Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Chapter 63: Treating everyone equally, I can’t do it! In my eyes, the people of the country are first!

There are millions of AIDS patients in the star country. At this time, these people who usually don’t speak much on the Internet are all boiling.

“What’s going on? Long Country’s AIDS patients have already started treatment, but our Star Country has no news at all.”

“Did you get stuck by the FDA when you applied for a clinical trial of an AIDS specific drug? I seem to have heard that when a drug is applied for a clinical trial, it will take two or three months at the earliest to be approved. This bunch of damn bureaucrats , Wouldn’t it be special?

“No, that’s not the case. I have already inquired with my friends who work in the FDA. The Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. founded by Lu Li has not applied to the FDA for clinical trials for AIDS specific drugs.

“My God! Why did this happen? Why didn’t Lu Li apply for a clinical trial for the AIDS drug in our star country?”

At this moment, someone posted a message on Twitter and quickly received a large number of reposts.

The person who posted the Twitter was called Brian. He said on Twitter: “Hello everyone, I’m Brian. I feel very depressed and very angry today. I am a patient with advanced AIDS. It’s one year’s life, so after hearing that Long Guo people have invented a special AIDS medicine, I came to Long Guo, hoping to be in the first moment.

Receive treatment from time to time.

During the clinical trial of the “AIDS” drug, I submitted an application, but it failed the review. However, I did not return to China, but continued to wait in Long Country. Until yesterday, I finally received good news that the AIDS drug is in Long Country. After entering the applied treatment, I went to the nearby hospital and queued up for the first time and waited all night.”

“However, in the morning, the nurse at the hospital told me that Galaxy Life Co., Ltd., which produces AIDS specific medicines, asked the hospital to give priority to advanced patients and Longguo people. Although I argued for reasons, I said that I am also an advanced patient. But they did not give me the opportunity to treat, even if I was willing to pay twice or even ten times the price.”

“This is discrimination! Everyone’s life is equal. Why can patients in the Dragon Kingdom receive treatment, but I can’t. Is the life of AIDS patients in the Dragon Kingdom more precious than the lives of AIDS patients in foreign countries? I am sending here. Solemn protest, Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. should treat us equally! No, it is Lu Li, Lu Li should treat us equally!”

“Everyone acted and protested together!”

This tweet quickly became popular and attracted a lot of people to forward and comment. Many Star Country people were angry. It is the first time that Star Country people have encountered such a thing in so many years.

The AIDS patients in the Star Country were also angry. They mobilized their relatives and friends to leave messages on the official website of Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. to protest while leaving a message on the Federal Petition Online. The Federal Petition Network is an official petition website promoted by the Star Country. Officials must respond to petitions signed by 10,000 people.

This is an era of global interconnection. The storm on the Star Country network was quickly known to Dragon Country netizens, and the Dragon Country Internet was immediately detonated. Penguin News and Daily Toutiao carried relevant reports.

Penguin News: Galaxy Life Co., Ltd., founded by Lu Li, has not applied for clinical trials for AIDS specific drugs in other countries!

Daily headline: Shock! Foreign patients with advanced AIDS are refused treatment by hospitals only because of five words-Long Guoren first!


# Lu Li: Priority for patients with advanced AIDS, priority for Chinese people#

#Foreign AIDS patients with late-stage AIDS refused treatment by the hospital#

# Lu Li has not yet applied for clinical trials for AIDS specific drugs in other countries#

These three related topics rushed to the hot search list.

Plus the previous topic.

At this time, on the hot search list, topics related to Lu Li and AIDS specific drugs have occupied half of the country.

There are countless netizens discussing these topics with excitement.

“Support Li! Chinese people first! Welcome Madonna to scold me~!”

“I also support Lu Li! The AIDS drug has just been launched, and the output is limited. Only some patients can receive treatment. Of course, it is the priority of the Chinese people. If you treat everyone like the Virgin, it is a silly behavior!”

“That is, although foreign patients with advanced AIDS are also pitiful, in this case, we should take care of our compatriots first!

At the same time, many netizens came to the Weibo posted by Lu Li to discuss.

“Lu Li, at the very beginning, I just admired your knowledge. When I watched your speech at the National Tsing Hua University Freshman Party, I began to admire your ideas and feelings. Now, I begin to admire your personality! Idol, I also think that no one is qualified to be my idol, but starting today, you will be my idol!”

