Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 541

Chapter 542


Chapter 542 Extinct Pokémon

After a while, Ye Chuan found himself surrounded , At this time, there were thirty or forty people in the wood house, almost crowded here.

They were holding weapons and aimed at Ye Chuan and the others, and Chief-In-Charge also smiled without fear:

“Anyway, today you are leaving Not leaving this island.”

Ye Chuan didn’t speak, but extended the hand and shook it lightly.

The air in front of him seemed to be sucked out of Normal in an instant, and the faces of those who rushed in changed suddenly, and they all turned red.

The weapon crackle fell to the ground, and they opened their mouths wide, as if they were breathing Normal, but they couldn’t absorb oxygen at all, so they could only desperately Struggle.

“What did you do?” After seeing this scene, Chief-In-Charge was stunned for a moment, and then said ugly complexion.

“It’s okay, it’s just that they can’t breathe.” Ye Chuan glanced at him, then said with a smile.

“Pokémon power?!” Chief-In-Charge seemed to understand something and looked around, but couldn’t find the target.

“You’re right.”

Ye Chuan glanced at the people who were in more and more pain, but snapped his fingers, which made them relax.

Those who came in were greedily inhaling oxygen, forgetting their fear for a while, but a second later, they suddenly found that the air around them had been sucked out again!

Again? !

Those people face deathly pale, desperately moved towards Ye Chuan, begging for mercy and bowing down, Ye Chuan at this time is like a god Normal in their eyes.

Ye Chuan seemed to ignore them, he walked to An Shiyu’s side, opened her backpack, and then took out a purple Berry with a special shape one after another.

This is Chesto Berry, which can relieve sleep, of course, also has an effect on humans, but it has to be diluted.

Ye Chuan squeezed Chesto Berry into juice, then looked at the water glass next to it, and when he saw that the water was still clean, he mixed it and fed it to An Shiyu and the others.

During this process, those people didn’t dare to move, they could only desperately hold their breath and move towards Ye Chuan, kneeling and bowing.

After feeding everyone the juice, Ye Chuan managed to get them to breathe.

For a few minutes, someone almost suffocated and fell into a coma, but fortunately there was no serious problem.

Everyone looked at Ye Chuan with fear in their eyes.

They are not Pokémon Trainers, and Normal’s Pokémon Trainers can also be dealt with with their weapons. After all, when the Trainer summons Pokémon, they can kill each other with a bullet.

Ye Chuan sat on the chair with Erlang’s legs slightly crossed, his dark eyes looked down at those who were kneeling, indifferently said:

“To be honest, who sent you here.”

Those people looked at each other and didn’t dare to speak for a while.

Chief-In-Charge didn’t go through that just now, but it made me feel so uncomfortable just looking at it, and I didn’t dare to bite at all, so I could only watch Ye Chuan secretly.

“Don’t say yes.” Ye Chuan put his fingers on his thigh, and said slowly:


After hearing this, nodded, and then picked up a weapon from the ground, with a sound, a person fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, didn’t expect this young man to be so ruthless and cold-blooded than their boss.

“Well…” Ye Chuan retracted his gaze and looked towards the other person: “How about you, do you want to talk?”

The other person’s face changed miserably: “No, Can’t say, my child is still…”



The man fell to the ground, blood stained the floor.

“What about you?” Ye Chuan showed a kind smile and looked towards the third person.

“I…” When the person was about to hesitate, he recalled the appearance of the two people just now, and stammered: “It, it’s actually…”


The third person falls.

Everyone was terrified.

And Ye Chuan ignored this scene indifferently: “It’s too slow, I don’t have time to listen to your stories.”

Then his eyes looked indifferent towards the first. Four people: “Give you three seconds.”

“I said!” The fourth person immediately jumped up loudly shouted:

“Nosil Company instructed us!”

“Really?” After hearing this, Ye Chuan thought for a while, while Zero explained: “Young Master, Norhill Company is also a medical group, and Anshi Group is an opponent.”

“Really.” Ye Chuan said with some headache:

“It’s really a headache… We are just here for a vacation.”

“We need to fight Phone?” Zero asked.

Ye Chuan>nouned>: “Let’s call Ann, after all such a big thing happened.” Then he glanced at the few people who fell to the ground, Then said with a smile:

“But my way of solving the problem is a bit savage, but it works.”

