Starting from Pirates, Myriad Worlds Simulation

Chapter 399 Defecting to the Empire, Encountered by Esdess!

Seeing the unwilling Liwa and Daidas, Esdesi directly yelled at them and let them take away the unconscious Niu, admitting defeat quite simply.

Estes saw quite clearly that the reason why Niu would lose was not only that his Teigu didn't work against Wood, but Wood himself was also a very powerful fighter.

Among the three beast warriors, Liwa may be much stronger than Niu, but if he really fights Wood, Estes feels that his chances of winning are definitely not great.

Don't forget that Wood who defeated Niu was also a Tegu envoy, but he was able to defeat Niu without using Teigu.

If it uses Teigu, it is hard to judge how strong it is, even Esdeth, but it must be much stronger than it is now.

Besides, Estes is not someone who can afford to lose. Since there is an appointment, if the bet is lost, it will be changed to a wheel fight. This is the real embarrassing behavior.

I didn't expect you to be one of the Three Beast Warriors under Esdeth's command, which really surprised me.

But next time, don’t act impulsively like this. This time, it’s good luck. I’m in a good mood to meet Esthers, and she seems to be interested in you. Otherwise, you may have died in her hands.

Don't doubt what I said, Estes is not as gentle and talkative as you imagined, and her strength is definitely beyond your imagination, and she is not at the same level as the three beast warriors.

So before you have absolute strength, don't try to challenge Estes, because that will only lead to your own destruction!

Although Wood won the battle, Najie Hitan shuddered violently after hitting his head. In Najie Hitan's view, Wood's actions just now were too impulsive.

But being angry is all about being angry, and Najie Xitan looked at Wood with a sense of relief.

Whether it is Wood or Lubbock, they are just thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys now. When Najie Xitan looked at them, it was more like looking at her younger generation.

Although Esdeth and the three beast warriors' cruelty to aliens made Najie Xitan see the darkness and tyranny of the empire, she also saw hope from Wood.

At least not all people in the empire are so hopeless, and those who stick to their own justice will stand up at some point.

The hundreds of interracial women and children who won the bet with Estes were eventually released by Wood.

Wood and the others can only do so much, as for others, they don't have such good luck.

Estes and the three beast warriors did not choose to give the remaining aliens a more humane way of death because of this episode, but continued to do various killings in their own way.

In the end, Najie Xitan, who couldn't bear it anymore, secretly killed the guards when night fell, and let these poor alien women and children go.

As far as the laws of the empire are concerned, Najie Hitan's behavior is actually no different from rebellion.

And this is actually the decision that Najie Xitan finally made after careful consideration.

Estes and her three beast warriors massacred alien people and their armies in a bloodthirsty manner, which made Najie Xitan unbearable. She deeply felt that the empire had begun to be corrupt and dark, so she decided to use her own method Save this country.

Najie Xitan has already decided that after betraying the empire, she will join the rebel army, which is currently the only force that can fight against the empire.

But just when Najie Xitan released a large number of women and children of different races and was about to leave secretly on horseback and go to the headquarters of the rebel army, two figures appeared under the moonlight, as if they had been waiting at the stable for a long time.

Boss, since you are going to let go of those foreign women and children, why don't you kill all the guards?

You have to know that no matter how careful you are, the movement of so many aliens escaping will not be small, but you don't have to worry, because we have already solved it for you.

Najie Xitan naturally recognized the two figures waiting under the stable.

If it was her before, she probably didn't have a deep impression of these two, but after the previous events, Najie Xitan was very impressed with her two guards.

Lubbock, Wood, why are you two here? Looking at the two teenagers in front of her, Najie Xitan's expression was a little surprised. Before she acted, she obviously didn't tell anyone, and she chose I acted in the middle of the night, but I didn't expect to be discovered by someone.

Najie Xitan concealed it really well, and even during the day she was still discussing with her friend and colleague Esdesh about going back, and she didn't seem to have any intention of betrayal at all.

But the point is that she has a loyal licking dog beside her... Others may not be able to see Najahitan's abnormality, but Lubbock has observed it quite clearly, so there is this scene in front of her.

Go back, you should already understand what I want to do.

With your status as an envoy of the emperor and your impressive strength, you will be able to be reused sooner or later if you stay in the empire.

When Wood and Lubbock appeared here, Najie Xitan didn't think they were here to stop her, otherwise Lubbock wouldn't have said that he had taken care of the finishing work she had neglected.

Instead of coming to stop him, then the only possibility is to follow him, but this is not what Najie Xitan wants to see.

How old are Wood and Lubbock now, anyway, it is certain that they are under fifteen years old. In terms of age, they are only half-aged teenagers.

Joining the rebel army to fight against the empire is not a joke. Even though the current empire has begun to decay and become dark, the 1,000-year history has made this kingdom very powerful.

In comparison, the rebel army was only established not long ago, not only limited in strength, but also quite insufficient in combat power. Facing a behemoth like the empire, it would be easy to be crushed to pieces.

In Najie Xitan's view, both Wood and Lubbock are young people with good potential and talent, and they will have their day in the empire sooner or later, so there is no need to follow her to join the deadly rebel army.

Anyway, I have already decided, if you join the rebel army, boss, then I will also sentence the empire along with you.

The guards who guarded me before were all killed by me with the Cross Tail, and the traces are quite obvious. Once things are exposed tomorrow, I will be caught sooner or later, so I have no way to turn back.

While talking, Lubbock pulled a steel wire from the wheel set on his arm, which was still dripping with blood at the moment, as if to show his position.

