Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 501

Chapter 502


Chapter 502 Charizard and the Nightmare

The rainbow light gradually dissipates——

Flaming wings, dragon horn, drag the flaming tail.


“roar!!” Charizard opened his wings, his eyes were full of fighting intent that couldn’t be killed, just like the eternal flame of Normal!

“Ye Chuan’s Charmeleon has evolved!” Host said in surprise, but it’s a pity that Ye Chuan’s Charmeleon evolved after the battle. If it evolves during the battle, then the game will be exciting The degree will definitely be higher.

“Finally accumulated enough energy for evolution… I’m afraid it is the main force of evolution at the latest.” Ye Chuan said with emotion.

Charmeleon, as his Starter Pokemon, must have the highest experience, but because of the physique problem, it is difficult to evolve and is not favored by everyone.

An Uncle also persuaded him at the beginning, but Ye Chuan firmly believes that Charmander will be able to successfully evolve into Charizard, and the strength of its evolution after polishing the foundation is far beyond the level of ordinary Charizard!

This is the reward given to it after suffering.

Looking at the tall orange’s back, Ye Chuan’s face showed a slight smile, and then muttered:

“There will be…”

This When Charizard raised his head high, his wings flapped, and he flew up and down, unable to conceal his inner joy.

“Very good…” In the audience, An Shiyu and the others also looked happy. They naturally knew how much effort this diligent small dragon had put in to become stronger, and it was rejected by those who had not yet evolved. Restricted by the racial template, Charmeleon cannot exert his true battle strength, he can only keep exercising and accumulate strength by little by little.

“You actually take me as an experience baby.” Lan muttered at this time, then sighed with one hand on his hips:

“Forget it…”

She smiled lightly and looked towards Ye Chuan: “Congratulations, Ye Chuan.”

“It was a wonderful battle.” Ye Chuan also said with a slight smile.

You call flat push wonderful?

Lan complained about Ye Chuan in his heart, then turned around and stepped down. After Ye Chuan thanked the audience, he also came to the waiting room to watch the battle between Lu and Shan Huang.

“Let’s congratulate Ye Chuan for successfully entering the finals, then the next match, the match between Green and Shan Huang, will start halfway through!” After seeing the two of them step down, Host also said: speak up.

“Is it finally here?”

Chi sat in the audience at this time, looking towards the venue of the game, Lu was preparing, and on the other side, Shan Huang sat, as if closing his eyes and resting, in his hand, there is a purple Poké Ball.

Ye Chuan looked at the purple Poké Ball in Shan Huang’s hand and narrowed his eyes.

Half an hour came soon. Maybe it was because everyone was looking forward to the game too much. The number of live broadcasts on the Internet alone has reached tens of millions, and some people watched the game in front of the TV. Viewers are not included in the statistics.

The audience at the scene was in high spirits, mainly because of Shan Huang’s legendary Pokémon Darkrai, this is the legendary Pokémon, just appearing in the game directly detonated the Internet, causing crazy discussions .

Some people thought that the Pokémon was not the legendary Darkrai, but a Pokémon that had never been seen before, but this claim was quickly refuted, as the Darkrai looked exactly the same as the legend, no matter what. Whether it’s combat style or appearance and Ability, it is clear that the argument that Darkrai is not the real Darkrai is untenable.

I haven’t seen Legendary Pokémon before. In the global Pokémon league, there is a legendary Pokémon similar to Moltres, but in contrast, it is obvious that there is no Darkrai in the national tournament to shock. many.

“It seems that everyone is looking forward to it. We saw that the live broadcast room on the Internet was bombed due to too many viewers, and it is being repaired urgently.” Host said with a smile, and then interviewed by the way. Ye Xiaoke:

“Ms. Ye, what do you think about the appearance of Darkrai?”

“Darkrai is the legendary Pokémon, although it is rare, it is recorded in the Trainer Alliance. It has also appeared several times in the book, if you trainers are interested in the legendary Pokémon, you can go to the Trainer Alliance library in various places to check the information about the legendary Pokémon such as Darkrai.” Ye Xiaoke said.

“As expected of our Sir Alliance Lord, well, we also saw that the two players are already in place.” Host said with a smile:

“The match, immediately Start!”

Lu and Shan Huang each stood aside.

