Start with Cell Editor

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 71 Hold lectures to dig out scientists from all over the world

When the principal and Professor Xu came, Lu Li was squatting near a bathtub-sized glassware filled with a colorless and transparent solution. This solution was different from water and felt a bit sticky.

This is Lu Li’s new research result-Cell Catalytic Solution.

The cell catalyzing fluid can accelerate the division of cells, thereby accelerating the growth rate of organisms, because the growth rate of normal organisms is very slow, in the case of animals, it usually takes several months from a fertilized egg to birth, Lu Li But he couldn’t wait that long. He wanted the intelligent creatures he created to develop from cells into larvae within a few days.

“Lu Li, is this something new you researched?”

Professor Xu asked curiously.

“This is a cell catalyzing solution, which can accelerate the division of cells…

Lu Li stood up and introduced the reason for the development of the cell catalyzing fluid and the purpose of the cell catalyzing fluid.

“You mean that the cell catalysis fluid can shorten the embryonic development period of a few months to a few days?”

Professor Rao has been shocked by Lu Li many times before, and his eyes widened at this time.

This is another great achievement.

Although it is not known whether there are side effects, its technical content is beyond doubt. Even the world’s top bioscientists may spend a lifetime and cannot study this kind of thing.

And this result was just a matter of days when Lu Li researched intelligent creatures.

This is too shocking.

Fortunately, he is used to it. Otherwise, he might have the idea of ​​hanging himself with noodles.

The principal was also taken aback. He felt his scalp numb and staying with Lu Li was too prone to feel inferiority complex.

Born in the same nine-year compulsory education, you are a bit too good.

At this time, Professor Xu asked curiously: “Can the cell catalysis solution accelerate the development of human embryos?”

Lu Li thought for a while and said: “Theoretically, it is possible, but I haven’t considered conducting such experiments for the time being, because experiments involving humans require more consideration, and you can’t just consider technology.”

“Indeed, don’t do this kind of experiment for the time being.” Professor Xu nodded and said, “How is the progress of the smart biology project?”

Lu Li said: “The first intelligent creature I am creating is based on the cells of the garden cat. The genes of the garden cat have been modified a lot, and some genes of the parasitic chloroplast and lizard have been integrated. Theoretically, it It can be used to obtain energy and oxygen through photosynthesis, and like a lizard, it has a strong self-healing ability, but the specific

What, you need to cultivate it to know. I have now developed the cell catalysis solution and will start to grow it soon. But this can only be counted as the first stage. When I study biological intelligent creatures and computers, and then implant the biological computer into it, it is the intelligent creature I envision. ”

“Progress so fast!”

Professor Xu took a deep breath. How much time has passed since then, the cells of intelligent organisms have been cultivated. This is not a simple gene editing, but the creation of a new life.

A new life that can be used to obtain energy and oxygen through photosynthesis, and has a powerful self-healing ability like a lizard.

The principal also took a deep breath and became excited inexplicably. He was sure that once this kind of creature appeared, it would be recorded in the annals of history, and he was a witness to history.

It took a long time for Professor Xu and the principal to come back to their senses.

At this time, the principal finally remembered the business. He looked at Lu Li and said, “Actually, Professor Xu and I came this time. There is one thing I want to ask you for help. Since you conquered AIDS, many people have hoped that you can hold the event. Academic lectures, talk about your insights on biological sciences. When you announce that you are studying intelligent biology, the voice is even higher. Even if it is our National Tsing Hua University, there are many professors who want to hear your insights on biological sciences. I hope to be inspired. They couldn’t contact you, so they all found us at National Taiwan University. I hope the school will come forward and invite you to give a lecture.

Professor Xu also expressed his stance, hoping that Lu Li could take the time to hold a lecture and provide those scholars with some directions and ideas.


Lu Li thought for a while, then agreed.

He didn’t have much interest in the lecture at first, thinking it was too troublesome and meaningless, but after speaking at the National Tsing Hua University Freshman Gala last time, he felt pretty good, and it affected many people, even he himself was preparing for the speech. And when I was sorting out my thoughts, I was touched.

Even at this time, thinking of the pioneers of that generation who spent their entire lives and youth to try their best, his heart would throb.

Now that I have mastered the most advanced biotechnology knowledge, I can certainly provide some pointers and help to my compatriots, and it does not take much time anyway.

at this time.

Lu Li’s heart suddenly moved, thinking of the biotechnology research and development center under construction, and also of Professor John O’Keeffe and Professor Hans Jon.

In his plan, the biotechnology research and development center needs to recruit a group of outstanding scientists like John O’Keeffe and Hans Jon.

0·Look for flowers…

So, can you achieve the goal through this lecture?

It’s totally possible!

John O’Keeffe and Hans Jon both admired his knowledge and wanted to follow him to the highest point of technology, so they took the initiative to follow him.

In the scientific world, there are many such people.

Even if they are old and their bodies begin to decay, their dream of pursuing the highest peak of technology is still not decayed!

In fact, only pure people like them have the chance to make greater achievements in the field of science.

Then, it was so decided.

Through this lecture, he will show his knowledge to scientists all over the world, and tell those scientists that as long as they follow him, they can continue to climb higher peaks of biotechnology.

Lu Li believes that a group of scientists will be attracted.

Although there will be many foreign scientists, as long as they join his R&D center, they are also contributing to Long Country.

Thinking of this, Lu Li looked at the principal and said, “I suddenly had an idea. Since the lecture is going to be held, I should make it bigger and send an open invitation to scientists all over the world. As long as it is a bioscientist who has achieved a certain degree, it’s okay. Coming to this lecture, I will tell them my understanding of biotechnology, including my understanding of genes and cells. I will also show them intelligent creatures so that they can see the crystallization of the highest biotechnology with their own eyes, etc. After the lecture, if they are willing to join my biotechnology research and development center, they can come to me for an interview.

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Professor Xu laughed loudly: “You kid, this is the addiction to digging scientists from other countries! But I like it! Over the years, the outstanding talents of our country have been running to Western countries to help Western countries have made contributions, but since you started, it has been different. You have dug out two Nobel Prize winners from the star country. If you can dug out some scientists, the people of the whole country will applaud you!”

The principal also instantly understood Lu Li’s purpose, and said with a smile: “You now represent the highest peak of biotechnology. Your understanding of biotechnology, your understanding of genes, and your understanding of cells represent the highest level. In addition to intelligent creatures, it will definitely attract many scientists, and the school will fully cooperate with you. I hope you can dig a few more scientists.

If you dig one here, there will be one less for other countries. If one goes down and the other grows, our country will become stronger and stronger in the field of biotechnology. “people,

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