start with scouting

Chapter 62

Chapter 62
The first half was over in a blink of an eye.

Relying on the exquisite running position on the offensive end and the seamless rotation on the defensive end, the first grade completely dominates both offense and defense. Even if the water is released for 2 minutes, it leads the second grade by as much as 28 points, making the garbage time of the rookie challenge come earlier than in previous years.

During the intermission, Jordin sparks, the champion of the sixth season of American Idol, came on stage and sang his most popular song "Tattoo", and all the fans on the sidelines sang along.Su Yang listened curiously for a while, but felt nothing at all.

A CCTV reporter applied for the opportunity and went to the sidelines to interview Su Yang, saying that the server of the domestic basketball forum was down because he designed a tactic for the UAE to exploit its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, allowing the UAE to dunk five times in halftime, as well as assists and shots.

In short, the UAE's performance in the first half was [-] times better than its usual performance with the Bucks.

The CCTV reporter also said that domestic fans are preparing to jointly petition the Bucks owner Herb Cole, seeking to dismiss Bucks head coach Larry Chris Kowiak in the off-season, hire Su Yang to coach the Bucks, and work with the UAE to rule the hegemony NBA.

Su Yang didn't know if it was a joke, and he didn't take it seriously, he just said thank you for your love and will continue to work hard.

Back in the locker room, Durant and others surrounded him excitedly, saying that playing under him was a pleasure,
Even someone as calm as Conley said that playing under him is more comfortable, mainly because of his clear thinking.

Everyone was chatting, Outlaw ran into the locker room and told Su Yang: TNT off-site hosts are discussing whether he is qualified to be the head coach. Barkley thinks he is talented enough to be the head coach, but Kenny Smith thinks he is qualified It seems that he is only 24 years old, younger than many players. It is okay to be an assistant coach, but he will not be able to control the locker room as a head coach.

Outlaw also said that he wanted to find Kenny Smith to make a theory, but Webster stopped him.

Su Yang smiled and said that it was unnecessary. TV programs like to use arguments to increase the attention of the program. Many times a guest expresses a point of view, but he just says it according to the requirements of the program. Even if he really thinks that way, it is still personal freedom.

After everyone returned to the court after the break, Su Yang arranged countermeasures in advance for the changes Ken could make in the second grade.

But after the game started, the second grade chose to lie down and give up resistance, and the first grade simply did not defend.The game turned into a three-point and dunk show. Moon, Gay, and Gibson performed in turn, warming up for the three-point and dunk contest.

But even in the pure training mode, the first-year side relied on Durant and Green to score consecutively and efficiently. With 2 minutes left in the game, it helped the first-year extend its lead to 40 points, and the fans on the scene shouted. enjoyable.

In the end, the first grade defeated the second grade 142 to 108, setting the biggest difference in the Rookie Challenge.

In the first grade, UAE, Sean Williams, and Moon scored in double figures from the bench, and even 'Bomb' Navarro scored 9 points, while Horford, Conley, and Green started, rarely at the same time. All assists are in double figures.

There are three players in a team with 10 assists, and the basketball sharing and operation effects are absolutely top-notch.


But what really caught the fans' eyes on Durant was his wonderful off-ball defense, as well as his accurate and quick defense against the ball, which made everyone realize that he is a player who can provide defense, and his defensive level is absolutely adequate.

When the AMVP trophy was presented, Su Yang stood on the sidelines with the first-year players to watch the ceremony.

Durant took the trophy from the T-Mobile boss, turned to Su Yang and said, "I think coach Su should take a large part of the credit for this award. He made me, and my teammates, experience a kind of Simple, efficient play. I felt like I was playing a high school game. I could do anything on the court. I will always remember this game...”

Hearing the words, Su Yang stepped forward, raised his hand and gave Durant a high five, and gave Durant a thumbs up to show his praise.

Durant is visibly happy to the naked eye, so happy that he doesn't hide it when facing the camera.

Ever since he was in high school, he has been fighting gods and killing gods and Buddhas in games, and he has never lost a game.

When he was in college, he also won almost all the honors, and even won the praise of Bill Seffer, the head coach of the famous basketball school Kansas: Durant is the best player I have seen since coaching, and we can't prevent him at all!
But when he got to the NBA, he became a stick shooter who ran around the screen.  …

Coach PJ Carlesimo's complicated tactics from the Spurs made it difficult for him to experience the fun of the game.

The difference between the two experiences is too great, it was Su Yang who let him regain that feeling of invincibility.

Amidst the cheers, Durant's speech ended, and the MVP awards also ended simultaneously, and everyone dispersed.

As the first-year head coach, Su Yang stayed on the sidelines for interviews, and Durant waited spontaneously for him.

TNT reporter Maggio asked: "I heard that coach Monty Williams was originally in charge of coaching the rookie first-year team, but he took the initiative to give you the opportunity. Is there any story in the middle that we don't know?"

According to the usual practice, the coach who coaches the rookie is usually the chief assistant.When the league announced that Su Yang would be the first-year coach, there were some discussions.But now that the reporter is asking about it publicly, it feels like doing something bad with good intentions.

Su Yang thought about it for half a second, and said with a smile: "Monty once participated in the seven-game championship process of the Spurs as the coach of the Spurs. He has a lot of coaching experience, and he is willing to help others, especially for young people like me. I am very grateful to him."

Maggio asked again: "Have you ever thought about playing a game like this? You and nine players impromptu team, but guide them to play such a wonderful offense, and even a lot of wonderful defense, how did you do it?"

Su Yang replied with a smile: "To be honest, I spent time studying their technical characteristics before the game, and simulated the synergistic effect between them in my mind, which means that I have trained them for many games, and they also have great High basketball IQ, and great personal ability, the whole thing is like turning on the faucet and letting the water flow naturally...”

Su Yang silently pretended that there was actually very little time for intracranial training, and more time for watching videos behind closed doors.

Maggio asked again: "Then how did you come up with those tactics, especially those small changes."

"Always around the two points of players playing comfortably and winning games, you can learn from similar cases, such as the tactics I designed for Durant, and several of them are based on the tactics that Coach Doc Rivers designed for Pierce. ..."

Su Yang praised Rivers in a word, anyway, there is no consumption, maybe he will get positive feedback in the future.

"Finally, which player do you think will achieve the most in the future?" Maggio asked.

"Kevin Durant, as long as he stays healthy, he can reach the top ten level in history..."

After Su Yang's words fell, the fans who were still in the field immediately booed, and Durant himself was also stunned.

The top ten in the entire NBA history is definitely not achieved by being strong enough, but also by good luck.

Many fans felt that Su Yang was praising that on purpose, Durant himself didn't take it seriously, and Su Yang didn't explain it.

The interview ended in a blink of an eye, and Su Yang returned to the locker room with all the first-year players.

But as soon as he walked into the player tunnel, he was stopped by several agents and asked him to find a time to talk in detail.

The coach also has an agent, and those agents all hinted that they can help him get the head coach position, but he must take advantage of his current popularity to launch a fierce attack on those interested teams, so as not to weaken the interest in the past.

To put it bluntly, I just wanted to fool him into signing the contract as soon as possible.

Su Yang firmly refused.

(End of this chapter)

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