Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Killing Yin Beast, Sick Dog!

The Yin Beast Porcupine rushed towards Li Mu actively, and then wrapped Li Mu’s body with the long hair that emerged from his body instantly.

“You’re caught in my Nen’s hair, and no matter how hard you struggle, you can’t break free!”

“It’s up to you to perform the sick dog!”

After the Yin Beast Porcupine wrapped Li Mu with its body hair, he said to his companion ‘Sick Dog.

“(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~, it’s really boring, I thought this kid was a bit high-level, but I didn’t expect you to take it down so easily!”

The Yin Beast Sick Dog’s eyes flashed without a trace, as long as he rushed to bite the boy’s neck with his teeth strengthened by his thoughts, everything would be over.


Carey Eden, one of the ten leaders, has successfully passed the secret passage to the van a thousand meters away.

“I heard that Zoldyck’s Silva and Zeno seem to have just come to Youkexin. You go and contact these two guys, Ba Yijuni, and ask them to kill someone!”

Carey Eden said to a confidant bodyguard next to him.

“Okay, I’ll get in touch!”

The bodyguard in a trench coat took out his computer and found the contact number of Silva of the Zoldyck family on the dark web, and then called.

“One billion ringtones!”

Silva Zoldyck on the other end of the phone couldn’t refuse.

“Ten Kerry, he needs a billion ringtones to make a move!”

The confidant bodyguard said to Carey Yin Deng.

Carey Yin Deng grabbed the phone: “A billion is a billion, when can you take action?”

“At any time, as long as one billion ringni is received, we will leave immediately.”

Zeno Zoldyck also grabbed his son’s phone and said.

“Sign up for an account, and I’ll transfer it to you immediately!”

Carey Yinden didn’t hesitate in the slightest.

In order to break the doom of divination, a mere billion yuan is worth it to him.

“Account *** You transfer money to this account, and then tell me the location and the person and so on.”

Zeno Zoldyck says,

After one minute, the transfer was successful.

“The money has been transferred, the location has been sent to you through the location of the mobile phone, and the photo of the person has been sent to you. I only have one request, kill this person as soon as possible, and then send a photo of his severed head to Me, put me at ease.”

A look of solemnity flashed in Carey Yindeng’s eyes. Only by killing this kid can he survive the calamity shown by divination.

“Okay, let’s rush over here!”

Zeno Zoldyck hung up the phone, then threw the chicken thigh bone in his hand into the trash: “Silva, the mission has been taken over, let’s go kill the kid in the photo!”

As Zeno Zoldyck spoke, he handed the location and photo to his son Silva Zoldyck to watch.

“This time the object turned out to be a kid?”

Silva was taken aback when she saw the photo sent on her phone.

“Yeah, a kid can make one of the top ten leaders of the mafia, Carey Yin Deng, to hire us for a billion dollars. It shouldn’t be easy to come to this kid!”

“Let’s act, so as not to be late, this little devil has escaped. If he escapes, we have to spend our energy to find it.”

Zeno· Zoldyck said with his hands behind his back.

After Kerry Inden hired two top killers, Zeno and Silva, he ordered the van to drive the car to the auction, which also has a powerful force and can be used as a second hiding place.


Villa compound.

The Yin Beast Sick Dog bit off Li Mu’s head and neck in one bite.

“Cut~, vulnerable!”

The sick dog picked up the phone and was about to inform Ten Guys Carey Yindeng that the matter here had been resolved, but just as he took out the phone, he found that the head that he had bitten and fell to the ground had turned into a broken brick.

“how so?”

The sick dog looked at the headless corpse that was entangled by a porcupine in the distance, and the headless corpse had also turned into a water brick.

“I’m behind you!”

From behind the sick dog, Li Mu threw a punch, which directly opened a big hole in the sick dog’s chest.

“Sick dog!!”

Yin Beast Porcupine’s pupils shrank after seeing his companion killed: “How did he do it, how did he replace it when he was restrained by me, and he didn’t start Nen when he was restrained by me!!”

“This sick dog is dead, it’s up to you next!”

Li Mu’s right hand was pulled out of the sick dog’s body, and he shook his arm in disgust. After throwing away part of the blood, he looked at the porcupine with cold eyes and said.

“Kill me? You can’t kill me!”

“My psychic-infused hair is my natural shield. It’s impossible for you to kill me with brute force!”

At the same time as the Yin Beast Porcupine was talking, he activated Nen to push all the hairs and hairs on his body to the extreme. In less than a few seconds, the Porcupine was like a hedgehog, covered with thorn-like hairs. With the blessing of mind power, it is many times harder than steel bars.

Meat Needle Chariot!

The Yin Beast Porcupine slammed into Li Mu’s face like a ball of iron needles. If he hit, he could directly smash Li Mu’s head into a hornet’s nest.



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