Starting With Batman

Chapter 105 – Hades

The reason for this clandestine meeting was straightforward yet significant. It was triggered by a series of unsettling events in Riverton City that had recently sent shockwaves through the city's deeply entrenched underground world.

It all began with the sudden and inexplicable influx of costumed vigilantes patrolling the city's streets. What started as a seemingly isolated incident, with one bat-themed maniac prowling the rooftops, quickly snowballed into a full-blown epidemic. Suddenly, the city was teeming with all manner of bizarre figures—red-clad vigilantes, self-styled Robin Hoods, knights wrapped in mummy-like bandages, and others even stranger. These new arrivals signaled the beginning of a perilous time for the city's underground figures, who had long ruled with unchecked authority.

Initially, these costumed vigilantes contented themselves with nighttime patrols, targeting the occasional thug or street-level criminal. The city's underworld figures—long used to operating with impunity—thought they could avoid trouble by keeping a low profile. They assumed that by steering clear of nighttime activities and laying low, they could continue their operations without interference. But this assumption proved disastrously wrong. The vigilantes were not content with merely catching criminals in the act; they soon escalated their activities, launching coordinated raids on hideouts, safe houses, and underground clubs.

It was said that several clubs in a district controlled by the Hatchet Gang were attacked for multiple consecutive nights by these relentless costumed figures. The attacks were devastating, leaving everyone, from the top bosses to the lowest street thugs, in a state of constant fear and frustration. The situation grew so dire that one of the gang leaders, unable to endure the relentless pressure and humiliation any longer, chose to turn himself into the authorities, bringing along incriminating evidence of his own crimes. He preferred the relative safety of a prison cell over the unyielding torment of these vigilantes.

The criminal underworld was thrown into chaos. This incident sent ripples through the entire criminal network of Riverton City. The power dynamics that had been carefully maintained for years were now on the brink of collapse.

To the eyes of these criminals, Batman—who had started it all—was no longer just a hidden boss who might randomly appear during a mission. He had transformed into an unavoidable force of nature, a disaster waiting to happen. A new saying spread among the underworld: "Life is unpredictable; sometimes you might just get hit by Batman." The criminals understood that they couldn't continue like this. Riverton was their city; it had always been their stronghold. No one had ever dared to challenge them so openly on their own turf.

Thus, today's meeting was called.

The room where the meeting took place was dimly lit, the walls lined with aged wood paneling that had seen better days. A heavy atmosphere hung in the air, thick with tension and the scent of smoke from the cigars that smoldered in ashtrays around the table. The table itself, long and solid, was the focal point of the room, where the most feared and powerful figures in Riverton's underworld now sat.

The individuals seated around this table were known as the Four Kings of Riverton, each a leader of one of the city's most powerful gangs. They hadn't climbed to these positions through luck or mercy; they had earned their power through blood, ruthlessness, and unyielding will. They were hardened criminals, leaders who had clawed their way to the top of the city's criminal hierarchy, leaving a trail of bodies in their wake.

They had gathered to discuss how to reverse the current situation and restore their dominance over the city.

"This used to be our city," said the man with the scarred face, his voice low and gravelly, resonating with the authority of someone who had seen and done it all.

No one knew his real name, but everyone called him Hades. He was the undisputed leader of one of the four major gangs, the Underworld Gang. The stories surrounding Hades were legendary, whispered in the darkest corners of Riverton's underworld. It was said that in his youth, Hades had single-handedly taken down more than a dozen heavily armed men with just a knife. This brutal feat had solidified his position as the gang's leader, and his reputation for ruthlessness was well-deserved.

Of course, everyone in the underworld knew that such rumors were often exaggerated, their edges sharpened over time. Other stories, such as Hades taking down ten men with his bare hands in 0.2 seconds, were likely as embellished as they were widespread. But even if the truth was less dramatic, no one could entirely dismiss them. Hades's ruthlessness was well known, and no one doubted that he was capable of extraordinary violence.

"We once enjoyed everything this city had to offer," Hades continued, his gaze sweeping across the room, taking in the other leaders. "The highest power, the greatest glory. Even the mayor wouldn't dare to cross us. But look at us now! A bunch of lunatics dressed like wild animals are running rampant in our city, and we—the kings who are supposed to be feared by everyone—can't do anything about it? I'm telling you, this can't go on."

The remaining three leaders exchanged glances. The tension in the room was palpable, each of them weighing the severity of their situation. After a moment of silence, a short, thin man with sharp features and a sly expression finally spoke up.

"Hades, we agree with what you're saying," the man said, his voice smooth but carrying a hint of suspicion.

This man was known as David, the leader of the River Bank Alliance, another of the four major gangs. David was known for his cunning and ability to navigate the treacherous waters of Riverton's criminal world. His slight build and unassuming appearance belied a mind that was always plotting, always scheming.

"But here's the thing—they've made us helpless. Batman, and all the others who've followed in his footsteps, they're all elusive. They operate solo but can take down entire teams of our best men. There's nothing we can do…" David's voice trailed off, his frustration evident.

"So what?" Hades interrupted, his tone cold and dismissive. "Does that make them invincible? Do I need to remind you that all of us sitting here today climbed to the top by stepping over countless bodies?