Kaleidoscopic Cross Tail, this is the thread-shaped Teigu held by Lubbock.

Its silk thread is made from the body hair of a super dangerous species (giant dragon) that is said to inhabit the clouds in the East China Sea. It is not only strong, but also extremely sharp.

The barrier that can be opened as a trap or detects the enemy, and also has the ability to restrain and cut, just like its nickname is ever-changing.

The wound caused by the cross tail is very special, so just like Lubbock said, once the investigation starts, he who is still in the army cannot escape at all.

In fact, with Lubbock's level, he can do things well, but he seems to have expected that Najiexitan would reject his follow, so he deliberately left a lot of loopholes, so that Najiexitan could not refuse he.

Then what about Wood? He should have been forced to come here by you. With his strength and the appreciation of Estes, it will be almost a matter of time before he becomes the general of the empire.

You obviously have a bright future, so there is no need to follow me all the way to the dark, joining the rebel army is an enemy of the empire, and the power of the empire...

Before Najie Xitan could speak, Wood, who was leaning on the pillar of the stable, took over the conversation and said, It is because the empire is far stronger than the rebel army, so I want to join the rebel army.

The reason is very simple, the powerful guys are all on the side of the empire, if I am also on the side of the empire, then how should I fight those guys?

If you want to compete with them, then you can only become their enemy, so I think to join the rebel army.

Hearing what Wood said, Najie Xitan was speechless for a moment. It's not that she has never seen a fighting madman, but she has never seen a pure fighting madman like Wood.

But in fact, Wood will join the rebel army, on the one hand, to maintain his own personality, and on the other hand, it is Lubbock's request.

The two of them grew up and had a good relationship since they were young. Once Lubbock followed Najie Hitan to join the rebel army and Wood stayed in the empire, they would meet each other one day.

Lubbock didn't want his few friends to become enemies, and he, who was familiar with Wood, didn't want Wood to become one of their most difficult enemies in the future, so it took a few days to finally convince Wood.

Lubbock's reasons for convincing Wood were similar to what Wood himself said just now, but what really made Wood decide to join the rebel army was his intuition that told him that the rebel army in this world would ultimately be the victor.

Seeing that Wood and Lubbock have already made up their minds, and as Teigu envoys, they are precious combat power, so Najie Hitan did not continue to stop them in the end, and the three of them rode fast horses overnight left the barracks.

Originally, according to the original plan, the three people riding fast horses should resist the headquarters of the rebel army in three days.

But on the second day, Wood and the others were blocked by an unexpected but expected person.

The other party was wearing a white military uniform, with two straight long legs exposed to the air, attracting infinite reverie, and wearing a saber around his waist, he stopped in front of Wood and the others, as if he had been waiting for a long time generally.

Najie Xitan, I never thought that you would do such a thing.

However, making such a decision should have confused your mind. You have a passionate heart, but you have always been calm. Have you forgotten that there are dangerous species in the military that can carry people, and ordinary horses can fly? It doesn't get up as fast as it does.

The only person blocking the way in front of Wood and the others was Esdes, but Najie Xitan and the others felt great pressure at this moment.

In just a split second, the figure of Esdeth, whose voice fell, had disappeared in front of the three of them, and when Najiexitan sensed the danger, the two long knives had already collided at a position close to her , and burst out a lot of sparks.

Estes, whose figure disappeared in front of several people, had appeared in front of Najie Hitan at some point, and the saber in his hand had already slashed towards Najie Hitan.

Najie Xitan is very convinced that in the situation just now, even if she reacted at the last moment, even if she avoided the fate of death, dropping an arm would be the best result.

She knew that Najie Xitan was very strong before, but she never thought that the other party would be so strong!

Just now, Estes didn't use Teigu's power, but only relied on her own physical fitness to move, and her speed had already made her and Lubbock beside her unable to react.

Najahitan's Teigu is Romantic Fortress Pumpkin, a gun-shaped Teigu with the ability to shoot a powerful beam of light.

Moreover, this Teigu is very special, and it is quite difficult to use. The more dangerous the user is, the stronger the power of the Romantic Fort Pumpkin will be.

But in the situation just now, although Najie Xitan felt the crisis, the Tegu Romantic Fort Pumpkin she had mastered was originally the most powerful, but Esdesh's speed was so fast that there was no such thing as Time for her to use Teigu.

The two long knives were in a stalemate in the air for a long time. In the end, Wood's body was knocked into the air by Esdeth, and his body flew upside down. His feet slid on the ground for a long distance before finally being buffered. .

Feeling the numbness of his hand holding the knife, when Wood raised his head and looked at Esdeth again, he couldn't help but show a look of beheading on his face and said: My previous feeling is indeed correct, you are a real strong man. By.

If it is the body in the pirate world, Wood will not lose in the physical strength competition, but now he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and Esdeth's Teigu is quite special, and he is also a warrior nation on the northern border. Under the circumstances, it is normal for Wood not to be an opponent.

My previous feeling was correct, you are indeed quite special, at your age, I may not be as strong as you.

How, what I said before is still valid now, as long as you are willing to serve under my command, I can let the past go.

Estes was also quite surprised that Wood was able to receive the sword strike he had just made. From this alone, it can be seen that Wood's strength is stronger than that of Najie Xitan who is a general!

I'm sorry, but I still have to reject General Esdes's offer, because if I continue to stay in the empire, I won't be able to compete with a strong man like General Esdess like I am now!

For Esdeth's solicitation, Wood showed a face of indifference, then clenched the long knife in his hand, and rushed towards Esdesh again!

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