Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

Chapter 297: Ice Giant VS Flower Giant!

“This is… a big move?!”

Li Mu stared at the huge sun petals that were charging with interest.

Not only Li Mu, but also nearby Gon and others were also looking at this scene in amazement.

With the more and more terrifying energy fluctuations, the sun in the sky pushed through the thick clouds, scattering light and heat into the sea of flowers.

The land in the center of the sea of flowers is rising rapidly, and the huge petals like a mountain are constantly absorbing light and heat.


The red-haired girl who looked very petite compared to the giant piranha suddenly let out a shrill cry.

With this scream, the brightness of the light energy suddenly increased, and the huge heat energy even made the light dazzling!

Heat energy and light energy are transformed into countless golden lights, which gather little by little above the petals…

Immediately afterwards, a torrent of golden light spewed out from the petals that seemed to have turned into a red sun.

Sunshine flames!!!

This is the powerful move wielded by the unknown “Monster of Flowers” in front of him.


The torrent of hot sunlight rushed out, and at first glance, you could even feel a little tingling, which shows how terrifying the light and heat contained in this torrent of light.

Of course, Li Mu, who was the target of the beam, did not dare to be careless.

A huge amount of thoughts surged wildly from his body, and he instantly showed the elemental attitude of the natural devil fruit.

The endless cold air instantly dyed everything around him with a layer of white.

At the same time, Li Mu’s body collapsed and turned into a cold wave.

However, this time, the cold air did not spread outward, but instead converged inward.

Little by little, shrinking again and again, until it becomes more and more solid and denser and denser…


An indomitable blue and white giant appeared in front of him!

Elementalization Ice Giant!!!

In this way, like a blue-and-white giant who descended into the world with a god, he held a giant sword in each hand and waved it towards the front constantly.




Wisps of huge sword qi surged out, then intertwined, and before the beam of the flower monster hit him, it slammed into it…

In an instant, a deafening roar continued to explode.

Boom – boom –

Much louder than any previous collision erupted from the area.

The natural energy boiled, and the uncontrollable air waves rolled and spread around.

Under the onslaught of Li Mu’s transformation into an ice giant, the earth collapsed in an instant, and terrifying energy fluctuations spread out.

This kind of apocalyptic catastrophe-like terrifying scene is enough to make any ordinary person go limp with fright.

Even Gon, who can be called a master of psychic power, had to retreat again and again, and withdrew from the sea of flowers as the battle stage.


The red-haired girl whose lower body was wrapped in piranhas screamed again, and saw that the light and heat contained in the surrounding atmosphere of the Zhou (cgcc) quickly converged towards several huge sun petals near it…

Afterwards, one after another, the rays of light that were hot to the point of whiteness couldn’t wait to spit out.

Sunshine Flame · Multiplay!!!

It is no longer just a single attack. Under the outbreak of the monster of flowers, even such a powerful attack has become a regular skill.

A terrifying torrent of light energy swept across the ground, like a hot knife cutting cheese, instantly melting the ground into a deep ravine.

However, in the face of these thermal energy beams, Li Mu is equally unafraid.

He manipulated the giant’s body and inhaled deeply, like a long whale absorbing water, absorbing all the water molecules in the air.

Then it condensed into frost and snow in the mouth of the ice giant, and sprayed it towards the beam of light that cut the earth apart.

For a moment, I saw the turbulent sea of flowers around, and a freezing sound suddenly sounded…

Under the influence of the terrifying cold air released by the ice giant, the vast sea of flowers condensed into ice at an incredible speed.

The terrifying cold air suddenly spread away, and wherever it went, it instantly condensed into ice…

This is the breath of the ice giant!

The effect of Li Mu’s attack is no less than the genuine “Ice Age” of Aokiji in the world of One Piece!

Not only that, after blocking the ‘sunshine flame” of the flower monster, Li Mu’s action was not finished, he mercilessly raised two giant swords and slashed forward.

This time, the flower monster didn’t have time to react and couldn’t dodge…

He could only let the huge giant sword cut off the sun petals that were still accumulating from the rhizome.


Having suffered such a heavy blow, the flower monster was even more angry now.

After roaring, I saw countless flowers all around began to tremble.

The next moment, the ground began to vibrate.

The countless vines under the sea of flowers, like a raging tide, began to gather around the red-haired girl…

wow wow wow-

In less than a while, right in front of Li Mu’s eyes, a giant made of countless piranhas and vines was born.


The flower giant between the red and green swung the vines several meters thick and drew towards the ice giant.

At this moment, the battlefield has turned into a showdown between two “giants”!

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