Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Ye Chuan’s Dream

“Da, da, da-“

The hands of the clock on the wall are making a crisp sound.

A quiet room with two silent people sitting on the bed.

The two Pokémon seemed to sense that the atmosphere wasn’t right, and they were obediently waiting by the door, not daring to say a word.

“I want to die.” An Shiyu looked unlovable, and then made a broken voice: “World annihilation…”

Ye Chuan laughed dryly Then he said, “It’s actually not that bad, think about it, we used to take showers together when we were young.”

“How old are you now?!” An Shiyu let out a lovely cry, She lay down on the bed and buried her face in the pillow:

“Aye saw something…”

“I was wrong.” Although Ye Chuan didn’t expect An Shiyu will take a shower at noon, but since he made a mistake, he still corrects his attitude of admitting his mistake very well.

An Shiyu raised her head with tears in her eyes. She looked at Ye Chuan for a while, then suddenly blushed and asked in a low voice:

“Does it look good?”

“Huh?” The sudden question made Ye Chuan stunned for a moment, but he still gave a thumbs up and said with a smile:

“Well, it’s very beautiful, I feel like I can play three times. A bowl of rice.”

“Se Ye!” An Shiyu immediately stretched out her pink fist and knocked Ye Chuan’s shoulder. After playing rough for a while, Ye Chuan found that she was not angry at first, it seemed that she was Shyness is a bigger part.

An Shiyu stood up and hummed and walked out of the room: “It’s dinner, Se Ye.”

Ye Chuan was helplessly laughed, it seems that this title will not be changed in a short time. Yes, but the most important thing at this point was to fill our stomachs, he and Charmander were starving to death.

Going down to the dining room on the first floor to eat, An Shiyu’s face has returned to normal, but she notices Ye Chuan’s eyes, she bulges slightly: “Why, Se Ye.”

“It’s alright.”

“What time did you get up in the morning?”

“It was after seven o’clock, and then I grabbed some breakfast and went to the sports center to train.” Ye Chuan was eating the little stir-fried beef and sighed: “As expected, the food you made is delicious, if you can eat it all the time.”

“It’s not impossible to eat all the time.” An Shiyu said goodbye Glancing over, whispered.

“I can’t eat it for the rest of my life.” Ye Chuan said with a smile in his eyes: “is it possible that you want to marry me?”

An Shiyu blushed suddenly She stammered: “Stupid…”

Then she picked up the rice spoon and kept adding rice to Ye Chuan’s bowl.

“It’s too much!”

“You said you could make three bowls of rice!”


An hour later, Ye Chuan and Charmander returned to their house with their big stomachs.

“Hiccup, I’m so full.” Ye Chuan returned to the second floor. Although he was very supportive, he was quite satisfied. After all, the food was delicious.

Charmander also hiccupped, and even a fire star came out.

The afternoon is naturally used for studying, Ye Chuan took a short rest, then sat in his study and read books about Pokémon knowledge.

Charmander stood beside him and raised his head, as if curious.

Ye Chuan glanced at Charmander, then extended the hand to hold it on his lap, then continued to look.

The reason why Pokémon’s emotions can be accurately sensed is actually because of the Aura Force owned by Ye Chuan. Although the ability to see through needs to bring the Aura Force into the eyes, but in terms of perceiving emotions, It is a passive ability, and he can’t turn it off even if he wants to.

That’s why, the moment he first met Charmander, Ye Chuan stopped the staff from using Pokémon to subdue Charmander because he could feel it at the time-

Charmander was scared.

It exudes fear all over its body, so it keeps attacking people around it like a hedgehog.

“It’s really a convenient ability.” Ye Chuan’s eyes were covered with a faint blue light, and the house began to turn blue and translucent. He subconsciously looked towards An Shiyu’s house. At that time, on the second floor, a deep blue silhouette was lying on the bed. The next second, she rolled around on the bed with the quilt, and finally fluttered and accidentally fell to the ground.

Ye Chuan: “…”

Retracting the Aura Force and pretending he didn’t see it, Ye Chuan started to concentrate on the book, Charmander was on his lap, Unconsciously fell asleep.

“Da, da, da——”

In the quiet study, only the hands of the clock and the rustling of the pages of the book are turned, Ye Chuan’s heart is also completely immersed in the book .

The entrance examination for the Pokémon subject at Yinshan Middle School is divided into a written part and a practical part.

The part of the written test is to test the knowledge of Pokémon, and Ye Chuan’s memory ability is much stronger than ordinary people. Like this kind of knowledge, as long as you read it a few times, you will not forget it, but it is tricky and the most important. The part of the game must be actual combat, otherwise Pokémon knowledge is just talk on paper if you don’t know how to apply it to actual combat.

This city will never be short of talented people and people with resources, even more how, when so many people are vying for a recommended spot, there may be a few who have innate talent and resource backgrounds. Trainer.

But none of this could shake Ye Chuan’s heart.

“You have to work hard.” Ye Chuan said gently with a smile.

At seven o’clock in the evening, Ye Chuan put down his book and stretched out. He has been training and studying all day today, but he feels that there is no big problem in persevering.

After finishing dinner at An Shiyu’s house, Ye Chuan took a shower and went to bed early, and gave himself an hour of free time.

Ye Chuan, who combines work and rest, still feels very important. He opened the beep station to follow up. Recently, he liked a drama called “Eldest Young Lady on Shishang Wants Me to Confess”, which tells the truth. It’s a story about two arrogant girls who want each other to confess to each other.

“Secretary is a real man.” After watching the latest episode, Ye Chuan turned off the lights and Rest.

He had a dream, dreaming that he would become a very difficult Trainer to deal with, leading Charizard to win all kinds of competitions, from class competitions to city-level competitions to provincial-level competitions. National tournament, in the end Ye Chuan won the world Pokémon league championship trophy, not only that, he also dreamed that he had a long, beautiful wife who cooks delicious food. Every day when he got home, he would ask himself whether to eat first or not. eat her.


The sound of the alarm clock brought Ye Chuan back to reality.

The sunlight outside the window poured in, and it seemed that it was already the second day.

“My wife’s face can’t be seen clearly.” Ye Chuan sat up and recalled his dream, shook the head.

Just as he was about to get up, there was a sudden noise from the balcony behind him, a silhouette crawled over skillfully, and opened the door: “Aye, get up.”

Seeing An Shiyu with crescent eyes and a smile, Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment: “Why did you get up?”

“Of course, the nutrition of breakfast is very important, so I will leave it to you. Let me give you a poem!” An Shiyu stretched out a finger, Rowlet was standing on her head, and she was spreading her wings, as if to say Ye Chuan said good morning: “Cloth!”

“Wife.” Ye Chuan said suddenly subconsciously.

An Shiyu blinked: “Huh?”

_(:з”∠)_This book is updated twice a day, the new book period needs the help of the recommended ticket, save the child Bar!

(end of this chapter)

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