Starting from Pirates, Myriad Worlds Simulation

Chapter 386: The Frozen Envious Witch!

At this moment in the sky, a rather strange scene happened. Two men and women with bright silver hair were hugging each other tightly in the air at this moment.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that they are not showing affection, but a real life-and-death contest, which can be clearly experienced from the magic power splashing from them from time to time.

The jealousy witch naturally guessed the intention in Wood's heart very quickly. Although she broke the seal, Emilia had lost her role as a key.

But as a container, it is still very important to me. If the container is separated, her strength will be affected to a greater or lesser extent, so it is natural that Wood will not easily succeed at this moment.

A large amount of vitality was converted into a massive amount of magic power through the power of the Heart of God, and then Wood injected this massive amount of magic power into the body of the Envious Witch to resist it.

The lovely Milia was awakened as planned, but Wood and the others encountered a problem in the step of driving each other out of the body.

Theoretically speaking, the massive magic power that can fight against the Envious Witch does have the possibility of driving it out of Emilia's body, but don't forget, what is the power of the Envious Witch?

That is the power of swallowing. It has devoured the power of the six sinful witches and half of the world. It is not a problem at all to describe it as a glutton that swallows everything.

At the beginning, Wood's magic power entered the body of the Envious Witch, and he could form a rivalry with her, but as the Envious Witch gradually devoured Wood's magic power, the situation began to be reversed!

What the hell is the wisest witch? When she came up with this bad idea for me, didn't that guy Echidna think that this would happen?

No matter how powerful Heart of God is, it still needs to be at the cost of Krypton's life, and it is obviously impossible for Wood to continue in such a stalemate with the Envious Witch.

Even if he has the ability to continue the stalemate, the Envious Witch will gradually expand her own advantages because she devours his magic power.

And just when Wood thought that if the stalemate continued according to this situation, not only would he not be able to save Emilia, but even take him with him, the accident happened again.

Wood could feel that the magic power he had instilled into the body of the Envious Witch, at this moment, the original devouring power not only disappeared, but even retreated actively.

At the beginning, when Wood thought it was another trick of the jealous witch, he was surprised to find that the jealous witch in his arms spoke.

It is obviously the same face, but the voice and tone of the envious witch at this moment are completely different from those just now.

Knight of Emilia, I am Shatila, not a jealous witch. While I can still control this body, please expel me from this child's body as soon as possible.

Hearing the words of the Envious Witch... no, Shatira, Wood finally understood what was going on now.

The Witch of Envy has two personalities, one is the Witch of Envy, and the other is the girl Shatila, and the Witch of Envy has always been dominant before, and when Wood and the Witch of Envy have a personality, Shatila's personality can take advantage of it , occupying a dominant position.

With Shatila's assistance, Wood finally succeeded in driving the Envious Witch out of Emilia's body.

With a large amount of black-purple magic power gushing out from Emilia's body, her eyes gradually regained their clarity.

Seeing the silver-haired Wood in front of her, Emilia had a guilty expression on her face. She wanted to say something, but her body was violently thrown out by Wood on the side.

And Echidna and Parker, who had been prepared for a long time, also flew forward to catch Emilia when they saw Emilia's figure flying out of the magical storm formed by Wood and the Envious Witch.

Parker, we are going to help Wood, he alone is not jealous of the witch's opponent.

Emilia, who was thrown out of the center of the magic storm, was anxiously preparing to go back to help as soon as her body was caught by Parker and the others.

However, before she could take any action, someone slapped her pretty face, and it even turned red and swollen.

The person who did it was none other than Echidna, the Witch of Lust, and this witch, who was never easy to get angry, obviously had an ugly expression on her face at the moment.

He spent so much effort to save you, but you still want to go back and die in vain!

That level of battle, not to mention you trash fish, even I can't get in the way, even if you pass, it's not helping at all, but holding back!

If it was someone else who slapped Emilia, Parker, who regarded Emilia as his daughter, and Natsuki Subaru, who regarded her as a goddess, would have already fought. Get a batch, and even dare not speak at all.

The former is the mother in name, and even the existence is created by the other party, while the latter is completely overwhelmed by the powerful aura of the lustful witch.

In fact, maybe I can try my power. Although my power can't be introduced to you, as long as I commit suicide or you kill me, maybe the problem can be solved...

The power of Return by Death cannot be explained to others, so Subaru Natsuki can only say this at this moment.

In all fairness, even with such an ability of immortality, Natsuki Subaru doesn't like to use this ability, after all, not being able to die doesn't mean he likes dying.

But through Parker's dictation just now, he also knew what Wood had done for them, so Natsuki Subaru thought that if it was to save his friends, it would be no problem to die a few times.

It's a pity that just when Natsuki Subaru was about to kill himself, Echidna on the side stopped him, and said mockingly: The power you call is nothing more than the power called Return of Death.

But do you know who gave you this power?

That's right, it's not the god you imagined, but the jealous witch Shatila in front of you.

So now do you still think that if you use this power, it can have an effect on the Envious Witch?

Hearing what Echidna said, Natsuki Subaru was dumbfounded! Because Echidna was the first person to know his ability and be able to say it, which was obviously impossible even for Wood.

But this side shows that what Echidna said may be true, and the power of return by death is given by the envious witch.

Using the power endowed by others to deal with others is mainly not because your head is flooded, and you usually know that it will not work at all.

No matter what, we have to save Wood. He is my knight and has saved me many times. Let me watch him carry everything. Such a thing...I can' it.

