Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Lu Li Completed Another New Project

After several days of experimentation, Lu Li has collected a wealth of data, so he writes the paper very fast, his ten fingers jumping on the keyboard, crackling, and writing a page in a minute or two.

However, at this time, Professor Xu and Professor Tian came to the outside of the laboratory. Lu Li greeted Ning Wei. If it was Professor Xu and others, he could come to him at will, so Professor Xu and Professor Tian entered the laboratory smoothly. .

“Lu Li, we are here to find you for a drink. Your speech this time is too appetizing for us.”

Professor Xu said happily.

“I made a special observation. The response from the scene was very strong. Your speech should influence many people.”

Professor Tian also smiled.

However, at this moment, Professor Xu suddenly saw the green rabbit in the cage.

“Why are these two rabbits green?”

Professor Xu was puzzled.

After the words fell, he suddenly remembered that his students had mentioned something: Lu Li wanted to modify the animals so that they could photosynthesize, and finally borrowed a few white rabbits to do experiments.

“Could it be…”

Professor Xu stared at the green fur rabbits, and said anxiously to Lu Li, “Did your experiment succeed? These two green fur rabbits are modified products that can carry out photosynthesis?”


Professor Tian suspects that he has misheard it, and the rabbit photosynthesizes. Is this possible?

Hearing the voices of the two professors, Lu Li stood up, turned around, smiled and said: “Professor Xu, Professor Tian, ​​these two green rabbits can indeed photosynthesize. I have verified it and I am now writing a paper. , And voted for “Cell” magazine after writing.”

“You… how did you achieve it?”

Rao is Professor Xu has been shocked by Lu Li many times.

Professor Tian’s eyes are also full of incredible expressions, allowing animals to perform photosynthesis. Many people have imagined this kind of fantasy thing before, but it was just thinking about it and it was impossible to realize it, but now… Lu Li has made this a reality!

Lu Li introduced: “I used single-base gene editing technology to modify the chloroplast inside the pine cell, turning it into a parasitic chloroplast, which can directly enter the rabbit’s epidermal cells, and can perform photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide. Water produces oxygen and sugars.”

“Modifying the chloroplast gene so that the chloroplast has the ability to parasitize is simple to say, but it is as difficult as heaven to achieve it.”

Professor Xu took a deep breath and couldn’t help but look at Lu Li carefully. Now he really wants to know what the structure of Lu Li’s head is, and his talent is so terrifying. Of course, just think about it. He hasn’t thought about it. Really study Lu Li’s head.

“The rabbit’s immune system recognizes everything that enters the body. Foreign objects like chloroplasts will be eliminated by the immune system. Have you solved this problem? Will the parasitic chloroplasts invade other cells of the rabbit? And, how effective is it, the rabbit Can I breathe without my lungs now?”

At this time, Professor Tian asked several questions at once.

Lu Li replied: “I made a special modification to the parasitic chloroplast gene, it will not be attacked by the rabbit’s immune system. In the current experiment, the phenomenon of parasitic chloroplast invading other cells of the rabbit has not been found. As for the effect, I It has been tested. The rabbit can survive through the oxygen generated by photosynthesis, but it has become accustomed to breathing with the lungs, so where there is air, they will habitually use the lungs to breathe.”

“Can the rabbit not eat, but use photosynthesis to maintain life like a plant?”

“It is theoretically possible. I added a code to the parasitic chloroplast gene. After it parasitizes in rabbit cells, it will generate the corresponding hydrolase to break down the starch produced by photosynthesis and provide energy for the rabbit, but I have not yet Conduct related experiments.”


Upon hearing Lu Li’s words, Professor Tian and Professor Xu were both speechless in shock.

Because from the current point of view, the parasitic chloroplast researched by Lu Li is already a fairly mature product. As long as there is no safety issue, it can be used directly on rabbits.

If we modify the parasitic chloroplast gene, it may be able to parasitize in human epidermal cells, allowing humans to photosynthesize.

This means that the rules that have been passed down for hundreds of millions of years in nature have been broken!

This is an epoch-making step!

Its significance is far more than conquering AIDS!


This may open the way for human body evolution!

Professor Xu took a deep breath, patted Lu Li on the shoulder, and said with emotion: “Lu Li, I find that I still underestimate your talent.”

Professor Tian was also full of emotion, thinking that at the beginning, Professor Xu found him and asked him to give instructions to Lu Li. He directly agreed with the intention of supporting the younger generation. At that time, he only regarded Lu Li as a little talented young man.

As a result, it didn’t take long for Lu Li to conquer AIDS. In his mind, Lu Li became a genius comparable to Newton and Einstein.

But now, he believes that Lu Li’s achievements are likely to surpass Newton and Einstein.

Because Lu Li is very likely to open the path of human evolution, this is an unimaginable achievement, and its significance is no less than the evolution of a wise ape into a human!

“This world is going to boil again.”

Professor Tian sighed, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of Director Wu of the Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Old Wu, something big happened again!”

On the other side of the phone, Director Wu asked: “What’s the matter?”

“Lu Li has completed a new project. He modified the chloroplasts and allowed the chloroplasts to parasitize the rabbit cells, so that the rabbits can photosynthesize, and the effect is very good, and no adverse reactions have been found for the time being.”

“What!” Director Wu was stunned for a moment before asking, “I heard that right? Are you saying that Lu Li has bred rabbits capable of photosynthesis?”

“You heard that right, Xu Zhongchen and I are in Lu Li’s laboratory, and the two rabbits are right in front of us.”


Director Wu took a breath, and quickly said, “You tell Lu Li, let him wait for me in the laboratory, and I will come right away.”


Director Wu hung up the phone, put on his clothes, and made crazy calls while walking outside.

“Lao Zhou! Hurry up and go to Lu Li’s laboratory. Lu Li has bred rabbits capable of photosynthesis.”

“Old Ye…”


With the calls made one by one, the old academicians of the Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences all went out ecstatically.

They have to witness the miracle with their own eyes! *

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