Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: One Yuan Kills Gravity Fruit! 3/10

Employers are dead!

It also means that the transaction has ended here.

“Boy, I have to say you’re lucky, the person who hired you to kill you is dead!”

While speaking, Silva dissipated his murderous aura and walked to his father Zeno’s side to whisper a few words, then turned and left together. The employer was dead, and there was no point in continuing to fight.


“Doesn’t that mean that I lost the chance of this one-dollar spike?”

Li Mu was stunned.

“No! 35

“The system task wasn’t canceled correctly, so Carey Inden should not be dead, maybe Zeno and Silva got the wrong message!”

A smile appeared on Li Mu’s mouth.

The hunting target is not dead, which means that he still has the opportunity to kill the hunting target with his own hands, and obtain the chance of one-yuan second-kill.

The battle here is over, and there is no need for Li Mu to stay in this place.

another city.

A tear flashed in Belloc Yinden’s eyes after hearing the news of his father’s death.

“Find that dog for me in a day and chop it off!”

“The kid who was going to kill my father also found out his information for me, and then published it on the underground world network, offering a reward of 800 million Jieni!

Belloc said to the little boss on the other end of the phone.

After speaking, it seemed that it was not enough, so he personally dialed the phone number of a Class A bounty prisoner ‘Roas’: “Help me kill someone, after killing this person, I will give you 900 million ringni!

“Okay, but you have to pay me half the deposit first!”

A-level wanted criminal ‘Royas’ said.

Roas once killed the royal family of a certain country, so he became a wanted criminal on the run. He owns the Manipulator Nen and the beast “Purple Chariot”.

The ‘Purple Chariot’ is a type of mind beast similar to Transformers, and its single-body destructive power is extremely strong.

“Money is not a problem, I’ll transfer it to you and send the bank card account number!!”

There was a gloomy look in Belloc’s eyes.

“Account ****, after paying the money, remember to send me the information of that kid!”5

After Roas finished speaking, he hung up the phone and sat on the sofa waiting for the transfer.

The apartment next to the auction.

Li Mu looked at the Dalmatian Harpy who was wagging his tail, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: “You just swallowed that Carey Inden like this?”

“Mass, if he hadn’t kicked me, I wouldn’t have swallowed him, just thinking about it makes me angry!

Hubby originally just wanted to urinate and leave a mark, then run away, and wait for Li Mu to come back and deal with it personally, who knew that this Carey Yin Deng would dare to kick him.

“Good job!” Li Mu squatted down and touched Hubby’s head: “Spit it out!”

“Five million jenny pocket money!”

“Bone gnawed every day! Want Want Dog Food Three bags.””

Hubby bargained.

“make a deal!”

It is not a loss at all to exchange this price for the opportunity to kill the Gravity Fruit in seconds.

After Hubby heard Li Mu’s words, the excited dog barked twice, then opened his mouth, released Nen, and spit out ‘Kerry Yin Deng’. Den is not dead.

“How did you know I was going to kill you?”

Looking at the somewhat embarrassed Carey Yin Deng who was spit out, Li Mu asked.

“If you want to kill, kill, what nonsense! But if you let me go, I can give it to you…”

Carey Yinden stared at Li Mu with hatred in his eyes and said.

“Okay, I’ll satisfy you!”

Li Mu activated his freezing ability and turned it into a skating blade, directly decapitating Carey Yinden’s head. He didn’t want to listen to Carey’s survival conditions, and he was bound to get the gravity devil fruit.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting the opportunity to kill the gravity devil fruit in one yuan!!”9

The sound of the system resounded in Li Mu’s mind!

“Second kill!”

Without hesitation, Li Mu went to the 1 Jenny that had been prepared in his pocket and started to kill in seconds.

“Second kill is successful!

A gravitational devil fruit covered in patterns appeared in front of Li Mu.

“Before taking the Gravity Devil Fruit, the host needs to spend 100,000,000 Ringnis to purchase the Devil Fruit Side Effect Eliminator in the system mall.”5

In theory, only one devil fruit can be taken, and taking two will cause conflict, so a side effect remover is needed to eliminate it.


100,000,000 juni allows him to eliminate the side effects of eating too much devil fruit and fearing the sea stone factor, which is quite cost-effective.

After Li Mu bought the devil fruit side effect remover, he drank it directly, and after waiting for five minutes, he began to enjoy the gravity devil fruit.

“It’s still just as bad!”

Li Mu complained after swallowing a mouthful of Gravity Fruit pulp.

“Huh, I finally got the ability of the Gravity Devil Fruit, try it out! 35

Li Mu reached out and pointed at Harpy, then activated the gravity devil fruit ability.

“Ow! 55

Dalmatian Hubby felt that his body was being weighed down, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

“Li Mu, what have you done to me? Let me go. I just captured an important person like Kaili for you. How could you treat me like this? Do you still have a conscience?”

…..for flowers …..

Dalmatian Hubby struggled but couldn’t get up, complaining.

“Sorry, there is no one else here, so I just asked you to test the ability of the Gravity Fruit!

While Li Mu was talking, he lost his gravity.

“Li Mu, can you please not take me as a test? I am also a dog with only face. You hurt my face so much that I will not be able to hold my head up in the dog world in the future.”

Hubby stood up from his prone position and said.

“Okay, I won’t use you for the test next time!” Li Mu patted Hubby’s head and continued: “I’ll take you to eat steak, after eating the steak, we will leave here and go to the Sky Arena to meet Gon and Gon. Killua Confluence!””

“I want to eat ten pounds!”

When Hubby heard that he was going to eat steak, he immediately forgot about Li Mu’s experiments.