“Although you did not say a word on this matter, your actions have explained everything. Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. is your company, and it represents your attitude, so I know that the priority of the people is your philosophy. You did not say, but you have already put it into action.”

“I feel that Lu Li will be targeted a lot in the future. After all, his behavior will make other countries very unhappy.”

“Yes, I just logged on to the Internet and found that many people are criticizing and accusing Lu Li, accusing Lu Li of discriminating, which is not humanitarian! Even in the meager way, some people are pointing to Lu Li’s behavior as not humanitarian Spirit! Humanitarian shit, people are relatives, foreigners are outsiders, when relatives and outsiders are in desperate need of life, you

Don’t you give priority to saving your loved ones! These people have been brainwashed and stupid, or their butts have been crooked!”

“In any case, I support Lu Li! Even if the whole world verbally criticizes him, I support him!”

At the same time.

Meager company.

The operations director yelled: “Delete all the comments that bring Lu Li rhythm, and the account will be permanently banned.. No, delete the account directly from the database! Damn, there is still rhythm at this time! If it makes a noise In the storm, our company will definitely be rectified by the above!

Experimental class WeChat group.

The friends also discussed.

“Lu Li, from today, you will be my idol!”

“Lu Xueshen did another thing that made my blood boil, support!!

“@ Lu Li, although I don’t think I can help you, I still want to say, come on!

“@ Lu Li, come out and say something, come out and pretend to be forced, this time I must call 666.”


at this time.

Lu Li is in the laboratory.

As for the priority of the nationals, it is indeed what he ordered. In his view, it is a matter of course. On the territory of the motherland, the nationals should be given priority, especially at this moment of life!

As for the consequences, he has also considered it. It is nothing more than being recorded on a small book by the governments of various countries, but he does not care. The domestic market is enough for him to make money that he can’t spend his life. If the foreign market is not welcome, Then don’t go!

If he cared about this interest, he would not agree to Mr. Wu and cooperate with the country’s strategy.

In the laboratory.

Lu Li is trying to fuse part of the cheetah’s genes into his own genes.

He has successfully integrated part of the unicorn fairy’s genes, giving himself a terrifying power.

If on this basis, a part of the cheetah gene is successfully integrated, the speed should also exceed the limit of human beings.

At that time, he will be the most powerful scientist on the surface.

Although you may not be able to use this strength, but if you are prepared for the lungs, who knows what will happen in the future.

“Hey, it failed again, it’s the 231st time.”

Lu Li sighed.

Perhaps it was because he had already fused the genes of the unicorn, which made his genes more complicated. When he wanted to merge the second gene, the difficulty went up straight.

And he can completely foresee that when he integrates the third gene, the difficulty will be even more terrifying.

But it doesn’t matter. He has a cell editor and has countless opportunities for trial and error. No matter how difficult it is, he can succeed.

As time passed, it got dark.

Lu Li checked the time and found that it was half past seven in the evening, so he left the laboratory and returned home.

As usual, I had dinner with Qin Wei, then checked the WeChat message for a while, and then watched TV with Qin Wei.

Such a small day, although there is not much change, but it is quite good, he likes (Wang is good) like this.

And just when he felt comfortable.

The days of the governments of the star country, the sun never set, etc. are a bit uncomfortable.

People in the country protested one after another, asking them to find a way to make AIDS specific medicines marketed in China as soon as possible.

This makes governments very unhappy.

In the past, all pharmaceutical companies begged them, hoping to approve clinical trials of drugs as soon as possible, but now it is the other way round. It seems that Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. has no idea to apply for clinical trials at all. Could it be that Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. wants us to ask for it. he?

It must be such a garden!

This is really hateful!

It’s just a company, it’s so beautiful!

It is tolerable, okay, it can only be tolerated! No way, for AIDS patients, AIDS special medicines are just needed. If they do not solve this problem, those AIDS patients and their families in China will definitely go crazy!

As a result, the relevant departments of these countries have successively received orders.

“Contact Galaxy Life Co., Ltd. immediately and ask them to submit a clinical trial application for AIDS specific drugs in our country. If they have any conditions that are not too excessive, they can also agree to it.”

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