Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 352

Chapter 353

This meager article by Lu Li caused quite a sensation. Below this meager article, the number of comments quickly exceeded ten million. Most of them were asking about the Zerg mother emperor, and many people were asking about genetic medicine. When will it be available for sale in places other than Long Country, but after Lu Li posted this meager, he left the meager world, opened WeChat, and chatted with Qin Wei. Qin Wei has now graduated and entered the Galaxy Life Company. If you work in the finance department, if nothing happens, you will be in control of the company’s finances in the future.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, another year passed.

During this period of time, the work of Mars immigration has been going on vigorously. Every day, Kunpeng and spacecraft are sending immigrants and supplies to Mars. The goal set by the state to increase the number of Mars residents to more than 100 million within two years has been over fulfilled. Now, the number of Martian residents has reached 230 million.

However, only 120 million of the 230 million people are immigrants, and the remaining 110 million are babies born on Mars.

When the state introduced policies to encourage childbirth, many people wanted to have children. After all, the cost of raising children was basically borne by the state. Another painful thing is that many people don’t want children for the time being until they have been injected with genetic medicine.

After immigrating to Mars, they have been injected with genetic medicine and obtained a 1,000-square-meter villa. Immediately, many couples have the idea of ​​having children, and basically they want three to five children at the same time.

As a result, you can see babbling children everywhere on Mars, but don’t underestimate these children. They are all new humans in the true sense. They have powerful abilities when they are born. There may be a blue electric arc that pops up, and you can lift several thousand catties even without walking.

In the virtual world, there are many people sharing videos of these children every day. After seeing these videos, foreign people all envied their eyes, and then they ran to Lu Li’s meager posts to leave a message, hoping that Lu Li can make the genes as soon as possible. The medicine is on the market outside of Longguo.

During this period of time, most of the projects of Galaxy Life Corporation and R&D Center have moved to Mars, but Lu Li has not moved yet because his research on the speed engine has made great progress, and he does not want to be distracted at this critical moment.

this day.

Taklimakan Desert, Kunpeng manufacturing base.

Lu Li, Xu Xiaochuan, John O’Keeffe and others gathered in a laboratory.

In the center of the laboratory, there is a holographic projection of a resident Kunpeng. This is a Kunpeng larva with a body length of only about 100 meters, but its significance is extraordinary. Its body has undergone a lot of improvements and can sail at war speeds.

This is already the 37th silver photo used to conduct warp speed navigation experiments. The previous subjects all died miserably.

Dr. Xu”, let’s start the experiment.

Lu Li said.


Xu Xiaochuan nodded and gave Kunpeng orders through the quantum communication equipment in the laboratory.

The next moment, Kunpeng’s news was transmitted over.

“Instructions have been received.

“Ready to set sail, destination, Mars.

“Countdown 30, 29

With the countdown, the gravitational organs inside Kunpeng’s body began to operate, creating a strong curvature field, distorting the surrounding space into a space bubble.

The bubbles in this space are like soap bubbles. They are isolated from the surrounding space. Li and others can no longer see Kunpeng, even with electromagnetic wave radar.

For the photos in the space bubbles, this is also a very dangerous thing, because it also can’t see the outside world. It is just like a blind man in the process of warp speed, and it doesn’t know where it is flying.

However, Lu Li has solved this problem and he has developed a gravitational wave radar. Gravity can penetrate space, so gravitational wave radar can observe the external environment.

As for the means of communication, he can only use quantum communication. He found in previous experiments that even if he is rarely in a space bubble isolated from the outside world, he can still communicate through quantum communication technology.


With the end of the countdown, the space in front of Kunpeng also began to twist under the action of the curved force field, and the originally invisible void actually swung in circles with a continuous drop visible to the naked eye. If other people saw this scene, they would be shocked. They all fell to the ground, but Lu Li and others have carried out dozens of experiments, and it’s no surprise for a long time.

Afterwards, Wan Peng plunged into this void ripples.

“I hope this experiment can be successful!

Lu Li said softly.

Xu Xiaochuan and others also prayed in their hearts.

Because in the previous experiment, there were also 28 Miyapeng successfully set sail, but in the process of warp speed, the space bubble burst, causing the body to be torn into two segments by the twisted space, or even torn into hundreds of segments.

“Already reached outer space.

“It’s in lunar orbit.

“Great! It has been flying for three minutes and broke the previous record. I have the feeling that it will succeed this time!”

In the laboratory, Xu Xiaochuan and others looked at the information passed back by Kun Peng, their expressions getting more and more excited.

Lu Li also smiled, staring at the screen tightly.

Time passed by every minute and every second.


Xu Xiaochuan and others are getting more and more excited.

“Arrived to Mars! 19 minutes and 21 seconds, across a distance of 400 million kilometers, successfully reached Mars, the speed reached 1.17 times the speed of light!”

“Dr. Lu, we succeeded!”

At this moment, Xu Xiaochuan and others cheered ecstatically. The success of this experiment means the opening of the age of warp speed, and humans can travel to other star systems in a shorter time. This must be recorded by human history. .

“Finally succeeded!”

Lu Li also laughed happily, mastering the technique of speed navigation, he can also travel to alien planets very conveniently.

But at this moment, his brows constricted.

Because the information passed back by Kunpeng shows that in this short period of 19 minutes and 21 seconds, the nuclear fusion fuel inside its body has been consumed by 15%.If it is to travel from the earth to Mars by conventional means of navigation, the consumption of nuclear fuel is only 0.01 at most. %.

“Obviously, the energy consumed by warp speed is extremely terrifying, and nuclear fusion energy is a little insufficient, and more powerful energy must be found!”

Lu Li secretly said in his heart.

(Sorry, Cavan is serious. I will update it today. I will try to make it up tomorrow. My brain hurts. I want to update and earn more. If I have that ability, I can only guarantee to you guys and keep writing carefully.),

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