Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 17

The Satellite engine was found in a box bearing the Ernst Thälmann Pioneer Organization logo, surrounded by wooden boards to hold it in place.

Obviously, this is not normal, as such engines tend to be shipped in some sort of standard box.

After discovering that although this box was not the original box, it was matched with the engine, the three people present immediately thought of some possibility from the flags they had just discovered.

"Open all the boxes with the same markings around and look through them." Liang En was the first to react and said. "Maybe the Vanguard Brigade's tanks are hidden in this house."

In the next few minutes, three people used crowbars to pry open almost all the wooden boxes behind the shelves. Sure enough, they found some parts made of steel and plastic from some boxes.

"Barrel, turret, tracks -" As those boxes were opened one by one, the contents inside made the eyes of everyone present brighter and brighter.

It took them more than an hour to sort through all the tank-related things in those boxes, and they found that there were 15 wooden boxes filled with parts that looked like they should be pocket tanks.

"The parts inside are very well preserved. Almost all of them have been handled before storage. Except for a small amount of paint peeling and wear and tear, they almost all look new." Liang En, who had carefully inspected the spare parts in these boxes before said.

Like the flags or wooden boards they found before, these tank parts were also carefully processed, so they have been completely preserved for more than 20 years.

"I found a total of five engines and five chassis." Pierce Sr. continued. "It's consistent with the information I've seen before. Although these tanks have different shapes, all the chassis and engines are of the same model."

"But I only saw three turrets." Pierce added at this time, "This may be because the chassis and engine are traveling parts and usually wear out quickly, so I prepared some more spare parts."

"No, those extra chassis are not spare parts. In other words, they are not extra at all." Liang En said, pointing to an opened box.

"You see, this piece of front armor is different from the others. It is obviously larger and has a hole on it. If I guess correctly, the other two chassis should be turretless assault guns."

"Back then, they equipped five types of pocket tanks, namely T-34-76, T-34-85, T-54, SU-100 and SU-122." Old Pierce read while looking at the screen of his mobile phone, and then raised the He nodded and pointed at the boxes.

"If I guess correctly, the five tanks contained in these boxes should be all the tanks that were equipped by the Pioneer Tank Brigade back then."

"But how did these things escape the planned destruction of these things when the two countries merged?" Pierce's face was full of confusion.

"You said that things like flags are small enough and can be easily taken away if you want to. But it is impossible to stuff such a big tank under your clothes and take it away."

"It would be difficult to preserve these things in chaos, but it is not impossible." Liang En said, pointing to the parts packed in the box.

"For example, the other party can piece together an empty tank from spare parts and send it for destruction, and then dismantle the original tank into parts and smuggle it out."

"But why do those people do this-"

"After all, in such a big country, there will always be people who miss it." Old Pierce sighed softly.

"Although I don't know why the people who put these things here never came back to take them away, they must have had some kind of hope when they hid them."

After listening to what Old Pierce said, Liang En nodded in approval. Because everything here has been adequately processed during storage, it feels as if the person who stored it will come back soon.

Obviously, if these things are stored as garbage. Then it is absolutely impossible for these things to be handled as carefully as they are now.

"Let's take a look at what's around -" Liang En suggested at this time. When Old Pierce said this, he felt that the joy of discovering the treasure in his heart suddenly faded a lot.

Especially after thinking that these things looked no different from new ones, but came from a country that disappeared more than 20 years ago, an inexplicable feeling lingered in my heart.

Fortunately, he is not a sentimental person, so this feeling comes and goes quickly.

Soon, Liang En and the Murphys used the trolleys and long wooden boards found in the corner of the warehouse, and then used the ropes and pulleys they brought to move the boxes onto the truck.

Fortunately, although these things are called tanks, the main materials are just some iron sheets and plastics, so the overall weight is not too heavy except for the engine, and it is easy to carry.

After moving these boxes, the entire warehouse seemed a lot emptyer. It may be that these tanks used up all their luck this time, so whatever they found next was not very good.

For example, they found an entire box of film and reels, but they had all been intentionally exposed and were now just flammable trash.

For another example, they also found several boxes of Redberg beer, the most popular beer of the year. It's just that after a long period of time, all that's left of these beers are empty bottles and rusty bottle caps.

"If it were spirits like whiskey or brandy, it might be able to survive to this day, but beer would just turn into a lot of garbage." Looking at the completely dried beer, Old Pierce shook his head helplessly.

In the deepest part of the warehouse, they also found some green iron-clad weapons and ammunition boxes. But just like in the warehouse next door, the boxes were all empty.

Fortunately, compared to the empty boxes of weapons and ammunition next door, the pocket tanks and flags they had obtained previously allowed them to return home fully loaded, so these empty boxes were not that frustrating to them.

Finally, when it was getting dark at night, they cleared everything in the entire warehouse. At this time, four cards, three black and one green, appeared in Liang En's mind.

But he didn't have time to check these cards for the time being, because Old Pierce asked him and Pierce to stay in the warehouse and look at the warehouse and cars, while he went to a restaurant not far away to buy some food.

In fact, both Liang En and Pierce took the initiative to make requests to buy food, especially Liang En, who spoke the best German here, who took the initiative, but was rejected in the end.

Because this warehouse and the surrounding houses are all painted with certain symbols representing the far right, the elder Pierce believes that compared to his inexperienced son or the Asian-faced Liang En, he, an experienced driver, is more experienced in this area.

Since this warehouse is an abandoned warehouse, almost all the surrounding areas are in darkness except for the light sources brought by the people who bought the warehouse.

"Father is good at everything, but he is too stubborn in some aspects." More than twenty minutes later, holding the steel pipe and looking at the darkness outside the warehouse, Pierce's face showed an anxious look.

"Don't worry, although this place is a little remote, those far-right scum won't come here either." Liang En comforted his friend. "Because there's no one they want to cause trouble with here."

Just before he finished speaking, a burst of hasty footsteps came over. It turned out that old Pierce had already bought dinner and was back.

"Eat quickly and leave immediately after eating." Putting the two plastic bags in front of Liang En and Pierce, Old Pierce said quickly in a low voice, "We may be in trouble."

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