Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 10 - Guardian of Ashes

   Although he didn’t get a deep understanding, Jiang Hen also knew that the Arcane Constructor was really powerful. But the biggest shortcoming of itself is that it is troublesome to construct skills, because they can’t learn skills.

   Even if it is the skills of other Arcane Constructors, they must be completely changed when they get them, and they must construct their own skills according to their own circumstances. It can be said that each skill is its own exclusive skill.

   The power is powerful, but this is simply not something ordinary people can practice.

   If it weren’t for your own talented skill construction master and endless knowledge to make up for this, don’t think about becoming too strong. But with his talents, he can definitely become a master.

   Jiang Hen was very happy in his heart, but on the surface he tried not to show his sensuality.

   In the eyes of other people, Jiang Hen is too excited, but some can’t control it, it will still show through.

   “Yes, after all, after many years of research, I finally completed a skill, how can I be unhappy.” Justin muttered, thinking silently in his heart.

   Just two days after the completion of the skill structure, Liu Wen found the target canyon.

   “We found a place, let’s come.”

   “Are you sure it is Ash Canyon, not some other canyon.”

   “I must be Ash Canyon, look at this.” Liu Wen took out a bag, which actually contained some grass.

   “It’s just some grass, it doesn’t look weird.” A knight came up and said with a surprised look. At this time, other people also gathered.

   Jiang Hen looked at the grass, and then said, “There seems to be some weird patterns on this.”

Justin nodded slightly: “Yes, it’s the grass in Ash Canyon. Ash Canyon has been bathed in dragon blood before, and it is the place where the black dragon was injured. Therefore, the vegetation here has dragon blood patterns on it, which is not found in other places. .”

   There is such a saying. If you look closely, these lines seem to have some blood.

   Justin grabbed a hand, and then sniffed it carefully: “It has a very light fragrance, that’s the feeling. Let’s go, let’s go over now, complete the task early and take the dragon blood orchid back.”

   “Wait a minute, now there is one more question.”

   “What’s wrong, don’t you want to temporarily increase your remuneration.”

   Liu Wen hurriedly waved his hand: “How can it happen? If you say it, it is as much as you want.”

   Liu Wen doesn’t want to have problems with his tasks. They are different from people in this world. What’s the use of remuneration? It is still more suitable for World Crystal Coins, and other things can’t be taken away with them.

   “I mean, there are many monsters guarding Ash Canyon. If we are not prepared at all, we might be attacked.”

   “Monster, you’re talking about the Guardian of Ashes, we know a little bit about that. Those things can’t leave the canyon. If we want to get things, we have to kill them.”

   “That’s right, when those things found us before, they only chased after the mouth of the gorge, and then they didn’t continue to follow them out.” Liu Wen’s next person hurriedly said loudly.

   Liu Wen also nodded: “Since you have all prepared, then let’s go.”

   A group of people immediately summoned the others back, and then ran all the way towards Ash Canyon. When they arrived at the destination, Jiang Hen finally knew why they had not found this place.

   The gorges in the traditional sense are all in the middle of the mountain, but the mountain is obviously underground, and the bulge on the ground is less than 100 meters, like a higher soil slope.

   But starting from the ground, it gets deeper and deeper. Looking at this depth, I’m afraid it will be at least thousands of meters.

   Fortunately, the road to go deeper is relatively smooth, just go straight down.

   Jiang Hen also discovered that around this gorge, some vegetation and trees have some faint lines on them, the same as the ones Liu Wen brought back. And the deeper you go, the more this kind of lines will be.

   “Where is the Ash Guardian?” a knight asked.

   Liu Wen didn’t talk nonsense, picked up a stone directly on the ground, and threw it towards the bottom.

   The stone fell on the ground with a dull sound. At this time, something different appeared around. One by one weird creatures came out of the bushes or drilled directly from the ground.

   These things don’t look very high, at least not as high as a normal person, but they look like they have been splashed with strong sulfuric acid, with pits and pits, as if the whole body is about to melt.

   You don’t need to dress up to perform Resident Evil.

   But these things look like they are about to die, but in fact they are relatively fast, and they are quite flexible. Noting these people outside the valley, some who were closer came over.

   But these monsters can’t leave the valley, UU reading can only howl at them constantly at the mouth of the valley.

“These things are highly toxic. There is no blood in the body, but there is venom flowing and it is very corrosive, so be careful. Moreover, their weaknesses are only the head and the heart. Attacks in other places will not have much effect. .”

   Talking, Liu Wen took out the crossbow arrow in his hand and fired at the Ash Guardian in front of him.

   Sure enough, the arrows hit the unimportant positions, and it has no effect on these monsters at all. On the contrary, the arrow itself was corroded and smoked continuously. Those body fluids with weird colors dripped onto the ground, causing the ground to start to smoke.

   The plants and trees stained with these bodily fluids also quickly turn yellow and become dry in a while.

   Two arrows hit the positions of the head, chest and heart of the two Ash Guardians, and the two monsters finally fell. The person who was hit on the head lay directly on the ground, motionless.

   The one that hit the heart struggled on the ground for a while, and then stopped moving after a large amount of venom had flowed out.

   It seems that this venom is a kind of blood to the monster itself, but it is different from normal people.

   “The speed of action is still slow, but they must be eliminated as far as possible. If there are too many, our armor will be corroded.”

   “I’ll try it with a magic wolf.” Jiang Hen directly let his magic wolf rush out.

   The claws and teeth of the demon wolf can easily tear apart those monsters. These monsters look terrifying, but in fact they are not very powerful. At least there is not even one of them reaching the second order.

   Venom has no effect on the magic wolf, but its corrosive ability can consume some magic power. It seemed that his demon wolf was quite restrained. With the hunting of the magic wolf, his upgrade energy is also increasing.

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