Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 367

Chapter 368 Cell Editor Upgrade, Dark Particles (seeking subscription)

In terms of meagerness, related topics have also rushed into the hot search list, attracting a large number of netizens to discuss.

There are many people who strongly oppose the expeditionary force.

“These indigenous people are also living lives, why can’t they be saved?”

“To be honest, I think we should save. The natives of Proxima are different from the Vulcans. They don’t have any bad intentions towards us.”

“This kind of ignorance of life should not happen to us.

“How do you say? The expeditionary army is also considering the interests of the country, wanting to allow the country to have more territory, but with our current level of technology, we can find many livable planets, and there is no need to focus on the continents where these indigenous people live? ”

At the same time, many people support the expeditionary force.

“Seeing the opinions of some people, I think I want to laugh. What era is it now? Interstellar era! We have already stepped out of the solar system and started interstellar colonization! Now the natives of Proxima Centauri have an outbreak of plague, we are going to rescue them. To live peacefully with them 24, if a certain civilization that we encounter in the future refuses us to enter their star system, should we respect their opinions and leave obediently? Then what kind of interstellar colonization is done? If interstellar colonization is not carried out, How can we develop? If we don’t develop, when one day encounters a higher civilization that is malicious towards us, what should we do?”

“How should I put it, now we are a powerful party, and the right to choose is in our hands. It can help these indigenous peoples and even help them develop. However, if these indigenous people are stronger than us in the future, the right to choose lies in their hands. How would they treat us? Perhaps, they would directly raise the butcher knife to destroy us, and then said to our corpses that only dead humans are good humans. Don’t think this is alarmist. In the prime of the Tang Dynasty, our Our ancestors brought advanced civilization to Lou Guo. During the Corruption Period, our national power declined and Lou Guo rose, and then he raised a butcher knife against us.”

“The truth is actually very simple. This universe follows the law of the jungle. The weak eats the strong. The Vulcan civilization invades the solar system. This is a good example. If we don’t want to be eliminated, we must make ourselves stronger and want to become stronger. The resources of the solar system alone are not enough. The resources of other civilizations must be plundered. In this process, the heart of the Virgin is undesirable. It is something that can be considered after we are strong enough.”

“Everyone, our relationship with aliens is actually the relationship between humans and monkeys, orangutans and other animals. We can have compassion for them, but we must give priority to human interests.”

As time went by, more and more people participated in the discussion, and Lu Li also published a meager article: “Now is the interstellar age, and our thoughts and concepts need to be changed.

This meager content is very simple, only a short sentence, but its effect is very large, because Lu Li’s influence is too large, and the influence of Galaxy Life is too large.

After Lu Li expressed his position, online media such as Penguin News and Daily Toutiao stepped forward and expressed a clear-cut stand.

Penguin News: The environment in the universe is very sinister. If we want to go further in the universe, we must continue to develop. In the process of development, we must plunder the resources of alien civilization and conflict with alien civilization. We must face up to this reality and change our own ideas.

Daily headline: If the technology of the indigenous people of Proxima is 100 years more advanced than ours, how will they treat us? I believe you already have a picture in your mind. So, please put away your compassion for aliens. Finally, please remember one sentence, between countries, there are only eternal interests, and between civilizations and civilizations, there are also only eternal interests. And we and aliens are different civilizations, dealing with the problem of aliens. In order to do so, we must put our own interests first.

The vast majority of people do not have the ability to think independently. Their ideas and concepts are largely influenced by the media. Simply put, they are easily brainwashed by the media.

As these media began to publicize, the voices opposed to the expeditionary force in the virtual world suddenly became much less.

It didn’t take long for the official media to stand up, express a clear-cut stand, and endorse the expeditionary force’s approach.

Even the media of Star Country, Bear Country, Orange Country and other countries have also stood up and expressed their support for the expeditionary force. The reason is also very simple.The consortium that controls these media also wants to carry out interstellar colonization, so it will inevitably face it. For similar problems, starting to change people’s thinking and concepts now will save a lot of trouble in the future.

Well, this is the truth of the world.

Any ideology is to safeguard certain interests.

After Lu Li’s meager hair, he continued to study dark energy. This is his longest research project, but he still hasn’t made breakthrough progress.

At this moment, a series of voices suddenly rang in his mind.

“Ding! The actions taken by the host are changing human thinking and have a profound impact on the future of mankind. Now rewards are being issued and the system is being upgraded.

“update completed.

“From now on, the cell editor can realize the observation and control of dark particles.

“I hope you enjoy yourself.

Along with this series of sounds, a wave of information flooded into my mind.

“Very good!”

Lu Li was very excited.

From the beginning of the study of dark energy, he speculated that dark energy is also related to particles, but this type of particles does not react with any observable particles such as photons and electrons, so they cannot be observed with existing instruments.

This is also the biggest problem of the dark energy project.

In the past few years, he-540 has been stuck here and tried various methods, but dark particles could not be observed.

Now that the system is upgraded, this problem can be easily solved.

Thinking of this, Lu Li used his mind to observe his own cells with the help of the cell editor.

Suddenly, he found something different from before.

In addition to microscopic particles such as gravitons, protons, and electrons, there are also some very special particles. There are hundreds of types of these particles, and the size is similar to ordinary particles, but they will not react in any way with particles such as electrons and protons.

“There are even more types of dark particles than ordinary particles. When I announce this news, there will be another earthquake in the physical world.”

“Huh? This kind of dark particle also has wave-particle duality. It will form different waves due to the size of the vibration frequency, etc., the field formed by these waves is actually a repulsive field! This dark particle should be used to keep the universe constantly The culprit of swelling can be called “antigravitons.”

This kind of “dark particles, similar to photons, will produce this kind of dark particles in the process of transferring energy from all dark particles.”

After studying for five hours, Lu Li looked more and more excited, because he already had the idea of ​​extracting dark energy, and according to his analysis, using dark energy as an energy source was enough to maintain a long-time warp speed.

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