After hearing this, gently nodded: “Yes , Young Master.”

Everyone dared not speak, and at this time Gu Qi and Chi and the others also woke up leisurely, they first touched their heads like a headache, and finally they paid attention in confusion. There are so many people in the wood house:

“Why are there so many people?!”

“It’s a long story.” Ye Chuan said with a smile.

About an hour later, more people appeared on the island, but they were actually from Hoothoot Island.

The first man wearing sunglasses had a frosty face: “Control all these guys!”


Then the man in sunglasses saw After Ye Chuan and the others, immediately one-knee kneels came down: “I’m very sorry, it’s our responsibility!!”

“We sent someone to pick up Eldest Young Lady and the guests, who knew that halfway through These guys have kidnapped you, and come to kidnap you under fake identities!”

“It’s our negligence, I’m very sorry!!”

The man in sunglasses said, while An Shiyu laughed Shook the head:

“I don’t blame you, it’s just that no one expected such a thing to happen.”

She glanced at Ye Chuan: “Right, Ye. “

“Almost, it’s fine if there are no serious consequences.” Ye Chuan also said with a smile, then his expression slowly recovered, and said to the man in sunglasses:

” Those people are from Nosil Company.”

The man in sunglasses was stunned for a moment, then reacted: “I see.”

“And Ye Chuan didn’t eat, otherwise There’s a big problem.”

“That’s it.”

Gu Qi and Chi said with lingering fears. things are up.

“You two, it’s the fastest to eat.” Yao Zao, who was on the side, complained expressionlessly: “It’s also the fastest to rush to reincarnate in the future.”

“Anyway. Everyone is fine.” Jiang Xue also said with a smile.

She only ate a little bit, so she consciously watched Ye Chuan’s performance throughout.

Who would have thought that Ye Chuan was so calm in this situation, and even subdued the people on the opposite side. Jiang Xue had only seen such a scene in the movie.

“This Region is messy?” Ye Chuan looked towards the man in sunglasses.

The man in sunglasses shook the head: “In fact, in addition to the fact that the local residents prefer to take advantage of foreigners in this archipelago, their nature is not bad, and such acts of hijacking others have never happened.”

After he finished speaking, he paused:

“But they pretended to be our people to pick you up, they must have planned it.”

Ye Chuan thought about it. After thinking about it, he said, “Inner ghost.”

“Yes, there must be an inner ghost, and it’s at the top of An’s, otherwise he wouldn’t know about it.” The man in sunglasses said: “Although Ans and Noshill are opponents, but Ans has never used such a despicable method, who knows…”

“Okay, let’s send us there first.” Ye Chuan said.


The man in sunglasses re-arranged a boat for Ye Chuan and the others. After about half an hour of driving, everyone finally arrived at the real destination. —Hoothoot Island.

This is a poorly developed island full of lush green trees, with only a few white buildings standing there.

“That’s Hoothoot Island.” Ye Chuan looked at the island from a distance and said to the man with glasses who sailed the boat:

“What’s your name?”

“Ah Young Master Ye, just call me Xiao Li. I’m the chief Chief-In-Charge of Hoothoot Island, and this time I was also entrusted to arrange your life on Hoothoot Island.”

“Ah Ye, what did the father say?” An Shiyu asked Ye Chuan, after all, her cell phone had no signal.

Ye Chuan hearing this , said with a smile:

“An Uncle was very anxious, but she sighed in relief after hearing that you were all right, and said she knew how to deal with it next. All in all, just leave it to An Uncle.”

“I’m actually fine, let my dad be careful and don’t do stupid things.” After An Shiyu finished speaking, she stuck out her tongue.

“How to deal with those kidnappers?” Gu Qi asked curiously.

“We arrested all of them. After all, the security work in the archipelago is carried out by our company, and the few people that Young Master Ye just dealt with, we all threw them into the trench to feed the fish. Yes.” The man in sunglasses said.

Ye Chuan is nodded: “en. ”

While speaking, Ye Chuan and the others finally came to the island-

As soon as they got off the boat, everyone will watch In the distance there is a Pokémon that has never been seen before!