Emilia's body was only occupied before, and she didn't really lose her memory. She now remembers everything that happened before, even her childhood magic runaway.

In Emilia's view, although she is not a jealous witch, she is also a disaster-like existence. She will only bring disasters to everyone around her, and she is not worthy of being saved at all!


Another loud slap echoed in the air. Needless to say, it was still Echidna, the lustful witch.

Is he your knight? She is still my soul contractor. Compared with the relationship, how does the relationship between a mere knight and a witch compare with us.

I've always hated you, but since this is his order, there's nothing I can do about it!

Echidna dropped Emilia with a knife at the same time as she finished speaking, and did not choose to talk nonsense with her, then threw the fainted Emilia to Subaru and Natsuki, and began to prepare herself Played teleportation magic.

Now the air is filled with the powerful magic power of Wood and the Envious Witch. In this environment, it is not easy to find a stable space node.

We really just dropped Wood like this, and then ran away by ourselves? Natsuki Subaru looked at the unconscious Emilia, and then at the two-color magic vortex storm in the sky, always felt that this was not suitable for him as a traverser set up.

According to the general novel script, as the chosen son of the time traveler, under such circumstances, he should stand up and save the world.

This is Wood's own realization, if you want to stay and die with him, I will naturally not stop you.

After all, he is Emilia's knight, but he is not your knight. It seems that saving you this time is incidental.

After a lot of twists and turns, Echidna finally opened the space door in the environment of turbulent magic power, and urged Parker and the others to move quickly.

For Parker, his daughter Emilia was everything. Although he was sorry for Wood, he didn't hesitate too much at this moment for Emilia to live.

As for Nayue Subaru, after looking at the magic vortex in the sky and feeling that he was really helpless, he finally gritted his teeth and walked into the space door.

Echidna was the last to enter the space gate, and before leaving, she took a deep look at the huge magic vortex in the air.

Hopefully, as you say, what you call death isn't really death.

If the contractee died just after the contract was completed, those guys should laugh at me as an unknown existence.

Not long after Echidna and the others left, the Witch of Envy in the magic vortex, the personality of the Witch of Envy once again took the dominant position.

For the Shatila personality who let Emilia go without authorization, and Wood who has been holding her to eat tofu, the jealous witch is very angry, so she plans to swallow Wood first, and then borrow Wood's power, Swallow Shatila's personality as well.

Since you like devouring so much, then I will give you everything, I hope you can successfully eat it.

Pseudo-God-level Ice Magic·Absolute Freeze!

When Wood was fighting the Dragon God in the world of Reincarnation Without a Job, he used the power of Heart of God to barely reach the level of False Sword God with his sword skills.

And now Wood is also recklessly using the power of Heart of God to push his own ice magic to the level of false god.

Terrifying cold air swept over the surroundings. At this moment, the silver light from the runes on Wood's chest was extremely bright, and a thick layer of frost also began to appear on the surface of his skin, and gradually spread to the surroundings.

Seemingly feeling the danger brought by the chills on Wood's body, the Envious Witch also began to feel strong unease.

Seeing the frost gradually spreading towards her through Wood's body, the jealous witch wanted to escape, but Naihe's body was held tightly in Wood's arms.

In terms of physical strength alone, she couldn't be the opponent of Wood's Envy Witch, and when the Jealous Witch tried to swallow the ice on her body with her own strength, she unexpectedly found that the ice couldn't be swallowed at all!

Don't waste your efforts, these ices are different from the previous ones, even if you are jealous of the witch's power, you can't swallow them at all.

Absolute freezing is the strongest ice attribute magic that I can use at present, and the price of using this magic is my own life.

The ice that covers your body is all my life and body. Even if the sword master who can cut everything comes, I can only look at it and sigh.

Originally, at the price of this magic, I would not normally use it, but because of the overloaded use of the power of the Heart of God, I would not be able to live, so now it is not a loss at all.

Since I can't kill you, then freeze you and this land here forever!

As Wood's words fell, his body began to turn into ice casually, and gradually froze the body of the Envious Witch.

Although she feels that things are quite bad, the Envious Witch has nothing to do at this moment, because her devouring power is just like what Wood said, it has no effect on these ice, and she can only look at her body helplessly. , was gradually eroded and frozen by the ice.

Looking at Wood who was gradually shattering into an ice sculpture in front of her, the Envious Witch remembered the name of the man in front of her for the second time in her life.

The first person is her beloved Subaru Natsuki, and the second person is the man in front of him who sacrificed his life and even sealed her with flesh and blood, Wood Heshin!

The black-purple magic power covering the world began to be replaced by ice-blue color, and the terrifying cold wave centered on Wood and the Envious Witch, instantly freezing almost all areas within a radius of 10,000 miles.

Under the absolute low temperature, all the animals and plants in the area of ​​thousands of miles are completely frozen at this moment, as if they have been frozen in this moment forever.

Located at the very center of this ice field, a huge ice lotus blooms in the center. Through the crystal clear ice, it is not difficult to see that there is a beautiful figure that is also frozen inside.

And the other party is none other than the famous Witch of Envy, Shatila, known as the Witch of Disaster!

The figure of the Envious Witch can be clearly seen through the ice, but the appearance of the other party is still as if covered by a heavy shadow, which cannot be discerned at all...

The news of the Envy Witch's resurrection has only been spread for a long time, and many kingdoms have not even responded. Soon they heard that the Witch of Disaster has been sealed again!

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