 kilometers. The average length of the two groups is less than one kilometer per person. To be honest, it is actually very simple. It would be too bad, after all, I often train with Pokémon, and I can train myself more or less.

Of course, if you are unable to run due to physical reasons, the official will not force it, but as a ceremony, the contestants will not give up this opportunity more or less.

However, although the average time spent by each person is not much, but with so many players added together, the total time is very long, but I don’t know why, the audience has a great deal of this kind of thing. The enthusiasm of seeing one trainer after another, as if it was like being in a race together.

The time gradually passed, and the staff on the side suddenly asked Ye Chuan: “Hello, do you need water?”

“Well, thank you.” Ye Chuan revealed Smile, then take the water bottle from the staff.

After waiting for a while, Ye Chuan felt thirsty under the fierce sunlight.

“It’s so hot…” Ye Chuan muttered. At this time, the holy flame was less than halfway away, and it would take a little more time for Ye Chuan’s turn, but the drones around him It was flying around, as if to capture every corner.

“I’m a little thirsty.”

Ye Chuan unscrewed the bottle cap of the mineral water in his hand and took a sip.

The next second, his brows furrowed deeply, because there was a strange smell in the water.

Then he turned on Aura Force to check the entire mineral water, and found a small pinhole on the side of the mineral water.

“Could it be…” Ye Chuan murmured, the next second, his stomach felt cramping, and it brought a violent colic, as if pulling his own intestines. It came out fiercely minced Normal, no doubt a sign of poisoning.

Ye Chuan looked towards the side of the staff, and found that the person who had just handed him the water was already disappeared.

so that’s how it is.

Who is it, the people from the Bell Group, or the Daylight Group?

Ye Chuan was complexion ashen at this time, and finally left the scene without being noticed.

Found a corner that seemed to have no one, Ye Chuan sat on the ground, gasping for breath, and then began to use the supernatural power to remove toxins.

A circle of golden rays of light constantly repaired Ye Chuan’s body.

Too careless, Ye Chuan never thought that someone would poison him, and it is still in this kind of place, as the so-called most dangerous place is also the safest place, Ye Chuan undoubtedly Recruited.

However, although this toxin is very violent, it is not a serious problem for Ye Chuan, as long as it is well removed, the supernatural power in his body is used to save his life, this kind of mysterious power Ye Chuan usually doesn’t use it easily, but if it is used to save his life, he will not be stingy.

“Those guys are really doing too much.” After Ye Chuan felt that his body was fine, a sneer appeared on his face:

“You actually started playing. Shady.”

“Of course.” At this moment, the sound of rustling grass rang out, Ye Chuan turned his head, and found two people walking out of the bushes beside him.

A man and a woman, wearing masks.

“Is Toxicroak’s toxin good? It’s still concentrated, but it doesn’t kill you. It’s really strange.” The woman smiled and said.

“But you’re actually far away from a crowded place, which really gives us a good chance.” Another man said.

Ye Chuan hearing this, but lightly saying:

“Who are you?”

“Hahahaha, you don’t need to know this, hand it over Come out.” The woman extend the hand:

“In that case, I can consider giving you a nice treat.”


“so that’s how it is, is it Mewtwo.” Ye Chuan smiled:

“The Bell Group?”

“No, it’s just that we The artificial Pokémon is also very interested, so now, after the toxin has been on for so long, you have no strength to summon Pokémon…” The woman said with a smile, and then extended the hand:

” Toxicroak, use Poison Jab on him!”

The blue frog Pokémon beside him suddenly moved towards Ye Chuan and pounced, followed by a purple light on his claws, full of venom!


The sudden appearance of the purple light instantly imprisoned Toxicroak, and then slammed its body into curling.

Toxicroak stared wide-eyed, starting Struggle.

“What?!” After seeing this scene, the woman looked towards Ye Chuan: “Impossible, it’s been so long!”

“I can leave the crowd, naturally My reason.” Ye Chuan stood up and patted the dust on his body: “is it possible that is to find a chance for you to harm me?”

At this time, Mewtwo did not know when Ye Chuan appeared in Ye Chuan. Beside Chuan, the Confusion controlling Toxicroak was released.

