Starting by Getting a Wife? It Turns Out She Is a Skilled Assassin

Chapter 369

Chapter 369: The Grand Priestess Experiencing the Duality of Ice and Fire

Compared to the simple bath barrels over by Li Mo, the women’s bathing area was much more luxurious.

The bathing pool inlaid with agate made both Fei Yan and the Moon Goddess gasp in astonishment.

The three women were all submerged in the water, their hair styled high up, leaving only their heads above the surface.

The steaming heat enveloped their stunningly beautiful faces.

Their skin, white with a rosy undertone, made even the Grand Priestess slightly taken aback.

“These are the clothes prepared for the three of you, just placed here.”

The Grand Priestess led a few maids holding trays into the room and gestured at the clothing on the trays.

Fei Yan, being somewhat the leader among the three women, opened her beautiful eyes and scanned the garments on the tray, which were completely different from the attire of the Central Plains.

She looked at the Grand Priestess and the maids, then shook her head and politely refused, saying, “No need; we’ll wear our own.”

If they wore such back-revealing and belly-baring clothes, they would only embarrass Li Mo.

As women, apart from their husbands, how could they allow others to see them?

The Grand Priestess was slightly taken aback, seemingly not expecting Fei Yan to refuse.

After a brief thought, she smiled lightly and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just a few pieces of clothing. There’s nothing wrong with them.”

She assumed Fei Yan was worried they might have tampered with or poisoned the clothing, which led her to choose to decline.

Upon hearing this, the Moon Goddess also opened her eyes and casually remarked, “Do you dare?”

This was quite a disregard for face, yet it was very much in line with the character of the women of the Yin-Yang School.

The Grand Priestess felt somewhat embarrassed by her words.

The previous misunderstanding outside seemed to have left a lingering rift between the few of them.

The Grand Priestess’s status in Loulan was exceedingly high, even more authoritative than that of a king in the Central Plains.

In the minds of the Loulan people, the Grand Priestess was the messenger of the gods.

She was an inviolable and sacred existence.

But now, these Central Plains people didn’t hold the Grand Priestess in any regard.

This instantly made the few maids accompanying her feel angry.

The Grand Priestess waved her hand, signaling for them to step back.

Then, she undressed and slowly walked toward the edge of the bathing pool.

The three women in the pool looked over at her simultaneously.

In their hearts flashed the words: Sheep Fat White Jade, Ingeniously Crafted.

Those long, rounded legs could probably only be matched by Jing Ni!

Ripples began to form in the originally calm pool as the Grand Priestess slowly sat down in the water across from them.

After soaking for a while, no one spoke.

Seeing that they all had their eyes closed, the Grand Priestess turned her gaze to Li Wu, curiously observing her.

Initially, she had guessed that Li Wu merely resembled the killer of the former Grand Priestess from twenty years ago.

After all, the Central Plains were vast, so it wasn’t surprising for people to look alike.

If that were the case, it could clear up this misunderstanding.

However, as she observed more closely, she found that this person’s face was almost identical to the one she remembered.

This left the Grand Priestess feeling somewhat uncertain.

Just as she was contemplating whether to probe Li Wu, Li Wu spoke first.

You don’t need to look, I’m the one who killed your former Grand Priestess twenty years ago.

Hearing this, the Grand Priestess’s face changed instantly.

She didn’t expect Li Wu to admit it so openly.

You… you…

The flustered Grand Priestess didn’t know how to respond, pointing at Li Wu, momentarily at a loss for words.

Li Wu opened her eyes, playfully scrutinizing her.

It seemed she wanted to see what the Grand Priestess would do next.

After panicking for a moment, the Grand Priestess soon regained her composure.

She stared closely at Li Wu’s delicate face and shook her head, saying, “No, you are not her.”

Li Wu, seemingly intrigued by her statement, arched an eyebrow and asked, “Why not?”

The Grand Priestess appeared to have confirmed her thoughts and replied slowly, “I’ve seen that person; twenty years ago, she looked nearly the same as us now. After twenty years, she can’t possibly have changed at all.

Then she fixated her gaze on Li Wu: “Although you look exactly like her, you are definitely not her. No one could go twenty years unchanged, not even in appearance.”

Li Wu’s mouth curled into a cold smile: “Yet you said, I’m the messenger of the devil; the messenger of the devil is naturally also a devil. How could a devil ever age?”

………… Seeking flowers…

The Grand Priestess was momentarily left speechless.

Now that she thought about it, it seemed to hold some truth.

That Donghuang Taiyi was also a messenger of the devil.

And he had lived for five hundred years.

If the person before her was similar, then her unchanged appearance could indeed be explained.

Seeing her reveal a look of doubt and conflict, Fei Yan stepped in to mediate: “Stop teasing her.”

She then explained to the Grand Priestess: “The one who killed your Grand Priestess is the body in front of you, but not this person.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the Grand Priestess immediately understood.

She blurted out: “Body snatching?”

Fei Yan nodded: “You can understand it that way.”

“Then how did she…”

The Grand Priestess wanted to ask more but was interrupted by Fei Yan: “I’ve already told you what you need to know; whether you believe it or not is up to you.”

Li Wu gently waved her delicate arm above the water, nonchalantly saying: “Believe it, and your Loulan can continue to exist; don’t, and after today, this place will become a dead city.”

Cold air seeped from her hand, rapidly cooling the once comfortable water.

Within a few breaths, the Grand Priestess felt the water turn icy cold, making her body shiver uncontrollably.

Li Wu’s meaning was quite clear.

This was a threat! A blatant threat!

It was a warning that if she became their enemy, the outcome would only be one: the downfall of her nation!

“Since the Grand Priestess bathes with us, you must have known that Li Wu is not the killer of the last Grand Priestess, right?”

Fei Yan looked at the Grand Priestess, who was shivering from the cold, her jade-like body starting to turn blue.

Waves of dragon’s energy emanated from her hand.

The water temperature in the pool, which had dropped to freezing point due to Li Wu, quickly rose, creating wisps of steam on the surface.

The Grand Priestess, experiencing a mix of cold and warmth, nodded in acknowledgment like a chick pecking at rice, responding to Fei Yan’s words.

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