Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 549

Chapter 550


Chapter 550Huntail

“Spheal, please.”

Ye Chuan Squeeze the Spheal in his arms, this kind of Pokémon is very fun to hold, and it looks very cute.

After Spheal released a cute Growl, he suddenly blew a giant bubble, directly covering Ye Chuan ——

“The Dive Ability was originally created to create a bubble, but this way One of the bubbles in the water should not be able to dive, right?”

Ye Chuan extended the hand and touched the bubble, and found that his hand was able to pass through the bubble, which was very miraculous, and at this time, Ye Chuan also noticed that the bubbles started to sink.

The sea water spread all around, but it didn’t touch Ye Chuan. Ye Chuan was holding Spheal and could actually direct Spheal to control the moving direction of the bubble.

“Fun,” Ye Chuan couldn’t help saying.

“Interesting…and there is actually oxygen.” Ye Chuan took a deep breath and found that there was no dull feeling at all, it was like staying on land.

“Sure enough, Pokémon’s power is amazing.” Ye Chuan couldn’t help but said, not forgetting to extend the hand and squeeze the Spheal in his arms.

Spheal let out a happy sound.

Ye Chuan began to dive with Spheal. The water here is blue and translucent. Ye Chuan raised his head and glanced at it. There was crushed sunlight on the sea above. It is refracted, like a beam of light standing in the ocean, magnificent.

“Hmm…” Ye Chuan stepped on a rock in the sea and found that it had reached the end. This is a shoal, so the depth is not high, and because of the low depth, there will be no No high-level Pokémon is in any danger.

And in the depths of the ocean, no one knows what kind of danger is hidden in that dark abyss.

Ye Chuan couldn’t help thinking of Kyogre. Humans still know too little about the ocean.

“Wave~” At this moment, Spheal issued a Growl, Ye Chuan took a look and found a silhouette floating over, which was also a bubble.

He took a closer look and found that it was Gu Qi.

At this time, Gu Qi beckoned as if to say something, but Ye Chuan couldn’t hear it.

After seeing Ye Chuan spread out his hands, Gu Qi pointed to one place, as if he had found something.

“Did you find something?” Ye Chuan let Spheal float over after seeing Gu Qi’s gesture, and then the two exchanged gestures and floated to the sea at the same time.

“Ye Chuan!”

Gu Qi’s voice can be heard at this time.

“What’s wrong, you look anxious, where is Chi?” Ye Chuan suddenly realized the problem when he saw Chi was not there.

“Chi’s all right, you’ll know when you come with me.” After Gu Qi finished speaking, she dived again, and Ye Chuan had to follow after seeing this.

Soon, Ye Chuan also saw Chi’s bubble, he was standing on a reef, his head bowed and he didn’t know what he was looking at.

Beside him, a blue Pokémon fell on the reef.

It looks like an octopus, with a slender body, but with a huge tail, which is very gorgeous and has many circles.

“This Pokémon, I remember…” Ye Chuan floated past, and at this time Scarlet saw Ye Chuan:

“Ye Chuan, you are here, look This Pokémon is seriously injured.”

Ye Chuan couldn’t hear what Chi said, but he probably understood what he meant and nodded, and then began to look at the Pokémon lying on the reef— —

“It’s Huntail.”

Huntail is a rare species in Water Type Pokémon, this Pokémon Normal only exists in the deep sea, it is made by Clamperl plus Deep Sea Tooth Evolved, and once evolved, it will basically not return to the shallows.

“This wound…” Ye Chuan noticed that half of Hunttail’s tail was missing, as if it had been bitten by something.

Huntail’s strength is very strong, defensive power is also quite high, plus the characteristic Swift Swim, so the movement speed in the sea will not be very slow, this is a kind of Peak Level Predator Pokémon, but But it was bitten off by an unknown creature.

“A Pokémon with almost no natural enemies like this can actually become like this.” Ye Chuan muttered, while the Hunttail’s wound was still oozing blood, losing its tail. After that, the Huntail basically lost its ability to swim and could only stare at Ye Chuan and the others.

It’s a bit like a shark with fins cut off, lying helplessly on the seabed, completely incapacitated, and can only wait to die or be eaten by other creatures…

Ye Chuan extend the hand, going to touch Hunttail.

“Don’t!” Chi hurriedly reminded, and at this time, when Hunttail saw Ye Chuan moved towards him and reached out his hand, he suddenly became irritable, he twisted his body violently, and his sharp teeth were about to bite. Ye Chuan!