“Then, it’s time to clean up the mess.”

Several Poké Balls in Ye Chuan’s hand opened, and then Pokémons appeared behind him.

Each Pokémon has an extraordinary aura, plus the steel armored crow with fierce light on it, standing behind Ye Chuan is very oppression force.

“Although I don’t know how you detoxified, we did fail, and now…” The woman said:


Next In a second, she took out a ball, and after pressing it, a violent smoke Spit Up instantly enveloped an area.

“Tsk, it looks like we can only wait for him to take action.” The man tutted.

“Let’s go.”

“en. ”

When the two were about to leave, Ye Chuan’s voice suddenly sounded in the thick smoke: ” I said you can go?”

A black light flashed, and then the masks on the two people’s faces instantly shattered!


“Let’s talk about other things, my Scyther eyes were once blind…” Ye Chuan stood in the thick smoke, Aura Force locked On the two said with a smile:

“You, there is no way to escape.”



“Finally, I got to the No. 93 location after paying the Baton Pass…” On the square, Host said:

“Now, let’s put the The eyes looked towards the 93rd player!”

“He is the genius Trainer from the southern city, Ye Chuan, and his Pokémon, Charmeleon!”

On the screen, appeared After seeing the silhouettes of Ye Chuan and Charmeleon, I saw one and the other smiling. After taking the holy flame with the torch in his hand, he started to run.

“Ye has appeared!” An Shiyu, who was sitting in the auditorium, saw Ye Chuan on the screen, her face was full of joy, and she began to cheer: “Come on, Ah Ye!!! “

“What’s the matter?” Ye Rin seemed to notice that Ye Chuan was a little dirty, but showed a slightly puzzled expression.


On the other side, after Ye Chuan dealt with the two guys, he naturally returned to the scene immediately and explained to those people that he went to the bathroom. Fortunately, the distance was far away, so Ye Chuan had enough time. handle this.

Ye Chuan held the torch and ran faster with Charmeleon beside him.

Charmeleon seemed happy, waving his paws.

“I’m glad.” Ye Chuan smiled slightly when he saw Charmeleon’s appearance.

Charmeleon nods like

: “ga ga ,”

The whole section of the road is finished in a few minutes. More ceremony is introducing the contestants. In the same way, every player who passes the torch will be introduced by Host, and this way of getting Pokémon to accompany the run is not interesting.

When he came to the next torchbearer, Ye Chuan smiled: “Hello, the holy flame is here.”

“It’s hard work Little Brother, give it to me.” The next torch The hand is a brawny man who started running after taking Ye Chuan’s fire.

Seeing the golden flame beating, Ye Chuan couldn’t help but start to smile:

“I hope everything goes well.”

Charmeleon nodding on the side: “ga ga.”

At this time, someone started to arrange Ye Chuan to go back.

The last stick was handed to Chi.

Chi took his Pikachu and sent the flame all the way to the giant torch in the battle square. Then, along with the cheers of the audience, the torch lit up, and the raging golden flame was burning, faintly revealing With the shadow of Ho-Oh.

“With the golden flame of the torch, I announce the official start of the National Trainer tournament!” Host said.

The surrounding audience cheered.

It will be lunch break time, there will be some programs to watch, and the players will start to rest and adjust their state, and have sufficient rest time.

An Shiyu originally wanted to see Ye Chuan, but received a text message from Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan: I have something to deal with, so I won’t come back for dinner.

After seeing this text message, An Shiyu thought about it,

An Shiyu: Did something happen?

Ye Chuan: It’s okay, it’s just a small matter, you can still see me in the afternoon.

Ye Chuan: I love you.

Looking at the text above, An Shiyu smiled sweetly.

“It’s really nauseous, I love you, I love you.” Ye Rin on the side looked at the information on An Shiyu’s phone with Doudou’s eyes and complained.

“Eh?!” An Shiyu hurriedly buried the phone in front of her chest and looked at Ye Rin blankly: “You, when did you peek?”

“No, I just looked at it a little bit.” Ye Rin made a vague gesture.

“No, don’t peek.”