“Don’t say ten pounds, even a hundred pounds is fine!

Li Mu chuckled.

“Okay, then I’ll eat 100 pounds. I can store it in my body if I can’t finish it anyway!””

Hubby swallowed and said excitedly.

Li Mu: 66…39

He just said it casually, a hundred pounds is a hundred pounds, anyway, he is not short of money now.

After eating the steak, Li Mu went to the airport to buy a ticket to the city where the Sky Arena is located, and boarded the hot air balloon.

It’s just that after Li Mu boarded the hot air balloon, several punk-looking men also bought tickets and boarded the hot air balloon.

These punk men have been eyeing Li Mu for a long time. After boarding the spaceship, they opened the underground world website again and compared the information: “Confirmed, it is indeed the boy who offered a reward of 800 million Berrijuni!”

“Wait until the middle of the night when the kid is asleep, we’ll start!

The boss of these punk men said.

800 million Jie Ni! As long as they get 800 million Jie Ni, they will not worry about eating and drinking in this life.

vip box!

Li Mu is sitting cross-legged on the bed, trying to make gravity and Nen merge into the field of gravity.

One hour!

two hours!

Five hours later.

Li Mu finally made a preliminary fusion of the Gravity Fruit.

“It’s a pity Hubby won’t let me do experiments with him!

Li Mu glanced at Hubby who was already asleep, and secretly said a pity.

However, at this moment, the door of Li Mu’s VIP box was kicked open, and several men dressed as punks broke in with submachine guns.

“Okay, I’ll give you my place!

The middle-aged man took 10,000 juni from Li Mu’s hand, then came out of the line, turned around and left, he was not going to line up any more, 10,000 juni was enough for him to eat a luxurious meal.

After the middle-aged man left, Li Mu was about to stand in the middle-aged man’s place to line up, but before he got into the line, he was stopped by the fat man behind him: “Want to cut in? No way!

“I’m not jumping in line, I’m taking the place of the middle-aged man, not jumping in front or behind him! 99

Li Mu explained.

“Don’t talk to me about these things, you can jump in the queue if you want, give me 100,000 rennies, and I’ll let you jump in the queue!””

The fat man said arrogantly with his hands on his chest.

“Go away!”

Li Mu’s expression turned cold after hearing that the fat man wanted to blackmail money.

“Would you like me to kill this fat pig for you! Killua asked Li Mu’s ear with her head close.

“I’ll do it myself! 9

After Li Mu finished speaking to Killua, he looked at the fat man: “I’ll give you one last chance to make room for me.”

“You brat, you dare to threaten me? Do you know that I am the champion of sumo wrestling in Audemars Piguet, and I can slap you to death with a single slap!”

After hearing Li Mu’s words, the fat man shook the fat on his body without cutting it.

“Since you’re disobedient, then…” Li Mu stretched out his right fist and punched the fat man’s stomach.


One sound!

The fat man was beaten and flew out to sit in the shriveled trash can.

“Stinky brat, I’m going to kill you!

Where has the fat man ever suffered such humiliation, he got up from the ground directly, and then put his legs on the ground, posing as a sumo wrestler: “Great sumo…

Before he could finish his sentence, Killua walked directly to the fat man’s side and lowered the fat man’s throat with a dagger: “Listen, from now on, if you dare to blink, I will kill you without my permission. If you dare to say a word, I will kill you!”


The fat man took a sip, he could feel that the kid in front of him might really kill him..

“Now, get down on your knees!

The dagger in Killua’s hand threatened to cut a trace of blood on the fat man’s neck.

The fat man glanced at Killua, then with fear in his eyes, he slowly squatted down to his knees.

“Killua, forget it, I also punched him just now, which can be considered to be out of anger in my heart. 99

Li Mu stepped forward to stop it.

He was really afraid that Killua would slaughter this fat pig under everyone’s attention.

“I’m just bored to play with him. Who would have known that he couldn’t help playing so much that his legs were soft!”

Killua watched as the fat man retracted the dagger.

“Fat pig, remember it for me, these three little devils are under the cover of Uncle Ben, if you touch them, you will not give Uncle Ben face! 95

Harpy came over from not far away arrogantly, then raised his hind legs and urinated on the fat man to mark it and said.


The fat man was so angry and aggrieved that even a dog came to urinate on him to mock him, but why would a dog speak human words?

“Hapi, who made me pee? Didn’t I tell you to go to the bathroom in the future, so I don’t have to clean it.”

Li Mu stared at Harpy with a stern gaze.

“Ahaha, habit, habit, after all, am I a dog! 99

Hubby hurriedly ducked behind Gon’s legs to explain.

“Don’t defecate anywhere next time, unless there are special circumstances!”

Li Mu cautioned.

“Well, not next time! 2.2”

After hearing Li Mu’s words, Hubby nodded hurriedly.

“Li Mu, hurry up and line up, the registration is about to reach the position you just let the middle-aged man out! 99

Hubby reminded.

After all, after spending 10,000 yuan, Li Mu returned to the position of replacing the middle-aged man and began to wait for registration.

after a heated meeting.

Belloc Inden took over from his father, Carey Inden, and became one of the Ten Leaders.

“Hey, Roas? I received a message that the kid went to the Sky Arena, you go directly to the Sky Arena to kill him!

Belloc said to Royas, a Class A wanted criminal.

“Okay! I’ll buy a spaceship ticket to the Sky Arena now!

Royas responded to Belloc after he killed a Nen who was trying to arrest him with the thought beast ‘Purple Chariot’.

ps: Phantom Troupe is also a Class A wanted criminal․

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