“You seem to have an amazing guy.” Green said:

“But I don’t know much about it. After all, in my hometown, I only heard of the Three Holy Birds. things.”

Shan Huang was hearing this, but said indifferently: “You will have a chance to know.”

Lu took out the Poké Ball: “Who knows.”

Two people threw the Poké Ball at the same time under the instruction of the referee, the white light flashed, and then two Pokémon, one orange and one blue appeared.

Charizard, Feraligatr!

“Oh, both sides sent their first Pokémon, Feraligatr and Charizard respectively!”

The attribute is not good, but Green doesn’t mean to exchange Pokémon at all: “Charizard, Air cutting.”

Charizard flapped his wings, and finally condensed several air blades moved towards Feraligatr and slashed!

Feraligatr dodges away, then sprays out the Hydro Pump, and moves straight towards Charizard and slams it—

Hydro Pump is a high-level ability in Water Type, if it hits Charizard, Naturally, it can deal a lot of damage, but Charizard flapped his wings at this time, and took advantage of his ability to fly to widen the distance at a high speed, so that Feraligatr’s Hydro Pump did not touch him at all.

Then it pinpointed the gap, and the blue fluctuations of the Spit Up dragon instantly drowned the Feraligatr!

Dragon Rage!

Feraligatr emits angry roar, instantly shaking the Dragon Rage’s power away, and then its body emits a purple streamer——


Feraligatr’s The breath rose instantly, and then the body was wrapped in water, moved towards Charizard, and rushed over, the speed was quite fast!


Charizard didn’t have time to dodge, but was dragged from the sky by Feraligatr forcibly, and the two fell to the ground together, then grabbed each other’s arms and stalemate.

But it is obvious that Feraligatr’s strength is higher than Charizard’s, maybe because of Feraligatr’s strong melee ability, or because…

“Dragon Dance.” Green said, obviously the rays of light just now are Feraligatr’s Dragon Dance Ability, with the blessing of Dragon Dance, Charizard is naturally impossible to be Feraligatr’s melee opponent.

For a few seconds, Charizard was pinned down by Feraligatr.

At this point, Feraligatr also opened his mouth, ready to move towards Charizard!

And when Charizard saw that he couldn’t resist, he held up Barrier!

Charizard’s Barrier is destroyed with a sharp claw by Feraligatr forcibly with a cracking sound, and then the Hydro Pump hits Charizard —

“bang bang bang!”

The formidable power of the Hydro Pump was terrifying, causing the Ground to be washed away into a deep hole. After a while, after the Hydro Pump was over, Charizard fell to the ground and lost his combat capability.

“Charizard, lose the combat capability!” The referee raised the flag.

Green took out the Poké Ball, took Charizard back, and then summoned a Pidgeot.


As soon as he came out, Pidgeot summed up the wind moved towards Feraligatr, and the sweeping madness directly raised the gravel of the Ground.

Feraligatr strode forward, following the same pattern as Normal trying to yank Pidgeot down from the sky, but it quickly failed, Pidgeot is far more agile in the air than Charizard .

The gravel rolled up by Hurricane made Feraligatr unable to see the area in front of him, and at this moment, several transparent Air Cutters slashed directly on Feraligatr’s body!

Blade and wind, Feraligatr was very difficult to resist, and finally was consumed and fell to the ground.

“Feraligatr, lose the combat capability!” The referee raised the flag, and Pidgeot pulled one back.

The way the two sides fought was too rough and direct, they didn’t even exchange Pokémon, they were just so rigid, but it was obvious that Pidgeot’s battle strength seemed to be very strong, and after a while, there were only three left. Pokémon.

“Interesting, your Pidgeot seems to be stronger than Charizard.” Shan Huang said.

Lu didn’t speak, but looked towards the purple Pokémon around his waist: “It’s almost there.”

“Hehe, since you’re looking forward to it, then…” Shan Huang took out the purple Poké Ball:

“Appear in the dark, Darkrai!”

The Poké Ball opened, black light oozes out, and then a Pokémon covered in black Appears, revealing narrow blue eyes.

“It’s Darkrai!!!” Host exclaimed.

The audience was also instantly excited and looked with wide eyes, it was the legendary Pokémon of genuine!

After seeing this scene, Lu groped for a while from his chest, and finally took out a necklace, with a gem on it shimmering slightly.