It looks like a huge lily, with fat limbs and huge eyes, green all over, and a head like a bell.

“It’s Cradily, it’s actually a fossil Pokémon!” Everyone approached in amazement. The green Pokémon in the distance was the extinct Cradily!

“An’s has invested resources to study the fossil Pokémon. As early as a few years ago, we restored Pokémon through Pokémon fossils. Although the success rate is not high, we have successfully resurrected a few. sample, and that Cradily is one of them.” Xiao Li introduced, not forgetting to extend the hand and waved to Cradily.

After seeing Xiao Li’s gesture, Cradily squirmed over, the petals on his head swaying slightly.

“Our Cradily is very docile, you can say hello to it.” After Xiao Li said with a smile, Chi was immediately curious and extended the hand to touch Cradily.

I found that the hand was smooth and soft, like touching a stuffed doll, but when I pressed it down, I felt it was hard inside, like there was a stone in it.

“It feels so interesting.” Gu Qi also said, and then couldn’t help touching it.

Cradily is shaking her petals slightly, seems to be very happy.

“Cradily is smiling.” Seeing Cradily’s eyes narrowed comfortably, An Shiyu said with a smile.

“en.” Ye Chuan is also nodded, and then he took a look at Cradily’s strength and found that it’s pretty good, with Gym Leader level.

“Are there any other resurrected Pokémons on the island?” Ye Chuan asked, looking towards Xiao Li next to him.

Xiao Li smiled at first, and then showed a proud smile on his face: “I think, with regard to the research on fossils, there is no other base in the world except our base, which has a scale as large as ours. .”

“Really?” Ye Chuan was a little surprised, and then thought about the Pokémon fossils in his mind, it seemed that there were quite a few types.

“Please get in the car, I’ll show you all to take a closer look.” As Xiao Li said, someone drove over and asked everyone to get on.

“Let’s go, let’s go in and visit.”

After everyone got into the car, the car quickly moved towards the woods, accompanied by the constant shuttle of tree shadows On everyone’s body, the sharp-eyed Ye Chuan soon noticed that there was a red bird Pokémon on the big tree beside him.

It looks a bit like a parrot, but with a much bigger mouth, even a bit like a dinosaur, with many feathers on its wings and one claw each.

“What Pokémon is that?” someone asked.

“Well…” Ye Chuan thought for a while, then said, “Archen?”

Xiao Li, who was driving at this time, said with a smile: “As expected of Young Master Ye, this Pokémon is indeed Archen. They are Flying Pokémons that lived hundreds of millions of years ago. They have extremely strong destructive power. Even though they are not big, they can easily crush Rocks several times larger than themselves. , According to our research, this Pokémon is likely to be the ancestor of most bird Pokémon.”

“No wonder it is called Archen.” Gu Qi nodded: “It means ancestor.”

“Not necessarily.” Ye Chuan laughed.

At this time, everyone noticed that a Pokémon was slowly approaching in the bushes, and the car also stopped at this time.

I saw a blue Pokémon covered in carapace appear, holding his two giant scythes.

“This is Armaldo, the Bug Type Pokémon that Far Ancient Era killed off, and it has a little relationship with the Scyther type of Pokémon in blood.” Xiao Li introduced, not forgetting to say to Armaldo:

“Come here, child.”

Armaldo rubbed his two scythes, then moved closer to Xiao Li and lowered his head obediently.

“In addition to studying these, we will also extract the blood components of Far Ancient Era Pokémon to analyze whether there are some components that can be used for medical purposes.” After Xiao Li said, he patted Armaldo , the latter left dilly-dallying, as if he wanted to play with Xiao Li for a while.

“Is the blood composition very different from modern Pokémon?” Yao Zao suddenly became interested.

“Yes, after all, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution, the difference is still very big.” Xiao Li nodded:

“It is precisely because of this that we can rely on these to invent More medicine and medical equipment.”


Ye Chuan looked at the surrounding trees, and suddenly, he seemed to notice something looked towards a place , I saw a pink Pokémon floating in the air peeking at his side, it was glowing all over, and it had a long tail.

It seemed that after sensing Ye Chuan’s gaze, it was directly disappeared.

“That’s it?” Ye Chuan was slightly puzzled when he saw the Pokémon he had never seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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