Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 553

Chapter 554


Chapter 554 Finding

After Mewtwo finished reading Hunttail’s memory, it was quiet at first After waiting for a while, he said slowly: “Well, it really wasn’t made by that Sharpedo.”

After hearing this, Ye Chuan touched his chin thoughtfully: “That’s what I guessed right, There is indeed more than one Sharpedo in the Sea Territory around here.”

“According to Hunttail’s memory, what is the condition of that Sharpedo?”

“This Hunttail smells of blood When you come to a cave, your tail will be bitten off, as for where the cave is…” Mewtwo hesitated, released his Psychic to cover the surrounding Sea Territory, and finally pointed in one direction:

“In that direction.”

After Ye Chuan saw it, he was stunned and asked, “Isn’t it nearby?”

“Well, this Hunttail was swept over by the ocean current. Yes, it’s not here.” Mewtwo replied: “If I read the time correctly, the location is about twenty miles away.”

“It’s so far away.” Ye Chuan touched his chin: “If it’s Sharpedo twenty miles away, could it be Sharpedo’s spouse who attacked Clamperl?”

At this time, An Shiyu also came over: “Aye, how is the situation?”

“The situation is a little complicated.” After Ye Chuan explained the general situation, An Shiyu looked towards Mewtwo curiously: “Since Mewtwo can read memory, then read and attack Hunttail. I don’t know if the Sharpedo in my life was injured.”

“It is.” Ye Chuan nodded, then looked towards Mewtwo: “I remember you said that Hunttail smelled blood, and the location was still the same. In a cave, then the Sharpedo is indeed injured and is hiding in the cave to heal.”

“Although the probability of coincidence is relatively high, it is worth a try, after all, the islands and ocean currents here are changeable, Sharpedo may have been carried to a place twenty miles away by the ocean current.”

“Aye, are you going to find it?” An Shiyu asked.

“en.” Ye Chuan said with a faint smile.

Then his eyes changed, and he seemed to be a little emotional: “I can’t stop Sharpedo from attacking Clamperl, after all, he lost his spouse.”

“But no Stop it, and the nearby Clamperl and Hunter Gorebyss are expected to have serious problems.”

“Trainer Alliance has a rule that Trainers can’t over-interfere with Pokémon in nature, with one exception, which is If the cause of the incident was caused by humans, the Trainer has to help those Pokémons back on track,” Ye Chuan said.

“And Shiyu, if I lose you, I think I will go to Retaliate desperately.” Ye Chuan looked at An Shiyu and suddenly said with a faint smile.

An Shiyu heard this, she stayed for a while, then extended the hand and squeezed Ye Chuan’s cheek: “I don’t allow Ye Chuan to say such things.”

“If One day I was really killed for something, and Ye Chuan couldn’t be as crazy as Sharpedo.”

“Yes.” Ye Chuan smiled.

“Why did the atmosphere suddenly become solemn.” Gu Qi and the others stood aside and couldn’t help but say, “You two are acting like you are parting ways, or that’s what couples do.”


An Shiyu’s pretty face suddenly turned pink, extending the hand to hug Ye Chuan’s arm.

Ye Chuan enjoyed the full touch from the swimsuit and smiled without explaining.

“Okay, I’ll take a Spheal for a trip. If you have anything, please remember to contact me by satellite phone.” Floating followed closely from behind.

The Steel Armored Crow spread its wings and quickly took Ye Chuan to the sky.

“You said that Ye Chuan is very concerned about Pokémon.” Gu Qi looked at Ye Chuan’s back, but couldn’t help but say something.

“If you don’t care about Pokémon, then Ye Chuan isn’t Ye Chuan,” Scarlet said, and the others who heard him say so were nodded in agreement.

At this time in the sky, Ye Chuan is riding on the back of the steel armored crow, observing the situation below, because the Sea Territory here seems to be almost invisible except for some fringing reefs Now, even the moving distance, Ye Chuan can only infer the approximate position through the Flying speed and time of the steel armored crow.

“This Sea Territory is really beautiful, and it is estimated that there are many Water Type Pokémon living there.”

The sea is blue, and there are many Pelipper and Wingull Flying, which prey on the sea creatures. Fish, and every now and then some large Water Type Pokémon float to the surface.

One of the Pokémon caught Ye Chuan’s attention, a giant Water Type Pokémon covered in blue, with a body length of twenty meters.

“The biggest Water Type Pokémon – Wailord.” Ye Chuan was very surprised when he first observed Wailord at such a close distance. This Pokémon is said to be full of gas, like a Dive boat Normal , it achieves the purpose of surfacing and diving by controlling the gas in its body, and the human Dive boat was invented by relying on Wailord’s body structure.

“There are still many unexplored places in the ocean, but human beings want to explore here, the danger is quite high.” Ye Chuan muttered.

After all…

Thinking of this, Kyogre in the dark Sea Territory came to his mind.

“That guy doesn’t know where in the ocean.” Ye Chuan said, Mewtwo suddenly seemed to sense something: “Ye Chuan, I sensed the location of that place.”

“Where?” Ye Chuan had a surprised expression.

“Ahead, one mile away.”

“Okay, Steel Armor, let’s speed up!”


After arriving at the destination——

Ye Chuan looked at the Sea Territory below and found that there was no place to stand nearby.

“There is no place where I can stand to let me Dive.” Ye Chuan looked at it, if there is any danger in the sea, it is very dangerous not to return to the shore in time.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan’s eyes finally looked towards the Steel Armored Crow.

“Crow?” Steel Armor tilted his head.

Five minutes later, Ye Chuan took Spheal and use Dive Ability into the ocean, and on the sea, the steel armored crow was floating there, bored and opened its beak to hit Yawn.

The body of the steel armored crow is a hollow metal, and its low mass naturally makes its buoyancy high, and the oversized body of the steel armored crow temporarily acts as a small boat.

Mewtwo also entered the ocean, and the previously invisible Mew reappeared.

Mewtwo and Mew are covered with Barrier at the same time, and they separate the sea water with a purple and a pink color. This is a bit similar to Dive Ability, but it looks much more Top Rank.

But Ye Chuan didn’t care, because the Spheal in his arms was actually quite useful.

When diving to a certain depth, Ye Chuan’s Aura detected a similar Pokémon aura.

“That’s it.”

(end of chapter)

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