Start with Hunter x Hunter and Get the Ice-Ice Fruit For One Yuan

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Chapter 76: Visual Deprivation & Shinra Sky Expedition!

“You are playing against me, should you want to kill me?” Li Mu said, looking at the man with the bronze mask.

He just felt the fleeting killing intent from this bronze masked man.

“You have seen it out, since you have seen it out, then I will no longer hide it, I really want to kill you, after all, the bounty of 800 million Jieni!

The bronze masked man responded.

The Underworld Network offers a bounty of 800 million ringworms, which is a great temptation for many criminals to reward Hunter and the like.

“And because of the bounty in the underground world!!?”

Li Mu frowned slightly, this bounty did cause him some trouble.

After he hits the 100th floor, he will go and solve this hidden danger!

“If you can give me 800 million yuan, I can consider letting you die!”

The man with the bronze mask chuckled.

“See you in the ring!”

Li Mu came to the counter and said to the staff: “Arrange a fight with him. If we both agree, we should be able to arrange it immediately!?”

“Wait a minute, I’ll arrange it for you!

The staff nodded.

Below the 100th floor, when both of them agree to a duel, the arrangement is much simpler.

ten minutes later.

The bronze masked man and Li Mu stood on the ring.

“The sky arena is a good place, not only will killing people not be punished, but they will also get a lot of money for winning.

While speaking, the bronze masked man took off his mask.

“It’s Abe Gustav, the strong man who once climbed the 200th floor!”

“He had a winning streak without a single defeat back then. He rose directly to the 200th floor, and disappeared after losing to Hua Shi Doulang in the first game on the 200th floor. I didn’t expect him to come back!”

“He’s been on the 200th floor, and it stands to reason that he doesn’t need to start all over again. Why did he show up in the ring on the 99th floor?”

“Who is that kid who is playing against him? He can actually reach the 99th floor!”

“I’m afraid this kid is going to be planted this time, and he actually met a person who once climbed the 200th floor.”

In the auditorium, many audience members began to discuss.

“Have you ever climbed the 200th floor” “?”

Li Mu asked after hearing someone in the audience talking.

“Yeah, I’ve climbed the 200th floor, but that was a year ago. I didn’t expect so many people in the audience to know me.”

“Little devil, are you afraid? If you take out 800 million yuan, I can spare your life and not kill you!

Abe Gustaf opened his arms, enjoying the praise from the audience.

“Maybe I’ll kill you!

Li Mu’s mouth turned up.

“Game start!”

After the referee explained the rules according to the steps, he directly announced the start of the game.

Mind and visual deprivation!

Abe Gustav materialized a horn-shaped object, then blew the horn, and a circle of ripples emanated from the horn, covering Li Mu’s body



Li Mu found that Abe Gustav in front of him disappeared from his eyes after blowing the horn.

“Appeared, Abe Gustaf’s signature stunt – visual deprivation, anyone who is attacked by his horn sound waves will be hypnotized!

“This kind of hypnosis is actually like a magician saying to an ordinary person, if you can’t see me, this ordinary person can’t really see the magician because he is hypnotized!”

“I heard experts call this phenomenon psychological stealth!39

Several spectators who admired Abe Gustaf stood up from their seats excitedly.

The reason why they worship Abe Gustaf is because of this ability. If he has this ability, even if he goes into the women’s bathhouse, those beautiful women will turn a blind eye to him.

“Yes, I’m invisible!”

“You are already panicking because you can’t see me! 99

“But it’s useless to be afraid, you are now a pig that I can slaughter and slaughter”

When Abe Gustav heard Li Mu say that he was invisible, there was a smile in his eyes.

“I’ll cut off your ears next!”

Abe Gustaf took out a dagger from his waist to cut off Li Mu’s right ear.

But as soon as he took a step, he felt a force of gravity falling on him, making it difficult for him to move.

“I found you!

After seeing a sunken footprint on the ring not far away, Li Mu aimed his right hand at that position and activated lateral gravity!

Shen Luo Tianzheng!


Abe Gustav slammed into the wall below the stands, embedded in the wall.

Shinra Tianzheng is Payne’s “Heavenly Way” ability in Hokage, but Li Mu can also do this after developing the Gravity Fruit ability.

“3, 21, critical hitdown! Opponent is incapacitated, No. 2943 Li Mu gets three points! 35

The referee pronounced a verdict.

Criticalhit and down are the professional terms for the referee’s judgment in Sky Arena. Criticalhit means that a “very good attack” can be scored two points, and down means that the opponent does not stand up within the referee’s countdown.

“””The next blow, I will take your life!

Li Mu looked at Abe Gustav who was back in the ring and said.

Because Abe Gustav was knocked into the wall by Li Mu just now, the Nen attack caused by the horn was lifted, so Li Mu saw Abe Gustav again.

Dark step, sprint!

Li Mu used his assassination technique to quietly come to Abe Gustaf, and used his right fist to hammer out a blood hole in Abe Gustaf’s chest. Because Li Mu wrapped his fist with thought force in advance, his There was no blood on the fist.

“Dark Step!!?”

Killua’s eyes flashed a little after seeing Li Mu’s dark step to remove his breath.

“Victor! Li Mu!

After checking the situation of Abe Gustav who fell to the ground, the referee declared Li Mu the winner.

Winning this time, Li Mu successfully advanced to the 100th floor.

Sky Arena is generally one level every ten floors, and one victory is promoted to one level, because the contestants from the 99th floor to the 100th floor are a watershed, so this (good king Zhao) victory Li Mu can only be promoted to one level building.

“Li Mu, did you use a dark step just now?

Killua asked when Li Mu came under the stand.

“Yes, it’s just that I added some of my own understanding on the basis of dark steps!”

Li Mu nodded.

With Li Mu’s physical quality beyond ordinary people, it is not difficult to learn this basic assassination technique. After Li Mu learned skills such as dark steps and limb bends, he couldn’t help but understand Luffy in Pirate. After Luffy opened the second block , I glanced at the scene where ‘shaved’ also learned immediately.

“Li Mu, let’s go to the 200th floor. When you get there, you can apply for your own private room!”

Gon said aside.

“Well, after I have completed the relevant matters on the 200th floor and obtained the room, I will be away for a few days!

Li Mu said to Gon and Killua.

The bounty on the underground world website made Li Mu a hunting target, which made Li Mu very unhappy, and Li Mu wanted to solve this unpleasant thing from the root.

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