Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 1008 Approaching

Under normal circumstances, when travelers like Liang En and others encounter meteorological problems that prevent them from moving forward, they will choose to find a place to camp, and then quietly wait for the bad weather to pass.

This is of course a very normal and reasonable operation. After all, the power of nature is often beyond what humans can contend with. Sometimes it is not a bad thing to stay out of the limelight.

But for Liang En and the others, the situation has changed again. Considering that this bad weather will not end in a short while, Liang En simply takes Joan of Arc to go home temporarily, just like saving the game halfway through.

There is no doubt that this is an obviously shady approach, but it is very effective. At least resting in a warm bed at home is much better than squatting in the ice and snow to blow the wind.

They didn't continue on the road until the next day when they were sure that the weather there would be fine again, because they were already deep into the mountains at this time and were unlikely to encounter other people. So I just set out in broad daylight.

Traveling during the day was obviously much easier than traveling at night, so Liang En and the others only took about 60% of the planned night time to arrive at their destination.

The destination is a small basin in the mountains. In the center of the basin is a lake formed by glacier erosion. However, due to the cooling weather in the past two days, the lake surface has been completely frozen and looks like an ice mirror.

"Did you say that the weak point of space is here?" Joan of Arc said, looking at the completely frozen glacier lake not far away. "Why don't I feel any difference between this place and the surroundings?"

"It's normal that you don't feel the difference, because the existence of spatial weakness is not something that can be understood by people alone. Even if you have some extraordinary power, it is normal if you are not good at it and can't feel it. of."

Liang En was not surprised at all that Jeanne could not feel the weak points of space. After all, if you want to perceive this thing, you need talent in this area, and both Liang En and Jeanne were lacking in this regard.

This is why Liang Enhui spent a lot of time and experience making a space detector before setting off, because it will be an indispensable piece of equipment for him in the subsequent search.

After arriving at the lake, Liang En took out his detector and began to detect it. With the injection of extraordinary power, dozens of gems inlaid on the compass-like detector began to emit light of various colors.

Soon, the gems that had previously lit up like neon lights stabilized, and a very narrow sector among the gems arranged in a ring appeared with a stable yellow light.

"15 degrees north by east, 500-600 meters away -" Looking at the gems that lit up on the tracker, even one person could quickly report the exact location of the destination from him.

This detector flowed into Liang En's hands along with the process of making the space door. It was considered an important auxiliary equipment. It seems that the designer was also aware of the previous problems, so he kept this thing.

Now it seems that the place chosen by Liang En and the others is indeed fine. As soon as the detector was started, it captured the location of the weak point in space and was given very detailed data.

Following the instructions of the detector, the two people crossed the small frozen lake to the other side of the lake, and then walked into the mouth of a valley that had just appeared.

"It's amazing. This valley was not in the satellite photos three days ago." Looking at the black rocks on both sides and the white snow on top, Jeanne sighed with emotion.

"So before, I thought I had to go around from the other side, or simply use your raven to locate it and teleport in. I never thought I could walk in like this."

"Thanks to the strong wind before." Liang En looked at the valley and said, "Because of the strong wind, a lot of the snow that had previously blocked the wind outlet was blown away, so we were able to walk so easily. come over."

"But we have to move quickly. The terrain of this place makes the canyon prone to strong winds and snow, so we'd better complete our exploration before the next storm comes."

Although both Liang En and Joan of Arc have mastered extraordinary strength and their bodies have been significantly strengthened, they are still very fragile under the power of heaven and earth, so it is better to avoid such bad weather.

Moving forward on the snow is not an easy task, especially since the previous strong winds have blown away a lot of snow, but the ice at the bottom of the valley that was frozen together with rocks and the like still exists.

Therefore, in some places where the snow was not too thick, Liang En and Jeanne had to move forward little by little with canes, otherwise they would easily slip on the ice.

In particular, many places look like snow, but no one knows whether it is a crack or a solid ground underneath, even if there is a raven, so for safety reasons, the next road can only be measured with your feet.

Fortunately, Liang En and the others' qualities were far superior to those of normal humans, so after walking for more than an hour, Liang En and the others finally found their destination after crossing a ridge.

"This place looks no different from the surrounding areas." Looking at the narrow valley in front of her, Jeanne said subconsciously. "I thought the landing place for extraterrestrials here should be somewhat unique."

"No, this is different from the surroundings. There is extraordinary power left in this place, but it is very weak." Liang En smiled at Jeanne, shook his head and replied.

As a legal supernatural being, he is more sensitive in this regard. He can clearly feel that there is extraordinary power in this place. Although it is small, it always exists.

After walking forward for a while, Joan of Arc also felt the existence of extraordinary powers. After all, although she looked like a human being, she was actually closer to a heroic spirit, so she naturally had an innate sense of those extraordinary powers.

"This place makes me feel a little uncomfortable." Joan frowned as she walked. "It's hard for me to describe to you how I feel right now. It doesn't hurt me, but it doesn't feel good."

This may be like someone who doesn't like stinky tofu passing by a stinky tofu stall. It won't cause much harm, but it's definitely not a good experience.

Fortunately, this problem would not cause many serious consequences, so after standing there for a minute or two to adapt, Jeanne followed Liang En's footsteps and walked forward again.

The next road was more difficult than expected, because they needed to climb vertically along the icy cliff to a cave more than ten meters above the ground. Fortunately, their physical level and skills were able to support this series of steps. action.

The reason why not to use extraordinary power at this time is simple, because they are close to their goal, and they must save every ounce of extraordinary power in order to deal with what may happen next.

"I think we should be here." After climbing hard for a few minutes, Liang En stopped and said to Joan behind him, "Get ready for battle, God knows what will be in this place."

"No problem." Joan of Arc said and drew out her sword, but at this moment, Liang En was surprised to find a milky white light appearing on the blade of her sword.

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