We've faced worse situations, and no matter how dire the circumstances, we've never given up. I've seen hell with my own eyes, fields littered with corpses. Hell, I fought my way out of that nightmare, and it was that purgatory that made me who I am today.

I'm sure the same can be said for the three of you. Otherwise, we wouldn't be sitting here at the top, commanding the respect and fear of everyone in this city.

But what's happening now? A bunch of costumed freaks are scaring the fight out of you? One guy puts on a mask that looks like a bat, dresses like Dracula, and suddenly you're all too scared to do anything?"

The other three leaders remained silent for a moment, feeling somewhat chastised by his words. They knew Hades was right; they had risen to their positions through ruthlessness and determination, not by cowering in fear.

Ian, the head of Green City Gate, cleared his throat and spoke up.

"You're right," Ian said, his voice measured but carrying the weight of experience. "But the problem is that we've never faced opponents like this before. In all our past battles, whether it was against the police or rival gangs, we've never encountered anything like these costumed vigilantes. We weren't prepared to deal with…"

"Ha, that's just the illusion they've created," Hades cut in, his tone dripping with disdain. "Invulnerability, super strength, the ability to fly—trust me, I know how this game works. I've seen these tricks played out before, just in different ways.

People love to believe in rumors. A few words are all it takes to turn something ordinary into a myth. It's not that different from what we used to do back in the day.

To me, these vigilantes are nothing special. They're just a new group trying to carve out a piece of Riverton, where the power dynamics have already been established. They're using tactics we haven't seen before to draw attention, pretending to be invincible, hoping to create fear and chaos.

Sure, they might have a few tough guys among them, but at the end of the day, they're just cowards hiding behind masks. They're another group of greedy bastards who want our territory. But like all the others before them, they'll end up defeated by us."

Hades paused, his gaze piercing as he looked at each of the other leaders, one by one.

"I believe that anyone who survived the blood-soaked era we did, who earned the right to sit at this table as equals, isn't lacking in guts, right?"

His words hit home. Hades was right—continuing like this was not an option. Those flashy vigilantes could kick down their doors at any moment. No one knew which would come first: a natural disaster or a visit from Batman.

After weighing the situation, they realized that Hade's assessment was correct. If things continued on this path, they'd either end up in a hospital bed, hooked up to oxygen tanks, or find themselves behind bars like that little coward who had fled for safety.

And the best-case scenario? All four of them might end up as cellmates, playing poker to pass the time for the rest of their lives.

That was, of course, unacceptable.

As Hades had said, this was their city, and no one was going to take it from them.

"You're right," agreed the fourth leader, Matthews, head of the House of Matthew. Matthews was a heavyset man with a gruff voice, his presence imposing. He was not one for long speeches, but when he spoke, people listened.

"So now that you've brought this up, I assume you have a plan in mind, Hades?"

"Hmph, the reason we've been unable to fight back so far is because we've been too passive," Hades said, his voice cold. "But I've been studying their methods.

These vigilantes like to hide in the shadows, launching surprise attacks and targeting individuals. Our people are always caught off guard, and by the time they realize what's happening, they're already playing into the vigilantes' hands."

Hades was a seasoned veteran, someone who had seen it all. While he'd never faced opponents quite like these before, he was the type of leader who learned quickly and adapted to new challenges.

"So this time, we're going to take the initiative," he continued, a sly grin forming on his face. "We'll lure them into a trap. Once we get them into a situation we've prepared for, it'll only take one bullet to shatter the myth they've built around themselves.

Mark my words, I'll prove that even Batman can be brought down with a single shot."

The other three leaders, their minds now buzzing with ideas, quickly grasped what Hades was proposing.

Ian was the first to praise the plan, calling it a brilliant strategy.

He then suggested that the River Bank Alliance, led by David, should be the ones to set up the traps, designing a scenario that would lure Batman or any other costumed lunatic into their clutches.

Ian went on to propose that David's gang could pretend to be overwhelmed, drawing the enemy in deeper, setting them up for an ambush...

David wasn't having any of it. Before Ian could finish, David slammed his hand on the table, his face twisted with anger. "Hell no! Pretend to be overwhelmed? What if we actually get overwhelmed?"

David wasn't about to risk being the bait. The last thing he wanted was to walk into a trap, get beaten up by Batman, and then watch as the others retreated, leaving him to be the fall guy.

Of course, Ian didn't really expect the River Bank Alliance to volunteer as bait. Even though they all called each other "Fellow leaders," their relationships were as flimsy as an off-brand condom from the gas station.

"Enough," Hades interrupted, his voice brokering no argument. "I know it's hard for any of us to trust each other, but we've reached a critical moment—a moment of survival.

This time, we have to set aside our old grudges and rivalries. Our opponents require us to work together. We all need to stand united.

Either we fight side by side, or we die together. Understand?"

No one spoke, but the silence in the room was a sign of agreement. The leaders of Riverton's underworld understood that the time for petty squabbles was over. They needed to present a united front, or they would all fall, one by one.

"Very good," Hades said in a deep voice, his tone indicating that the matter was settled. "Now, let's discuss the specifics of our operational deployment."

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