“Om—” A purple light spread out and controlled Hunttail.

“Many thanks, Mewtwo.” After Ye Chuan finished speaking, his hand also stretched out the bubble and put it on Hunttail’s body.

Aura Force was released, and Ye Chuan began to communicate with the other party-

Huntail’s emotions began to calm down. Although it still showed pain at this time, it was gone. desire to attack.

Chi and Gu Qi looked at each other, didn’t expect Huntail to have calmed down.

Ye Chuan extended the hand, held up the Huntail, and then tried to drive it up, but the weight of the Huntail was too large, and Spheal simply couldn’t carry it.

No way, Ye Chuan had to ask Mewtwo for help.

After bringing the Huntail to the sea, Ye Chuan and the others returned to the shore, while the other girls showed curious expressions when they saw them rushing:

“What’s wrong?”

At this time, everyone also saw the tragedy of Hunttail.

“What a serious injury.” Yao Xian couldn’t help muttering after seeing that Hunttail’s tail was gone.

“Well, it seems to have been bitten off by some Pokémon.” Ye Chuan> nodded: “Yao Zao asked:

“Of course I have it, I brought it here.” After the medicine was finished, he went back to the rest area by the sun umbrella and brought a medical kit.

“It’s so pitiful.” An Shiyu, who was beside him, couldn’t help but say.

Ye Chuan> nod.”

Ye Chuan>”:”But this kind of situation is common in the ocean.”

“The medicine is coming. At this time, the medicine has already opened the box, which is full of As a Pokémon doctor, taking medicine out is the most basic common sense.

“Could you try Sister Yaozao?”

“I can stop the injury. As for whether this Huntail can recover its tail or not, it depends on its own fortune.” Yaozao said.

Pokémon’s self-healing ability is very strong, especially the Water Grass Type Pokémon. Even if there is a broken limb, most of the Water Type Pokémon can recover, and the recovery ability of the Grass Type is even more exaggerated.

The medicine was given to Huntail early, at least to suppress the injury, and at this time Huntail saw that these people were treating him, so he obediently didn’t have Struggle.

“Move it to the beach first, the recovery speed will be much faster if you soak it in the sea.” Yao said after finishing the medicine in the morning.

“en.” After taking Huntail to soak in the shallow sea water less than tens of centimeters, the other party also found a shady place and hid in the crack of the Rock.

“Huntail, it’s a rare Pokémon.” Gu Qi hugged her arms, because this is a deep-sea Pokémon, especially the swimming speed of Huntail in the water, which is not easy for anyone to catch arrived.

“What Pokémon did Huntail evolve from?” Chi was curious.

“You use Pokédex to check.”

Chi then took out his mobile phone, opened the waterproof bag and pressed it, and the Hunttail’s message also appeared——

[Huntail, deep-sea Pokémon, they normally live in the deep sea of thousands of meters. This kind of Pokémon has an amazing bite force and can easily bite through steel. It is a very terrifying predator in the sea. ]

“Clamperl, the shellfish Pokémon evolved into a fish?” Chi was curious after seeing that the initial form was Clamperl.

“It is normal for Pokémon to evolve completely different from before.” Ye Chuan said with a faint smile: “For example, a fat Pokémon used to be thin and slender.”

“Then how to deal with it?”

“Actually, normally, this is a common scene in the ocean, we humans shouldn’t interfere…” Ye Chuan said, then smiled slightly:

“But it’s still unbearable, right?”

Gu Qi and Chi nodded: “en.”

“Xiaoyi, do you want to learn about it? What about Huntail?” Ye Chuan suddenly said to Ye Xiaoyi.

Ye Xiaoyi blinked at this moment, and then seemed to understand what Ye Chuan meant: “I want to understand, master.”

Ye Chuan nodded: “Then I will take you. Go and have a look, Gu Qi, do you want to go to the Dive first?”

“Also, this Hunttail is fine anyway.” After Gu Qi finished speaking, she went to the Spheal Dive with her arms in her arms. , and Scarlet followed because he didn’t dive enough either.

After the two left, Ye Chuan led Ye Xiaoyi to the crevice of the rock, and in the shady crevice, the Hunter was lying motionless inside, with a pair of eyes staring outside. look.

“Come out, Huntail,” Ye Chuan said.