The rainbow lights up, and then the necklace on the green neck begins to link with Pidgeot.


“It’s actually a megaPidgeot!!” Host was surprised: “It seems that the green player has also hidden his hand, didn’t expect his Pidgeot to actually evolve a mega, and he has to give it a shot in the face of Darkrai.”

Although Pidgeot’s body has not changed much after evolution, the color of its feathers has become a lot brighter. It chirps, and its wings directly fan the wind!

Darkrai fled into the shadows to get out of the way when he saw this, but he didn’t expect that the violent wind would forcibly blow it out!

“Huh?” Host was stunned, why was Darkrai blown up?

“It has no defense feature.” At this time, Ye Xiaoke explained: “The Pidgeot after the mega evolution has the feature of no defense, and both attacks have the feature of being unable to dodge.”

“so that’s how it is, thanks Ms. Ye for your answer.” Host said.

“You’re welcome, the detailed information about the evolution of mega is recorded in the database and library of the Trainer Alliance. Trainers who are interested can check it out.” Ye Xiaoke said.

So dedicated…

This sentence pops up in many people’s minds.

At this point, on the field.

“Heat Wave.” Greenway.

The light flashed in Pidgeot’s eyes, and the gust of wind that swept it instantly became hot, and then turned into a flame tornado to trap Darkrai!


Pidgeot suddenly shouted loudly, and a sound wave with a fiery flame continuously struck Darkrai!

“really strong… How can Darkrai have no chance to fight back…” Chi muttered who was watching the game at this time.

Is that the power of mega evolution?

Why does everyone have…

Chi looked at his Pikachu: “Can you also evolve mega?”

“Skin?” Pikachu crooked He blinked his head.

At this time, the leader of the battlefield came to Green’s hands.

Of course, almost everyone thought so——

At this time, a Black Energy Ball moved towards Pidgeot and flew over, then exploded in midair, a The fluctuation of dark Black radiates out.

Pidgeot froze, then fell from a head-to-head position, hitting the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.


After seeing Pidgeot being hypnotized, many people cry out in surprise.

“Do you think you can deal with Darkrai like this?” Shan Huang said slowly:

“Before the real darkness comes, your actions are like ants Struggle Normal ridiculous. .”

At this time, Darkrai floated up to Pidgeot, his eyes glowing red: “Gu Milan…”

Pidgeot began to show a painful expression, which was Darkrai’s nightmare here we go.

“End it!”

Darkrai’s outstretched claws suddenly sharpened, and then moved towards Pidgeot!

A strange sound rang out, and the Pidgeot actually broke into pieces and disappeared!

“What?” Shan Huang came back to his senses:


“Nature.” Green Road.

Then a white streamer lit up, and in another place, Pidgeot dragged the dazzling rays of light heavily on Darkrai!

Flying Type Ultimate Ability – Brave Bird Special Attack!

Darkrai stared wide-eyed.

“It was obvious that the hypnosis was successful!”

“It is true that the hypnosis was successful, but also not unsolvable, right?” Green said slowly.

He had already let Pidgeot hold a Berry that was released from sleep, just for this time, and in the Trainer tournament, the use of Berry-like Items is allowed, although a Pokémon only Allows to carry one Items.

But there is no doubt that Berry, the sleep-free, played a role at this time.

Pidgeot also used Substitute when it fell to the ground and raised sand and dust, and the top secret was widened to the blind spot of Shan Huang’s vision.

At this point, Pidgeot once again summons out a storm and envelopes Darkrai, the storm is like a knife Normal, constantly hurting Darkrai.

“Then it’s almost there, give it a final blow,” Green said.

Pidgeot chirps and cuts the wind blade!

“A foolish creature, thinking that Struggle is not in vain.”

The next second, Darkrai burst into black light, instantly turning into a semi-circular field that enveloped Pidgeot!

Lu Yi was taken aback: “What?”

“You are too naive.” Shan Huang said, and then said:

“Eternal sleep in the dark It’s a nightmare.”

Pidgeot falls again, and this time it’s not pretending, it’s actually going to sleep!

Darkrai’s Nightmare ability activates, and Pidgeot suddenly shows pain.

“Nasty Plot.”

Darkrai’s body shrouded in black light.

“Ice Beam—”

Darkrai condensed blue rays of dentate lines, instantly freezing Pidgeot! !

(End of this chapter)

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