Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: If I Can Perform Photosynthesis

Interests are touching. During this time, many people wanted to approach Lu Li, but they were all stopped by Ning Wei and others, so they could only think of another way, and that was to ask Lu Li’s acquaintances for help.

Professor Xu and Professor Tian have been asked by others. As long as they can help arrange a meeting with Lu Li, they can get hundreds of thousands of benefits. However, Professor Xu and Professor Tian are pure intellectuals and don’t care about money. Seriously, I directly refused.

The principal is different. Although he has confiscated the money, he needs to be exquisite in this position and has a good relationship with all parties, so he can only bite the bullet and mention it to Lu Li.

Considering that the principal has given him a lot of help, Lu Li decided to give the principal a face, meet those people, and just find a reason to refuse the other party at that time.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Li went directly to the office building.

When he passed by a pine tree, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached out and touched the green leaves.

In an instant, hundreds of pine tree cells were integrated into his right hand.

Of course, there are only a few hundred cells, and the number is too small. If you observe Lu Li’s right hand with the naked eye, you can’t see any changes.

Next, while walking, Lu Li used the cell editor to observe the pine cells. After ten minutes, he came to a large conference room.

There were dozens of people sitting here, and seeing Lu Li walk in, they all stood up, looking at Lu Li like a shark smelling blood.

The principal walked over quickly and whispered, “Lu Li, do you want me to help you arrange another conference room and talk to them separately.”

Lu Li shook his head and said: “Don’t be so troublesome, it’s here.”

The principal nodded and didn’t speak any more. He just helped to match the bridge. He wouldn’t intervene in specific discussions.

“Mr. Lu, we met. I am Du Yilong, a partner of Sequoia Capital. We are going to raise $1 billion in your company, occupying 10% of the shares. In addition, we will use all resources to help you recruit talents. , Build a factory and put it into production, and lay the channel.”

Du Yilong spoke first.

After hearing his offer, some people were dumbfounded.

Because they just want to pick the cheap ones.

In their opinion, Lu Li is only 18 years old and has always been immersed in scientific research. He may have no idea about money matters. Maybe Lu Li can be dealt with as long as he pays a “high price” of more than one billion yuan.

Unexpectedly, Du Yilong directly offered such generous terms.

One billion dollars, as long as 10% of the shares, this is too crazy, and their total liquidity does not add up to one billion dollars.

It seems that this is too cheap to pick up, and I can only watch those wealthy guys waving checks to impress Lu Li.

However, no matter how high the conditions are, Lu Li can’t agree. He came here only for the face of the principal. Du Yilong’s words only made him feel bored, watching everyone else look excited and ready to speak. , He realized that it might take a long time to end. After thinking about it, he immersed himself in observing the pine cells.

The focus is to observe the chloroplasts in the cells.

He wants to modify his skin cells so that they have chloroplasts that can perform photosynthesis.

It’s quite interesting to think about it.

At this moment, he was surprised to find that these pine cells that had been integrated into his body were undergoing photosynthesis, absorbing carbon dioxide and water, and generating oxygen and sugars.

“Is this the whole process of photosynthesis? This is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes. I have to say, this feeling is quite amazing.”

Lu Li secretly said in his heart.

In this way, although he was listening to these people on the surface, he actually didn’t listen at all.

Next, a blond middle-aged man said: “Mr. Lu, hello, I am the representative of Gilead. Our company is willing to spend 5 billion US dollars, plus 10% of the company’s shares, to buy AIDS specific drugs. technology.”

“If you are willing to join our company as the technical director, our company is willing to pay another 5% of the shares, and you can also enjoy certain benefits for the new drugs developed by the team under your leadership.”

“If you have other questions, as long as you ask them, we will try our best to solve them for you.”


Hearing this condition, everyone was taken aback.

The market value of Gilead is close to US$100 billion, which means that Gilead is willing to spend US$15 billion to buy out AIDS drugs!

As long as Lu Li signs a word, he will directly become a billionaire, and his wealth will continue to increase as the stock price of Gilead Inc. rises.

Not only that.

Gilead is also willing to pay 5% of the shares and hire Lu Li as the technical director.

5% of the shares are worth billion.

This should be the most expensive salary in the world!

So, is Lu Li worth the cost of Gilead?

Of course it’s worth it!

Everyone believes that Lu Li, who conquered AIDS at the age of 18, will certainly not have low achievements in the future.

“Mr. Lu, Mr. John Rockefeller asked me to greet you. He is not only a shareholder of our Pfizer, but also the head of the Rockefeller family. He really wants to make friends with you…”

“Mr. Lu, we at GlaxoSmithKline can help you obtain the title of the country that never sets in the sun…”


An individual is anxious to report his conditions, in addition to money, there are various very attractive conditions such as knighthood.

They all want to obtain technical information about AIDS specific medicines from Lu Li, and they also want to dig out Lu Li. They all know the value of Lu Li. This is a genius scientist who can create miracles.

As for Lu Li, he has been standing there quietly, without speaking or showing the slightest mood swing, as if he was considering which company to accept the offer.

At this time, the principal standing by the side was a little panicked. He originally saw that many domestic companies had sent people there, thinking that Lu Li should find a domestic company to cooperate with to solve the problem of start-up capital, but these foreign companies had great wealth. , The conditions offered were too crazy, far exceeding that of domestic companies. He was a little worried that Lu Li would cooperate with foreign companies.


All companies that think they are competitive have quoted their conditions.

However, at this moment, they found that Lu Li still had no reaction at all. This was… Lost?

Do not! surely not! It should be considered! Yes… it must be so!

They didn’t dare to come out, they all held their breath, waiting for Lu Li’s choice.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

Lu Li finally came back to his senses and saw the scene in front of him. Knowing that everyone had completed the conditions, he nodded and said: “I have to think about it seriously. If you don’t receive my reply within a day, then Explain that I did not choose to cooperate with you. That’s it, goodbye.”

After speaking, Lu Li turned and left.

“Mr. Lu, goodbye.”

“If you feel that the conditions we have offered are not enough, you can notify us and we can discuss it again.”

Everyone said, waiting for Lu Li’s reply with full expectation. As for whether Lu Li remembered what conditions they offered, they didn’t worry at all. After all, everyone now knows that Lu Li has the ability to remember.

(The monthly ticket and flowers are almost not voted by the boss, and there have been no rewards for two days. Is there something wrong with the writing? The author is panicked now, and the boss who is still chasing the book can make a bubble and give a reward. , Vote or post a comment. Thanks.)*

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