Huntail looked at Ye Chuan, then moved forward, not as vicious as before.

“Xiaoyi, I’ll leave it to you.” Ye Chuan smiled.

Ye Xiaoyi nodded, she moved towards Huntail extend the hand, but her expression was a little scared.

Huntail’s appearance is not good-looking, even a bit strange or terrifying. This is the characteristic of deep-sea Pokémon, mainly because there is no light in the deep sea, so many Pokémon look more casual, And Huntail is the most casual one.

“Don’t be afraid.” Ye Chuan gently stroked Ye Xiaoyi’s head, then gently held her little hand, moved towards Huntail and leaned over.

After being held by the master, Ye Xiaoyi suddenly felt relieved, she felt the temperature of the other party, and then she put her hand on Hunttail’s cold skin——

“Bzz Bzz.” Viridian Force was released, Huntail looked at Ye Xiaoyi blankly, because it found that this force was repairing its body continuously.

After a while, Hunttail’s tail stopped bleeding at all, and even the flesh tissue was not converging, and it seemed that the tail was about to grow again.

“Huntail has no bones, so it shouldn’t be difficult to recover the tail.” Ye Chuan was nodded after seeing this scene.

“Master, I’m a little tired.” After releasing Viridian Force, Ye Xiaoyi whispered.

“It may be that the power is overused.” Ye Chuan smiled slightly, then extended the hand to Ye Xiaoyi’s back, releasing the supernatural power.

Ye Xiaoyi felt the tiredness of her body swept away, she blinked, a little surprised.

“Okay, let’s go back first.” Ye Chuan said, holding Ye Xiaoyi’s little hand.

Ye Xiaoyi suddenly nodded.

And Huntail no longer hid in the crevices at this time, it twisted its body and got on the beach, and then bounced like a salted fish in the shallow water, I don’t know what to do. Thought it was a large blue mudskipper.

“It’s really strange, is this Hunttail’s recovery ability so powerful?” Yao Zao was a little surprised to see this scene in the distance, thinking that the potion he developed had played a role.

“Aye.” At this time, An Shiyu also walked to Ye Chuan’s side and asked in a low voice:

“You used your power?”


Ye Chuan shook the head: “No, I’ll just take a look.”

An Shiyu blinked her beautiful eyes, then nodded.

They all know that Ye Chuan has a peculiar Psychic. After all, Ye Chuan revealed his power in the last battle with Mewtwo.

At this moment, Ye Chuan’s stomach suddenly screamed, and An Shiyu smiled sweetly after seeing this: “Aye, your stomach is screaming.”

“I’m hungry.” Ye Chuan said helplessly, probably because he ate less for lunch, so he got hungry faster.

“I have something to eat.” An Shiyu said.

“What to eat?” Ye Chuan asked, An Shiyu walked to the mat next to him, and took out a box woven from bamboo. After opening it, it was actually full of rice balls. .

“I actually made rice balls.” Ye Chuan sat on the mat and took the rice ball that An Shiyu handed over.

After taking a bite, Ye Chuan found that it was full of vegetables and fruits, very sweet.

“How does it taste?” An Shiyu asked.

Ye Chuan>e, it seems that these ingredients should also be obtained locally. Although it is a taste that has never been tried, it is delicious. Y Chuan does not mind eating a few more.

Seeing Ye Chuan eating fast, An Shiyu still poured warm water from the thermos cup for him to drink: “Drink some water, don’t choke.”

An Shiyu sat next to Ye Chuan, then hugged her legs and looked at the beach.

As the waves hit the reef, An Shiyu leaned on Ye Chuan’s shoulder and moved her feet slightly.

“What’s the matter?” Ye Chuan smiled.

“Aye, how about we buy a house by the sea in the future?” An Shiyu asked:

“I think it will be very happy to live by the sea.”

“Beach?” Ye Chuan thought for a while, then said with a faint smile:

“It’s pretty good, but in case of typhoon, the windows may be Whirlwind, and usually The air is also salty.”

After saying that, Ye Chuan’s smile deepened.

An Shiyu murmured in a low voice: “If you have a bad leaf, you know that it will spoil my interest.”

“No, if a typhoon really comes, I will hold on tight. I will hug you.” Ye Chuan extended the hand and pinched the girl’s cheek:

“I won’t let you leave my arms.”

“This is what you said Yes.” An Shiyu stuck out her tongue and her mood improved again.

(End of this chapter)

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