Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 The Struggle of Generations

Hearing Lu Li’s words, all the students present in the room had a strong curiosity in their hearts. What is it that makes Lu Li unhappy?

The reporters were more curious, and they also faintly felt that there might be explosive news.

At this time, Lu Li sighed: “Everyone knows that I founded a company, but I am not interested in managing a company. It is too troublesome and boring. In contrast, I prefer to study and research, so I I wanted to find a professional manager for the company, and then I received 23 resumes, all of which were excellent high-end talents.”

“However, after reading these resumes, I was surprised to find that one-third of these high-end talents have already become foreign nationals. If it’s just an isolated phenomenon, I won’t have any emotions, but one-third Ah, this means that this is already a common phenomenon!”

“I’m very disappointed! Why are there so many high-end talents who were born in Sri Lanka, grew up in Sri Lanka, became elites, and after earning enough money, they immigrated overseas. That’s not to count. Even though they are foreign nationals, they still have to return. The Dragon Kingdom is here to make money!”

“I think of the experiences of Academician Wu Hongyan, Professor Tian Zhixing, and Professor Xu Zhongchen! They have all studied in the West, because when they were young, the motherland’s science and technology was still relatively backward. If they want to learn advanced knowledge, they must go abroad. !”

“When they first left, they had a very poor foundation, and they couldn’t even understand some professional English words. They were often discriminated against and ridiculed by Westerners, because in the eyes of Westerners in that era, our country was ignorant and backward. synonym.”

“They are very angry, they are not reconciled. They turn anger and reconciliation into motivation and spend all their time studying. In the end, they use their grades to tell those Westerners that we Longguo people are the best.”

“Then they graduated. Because of their academic success, the Westerners extended an olive branch to them, but they did not hesitate to reject the Western world of flowers and return to a poor and white motherland.”

“Then, this land where we are born and nurtured is flourishing. In just a few decades, we can build high-speed rail, build large airplanes, build advanced machine tools, and build advanced medicines! The research and development of technological equipment has led the world!”

“Is it all easy? No! It’s not easy at all! In these decades, we have been facing the Western technology blockade, whether it is technology or theory, we must rely on our own exploration! Because the West wants us We can always be at the lowest end of the industrial chain, and hope that we can only make clothes all the time, and we are always in the midst of suffering.”

“But we finally broke through the blockade. The products we made have been sold all over the world. We have been at the forefront of the world in many fields of science and technology! Why can we do it? It is like the academician Wu Hongyan and Professor Tian Zhixing. The contribution of the pioneers!”

The audience fell silent, and everyone’s expressions were a bit solemn.

Lu Li took a deep breath and continued:

“And before the generation of Academician Wu Hongyan and Professor Tian Zhixing, there were already many pioneers fighting! Do you all know about nuclear bombs? The West has developed nuclear bombs, and the world is shocked. Our country knows that we only have nuclear bombs. Only in order to become an influential power can we have sufficient confidence. So, we started to study. Then, we are also facing a technological blockade! How can others teach you this kind of technology? So, everything still has to rely on our own exploration !”

“However, that was in the 1960s. At that time, our country was almost impoverished. In order to calculate data, many scientists could only use an abacus. In a research institute, hundreds of thousands of people used an abacus together, gnawing steamed buns with one hand and dialing with the other. Calculating beads, crackling, day and night calculations have been going on for several years. Can you imagine such a scene?”

“It is with these pioneers that we have our country’s first nuclear bomb, and it is with the nuclear bomb that we have such an international status!”

“And earlier, were there pioneers fighting? Yes! From the beginning of the Opium War, we can see the shadow of the pioneers struggling! Those pioneers learned the eight-legged essay, and they only said that they Woke up by the sound of foreigners’ guns, they were woken up by foreign guns and cannons. They knew the power of science for the first time! So they started their own way to save the country and the people!”

“However, they don’t know science at all, they don’t know physics, they don’t know chemistry, they don’t know biology, and they don’t even have a basic foundation, but they didn’t shrink back. They tried their best to study abroad. That was the darkest and most backward era in our country’s history. Westerners even commented on us saying that their intelligence is low, and the discrimination and insults they have suffered can be imagined. However, in order to bring some knowledge back, they bear the burden of humiliation. It is these pioneers who have laid the scientific foundation for our country.”

“So, everything we have now, we have become the world’s second strongest country, are not obtained for no reason, it is the result of the struggle of generations of pioneers!”

“However, have you ever wondered why the pioneers struggled? They spent their entire lives trying their guts, hoping that their younger generations can stand in the center of the world and raise their heads proudly! They certainly don’t want to see that the motherland is constantly becoming stronger. The younger generations have to lick the dwindling countries! They certainly don’t want to see that the younger generations humbly think that everything is good abroad, as if even the foreign air is fragrant!”


The audience is still silent!

No one speaks!

But everyone felt the throbbing of their hearts!

Yes, in that backward era, in that era of poverty and poverty, the older generations were able to be proud of their motherland, and were willing to spend their entire lives and youth to try their best.

But nowadays, the country is prosperous and the people are strong, but there are so many people who insist on licking the declining countries.

If the pioneers saw this scene, I am afraid they would only have a sigh!

“This kid really dare to speak!” The principal felt emotional. He always thought that Lu Li was a gentle person, but now he discovered that Lu Li also had a passionate side, and he was very courageous, so he was not afraid of causing criticism at all. However, He has to admit that Lu Li’s words are in his heart. He is also a person who has returned from studying abroad. He is also dissatisfied with the status quo, but due to the pressure of reality, he dare not say it out loud.

“Good point!” Professor Tian couldn’t help but recalled the scenes of the past, tears bursting into tears.

“This segment, I must broadcast it!” The reporters couldn’t help feeling and mixed feelings.

Lu Li’s speech continued, impassioned, and everyone was listening and thinking silently. *

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