“I’m obviously just and honorable.”

“Don’t be a rascal like Aye! “


On the other side, Ye Chuan came to the Trainer Alliance. After sneak attack’s own two people were hypnotized by Youyou, they were immediately transported to the Trainer Alliance side.

I am also familiar with Trainer Alliance Ye Chuan in Yanjing City. For some reasons, Ye Chuan lived in Yanjing City for a period of time and naturally communicated with Trainer Alliance here.

“Young Master Ye.” Trainer Alliance, someone received Ye Chuan.

“Where are those two people, are you awake?” Ye Chuan asked.

“They have been awakened by a special method, and they are now being interrogated.” The person on the side said, the so-called special method is just to use some physical stimulation to wake them up. As for the interrogation, the old method is to use Psychic Type Pokémon hypnotizes them to speak.

At this moment, a commotion suddenly sounded, and then someone came out and said a few words to the staff next to Ye Chuan, the person suddenly frowned:

“Young Master Ye, there is an emergency.”

“What?” Ye Chuan asked.

“The two people who were being interrogated just now were rescued.”

“Rescue?” Ye Chuan was stunned: “Rescue in Alliance? “

“I’m very sorry, it may be the Teleport of the Psychic Type Pokémon. The room where the prisoner was interrogated just didn’t have a special wall to isolate the Psychic. It’s all because of our negligence…”

“No Blame you.” Ye Chuan said, then smiled:

“Interesting, but they don’t really think they can escape, do they?”

At this time, outside the city.

In the woods, the air suddenly rippled like a normal lake, and then a purple light appeared. After the rays of light ended, three people appeared.

Two of them were extremely embarrassed, the man and woman who just sneaked attack Ye Chuan.

And the third person looked at them blankly:

“Next time, I won’t save you again.”

“Sorry , Captain…” The woman said apologetically: “I thought it was almost certain, who would have known that man would actually be able to detoxify, so…”

“That person is his child.” The third person slowly said:

“Naturally it won’t be so easy to deal with, even more how this time the task I gave you is just looking for an opportunity to grab that artificial Pokémon.”

“I’m sorry, I said we were too confident.”

“It’s okay, there’s no need to worry about this for the time being.” The third person said:

“The most important thing is that Collect those sources first.”

“Yes…” The woman lowered her head, and after a while, she suddenly said, “Captain, I heard that the source last time also fell on that kid. If you want to take action…”

“Idiot, he has long lost the aura of the origin, even more how you already beat the grass to scare the snake, the other party will only be more vigilant .”

“Really, I’m sorry.” The woman had to apologize again.

“However, this kid is indeed a scourge. If he grows up, it must be a very big obstacle in the future.” The third person said:

“But we also arranged In the battle, there are opportunities.”

“You are very right.”

“Okay, you guys go back first, I still have something to stay here. City.” Third Humanity.


Just after they left, there was a sudden wave in the air, and then a purple light appeared, attracting the attention of the third person: “en?”

rays of light ends, and a boy and a purple Pokémon appear.

“Aura Force.” The corners of the boy’s mouth raised slightly, and then Aura Force instantly locked on all the surrounding creatures.

Finally, he looked towards the third person.

“You’re here, that means you rescued those two guys?” Ye Chuan said, looking at the third person in the Black cloak.

“Can you actually teleport long distances? Although I don’t know how you tracked me, it’s a very stupid thing for you to dare to come here.” The third person took out the Poké Ball, white light flashed, an Aggron appeared.

“roar!!” Aggron’s breath was extremely terrifying, reaching the level of Elite.

Ye Chuan squinted slightly: “Is it an Elite level?”

Two levels higher than him.

“You’re going to die here because of your arrogance.” The third man said, constantly mocking Ye Chuan.

“Who knows.” Ye Chuan shook the head, and then a roar sounded, the third person was stunned, and then found that more than ten helicopters appeared behind Ye Chuan.

“I’m afraid you don’t understand, whose territory is here, right?” Ye Chuan hugged his arms, raised his eyebrows slightly, said with a smile:

“Since I can’t fight one-on-one, Then gang fight.”

(End of this chapter)

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