Starting Life as a Baron

Chapter 34: Returning to Rose Town, the conception of the sea cavalry!

"Uh, then I'm leaving first?"

Alan rode to the gate of Thorn Flower Castle, and Earl Albert was behind him.

"Let's go… Next time, be a little gentle. After all, he is your brother……"

Albert said with a frown.

"Next time, I'll definitely be more careful. You know, he's always been the one who beat me up. Now that it was my turn to beat him up, I couldn't control my strength because I was too excited."

Alan chuckled. He was feeling very comfortable right now because he had completely gotten rid of the depression that he had accumulated over the years.

"Oh, that's right, Father. Remember to ask Elon to send the gold coins to my territory. I'll send the magic peas to him as soon as I receive the money."

After saying his last sentence, Alan happily left with a large group of people.

This time, he was bringing two thousand people back with him.

Most of them were civilians. As for why he didn't take all of them with him in one go, it was mainly because Alan's territory didn't have enough living quarters yet.

Although he had already sent someone to inform the people in his territory to build a new set of residences, it was definitely not enough.

Therefore, Alan decided to bring a group of people back to build Rose Town, and then let the remaining people move in one after another.

Of course, he would not let his people work for nothing.

The first batch of people to follow him would receive ten silver coins. In addition, as long as they worked hard after entering the territory, Alan would give them ten copper coins a day.

Under the temptation of such a high salary, a large number of people would naturally leave with Alan.

Many civilians who were not picked even felt regretful.

Albert's eyes deepened as he watched Alan leave.

The Earl spent a long time outside the castle before he returned to the castle.


In a luxurious room, Elon was lying on the bed and his entire face was covered like a mummy.

He couldn't help but whine. At this moment, his face was swollen and it was difficult for him to speak.

Albert glanced at him and a hint of disappointment flashed through his eyes as he said, "Do you know why I refuse to give Rose Town to you? That's not a place where you can lay your hands. If you're not as strong as others, then you don't have the right to get anything from others."

"Your little brother's strength is far stronger than yours. Elon, you should pay more attention to your cultivation!"

After Albert finished speaking, he didn't stop and turned to leave.

After he returned to his study and sat down, his originally calm and cold expression finally changed.

A smile appeared on the Earl's face. At this moment, his smile was very brilliant.

It was obvious that Alan's return had brought Albert a huge surprise.

"Good boy, you really didn't embarrass me."

Albert said with a light smile.

Alan was no longer aware of what was happening at Thorn Flower Castle. At this moment, he was very elated because there was a group of two thousand people and more than ten carts of supplies behind them.

All these resources were given to him by Earl Albert. After all, Alan had shown great strength and potential.

Albert's attitude towards Alan had naturally changed drastically.

"The most important thing is gold coins."

Alan looked at the fifty thousand gold coins in his inventory and he was in a great mood.

Now, his hands were no longer as short of money as before and he had a total of eighty-five thousand gold coins.

With the money in his hands, many ideas in Alan’s hand could be implemented.

This time, Alan and his men took more than a day to return to Rose Town because they were with a large group of people.

As soon as they returned, Rose Town became lively.

The townspeople had never seen this sort of situation. From the beginning, only the people of Rose Town had moved out. This was the first time that so many people had moved in.

Alan did not waste his breath. He directly announced that these two thousand people would be the townspeople of Rose Town and the entire Rose Town became completely lively.

It just so happened that the citizens of Rose Town had cultivated a lot of farmland, and they were worried about not having enough manpower. Now, the lord had solved this problem.

Alan had the two thousand new civilians rest for half a day, then he had them set up some simple temporary tents. On the next day, he had them start cutting down wood and building houses.

The space in Rose Town seemed to have been filled up.

The newcomers set up the house, while the former Rose Town townspeople cleared the fields.

All of a sudden, the enthusiasm of everyone in Rose Town was unprecedentedly high.

While Alan was building Rose Town, he did not forget to train his warriors.

During this period of time, he was instilling a concept into everyone’s minds that the magical beasts he summoned were their companion.

A week later, most people were no longer wary of the sea lion beasts in the sea.

Seeing that almost everyone had accepted the sea lion beasts, Alan summoned all the warriors.

He was going to make an announcement today because he wanted to train the first batch of sea cavalry.

The so-called Sea Cavalry was naturally a group of warriors who used the sea lion beasts as the amount, and they could freely roam in the sea.

This was even better than the naval forces that needed to launch ships to fight. At the same time, the strength of the sea lions allowed them to have a strong ability to fight at sea.

Such a combat unit was enough to make any maritime army desperate.

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