Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 302

Chapter 302

Chapter 295: No help, wait to die!

this moment.

The entire sea of flowers, whether leaves or flowers, were frozen by frost.

And in the center, a touch of snow white gradually condenses into a human shape.

It is Li Mu!

He reverted from elemental state to entity.

In a moment!

As if the sea of flowers made of ice suddenly began to tremble…




Obviously, this strange sea of flowers did not die out in Li Mu’s “Frozen Funeral”.

It’s struggling little by little…

Seeing this scene, Li Mu’s eyes, who had re-transformed into human form, suddenly froze.

It seems that this strange flower is very resistant to freezing!

Thinking of this, Li Mu had to give up the plan to continue using the freezing ability.

But at this moment, as if he noticed something, he didn’t turn his head, and kicked his “Lan Foot” behind him.

26 whoosh!!!

In an instant, the air made a cutting sound, and the terrifying air wave also spread.

And the monster that was about to attack Li Mu was also divided into two by the wind blade he kicked.

However, even if it was blown away, even if it was divided into two parts, the blue-purple humanoid monster was still alive.

It let out an indistinct roar in its mouth as it continued to climb towards the position where Li Mu was sitting.




Unconsciously, more humanoid monsters appeared.

They burrowed out of the ground like zombies, and then stumbled towards Li Mu slowly.

Damn it, what a hell!

What are these things?

Seeing that these humanoid monsters kept coming out of the ground, Li Mu cursed inwardly, then flickered and retreated more than ten meters away.

He opened his eyes wide and carefully observed these zombie-like monsters from top to bottom.

However, the more he looked, the more shocked Li Mu became.

Although the surface of these monsters has grown a layer of moss-like things without exception, both the clothes and the skin have turned blue…

But they are undoubtedly… people!?

Or used to be human!!!

No need to think about it, Li Mu also knew that these people in front of him were attracted by the toxins of the flower sea, and then became the nourishment of the flower sea.

Even at this time, their whole bodies were still connected to vines extending from the ground, their mouths opened unconsciously and saliva flowed out, their eyes staring blankly and turbidly ahead.

no doubt!

All of them have been completely dominated by Huahai, whether it is emotion, body, or consciousness… Everything has been owned by Huahai.

pat, pat, pat…

Accompanied by the sound of chaotic footsteps, such a group of monsters who were once people held bouquets and kept attacking Li Mu.

“It’s really sad… It looks like it’s been eaten up by the sea of flowers!

After looking at the humanoid monsters in front of him with pity, Li Mu made a random move.

With the ability of the Gravity Fruit, Li Mu forcefully attracted the nearest humanoid monster to him.

“Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh…”

The humanoid monster’s eyes were chaotic, saliva kept dripping from its mouth, and Liu was struggling with its dry limbs.

It wants to get out of this bound situation, but it cannot move due to the suppression of the gravitational force field, and it can only behave like a drowning person.

But even if he was struggling frantically, the humanoid monster regarded the bouquet of flowers in his arms as a treasure and carefully protected it, for fear of accidentally damaging the bouquet.

Seeing this scene, Li Mu’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking of something, he slapped the bouquet off his arms without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, Li Mu did not care about the struggle of the humanoid monster, and began to forcibly strip the vines that were entwined like a creeper on the opponent’s body.

He ignored the resistance of the humanoid monster who started to go mad after losing his cherished object. He gathered Qi into a knife in his hand, and with a few ‘swish swish”, together with the vines covering his body, he cut off the opponent’s arm…




Red and green were mixed together, making people feel a little disgusting blood, and 553 instantly surged out from the broken arm of the humanoid monster.

However, this humanoid monster seemed to feel nothing, just kept staring at the bouquet that was knocked to the ground and issued:

“Flower, my flower…give me the flower…give me the flower…

Indistinct hoarse roar, ignorant of the pain of the broken arm, and desperately trying to pick up the bouquet on the ground…


Once as a human being, he is completely helpless, even if the Li Mu Gang is free from the shackles of the sea of flowers, it will be of no use at all.

No help, wait to die!!!

Seeing that his “rescue” had no effect at all, Li Mu had to sigh and release the restraint on the humanoid monster.

Afterwards, after taking a sympathetic look at the humanoid monster whose expression instantly turned happy when he picked up the bouquet, he did not hesitate to release the extreme chill.

The cold air was cold, and the humanoid monster in front of him was surrounded by it in an instant, and it kept a happy expression and solidified at this moment!

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