Starting With Batman

Chapter 114 – Jackpot?

A few minutes later, the two men who had tried to flee found themselves bound tightly by Spider-Man's webs and unceremoniously thrown back onto the rooftop alongside the third one, who had already been caught by Batman.

Despite all three being infected, their infection levels were still low, just enough to influence their behavior but not so severe as to warrant lethal measures. If the Ninth Special Service Division could retrieve them quickly enough, they might still be able to save their lives.

Sloan Technology had been under the scrutiny of the Ninth Special Service Division for days, and the sudden explosion at their building would not go unnoticed. Special agents would already be en route, storming the scene to assess the damage and secure the area. But Batman, as always, worked faster.

For now, the dark knight had enough time to extract the information he needed from these low-level pawns.

With their infection being mild, the three thugs could still feel pain—something Batman exploited fully. Combined with the terror they'd experienced in their failed attempts to escape, it didn't take long for the trio to crack. After receiving a few expertly placed fractures and a terrifying bungee-jumping simulation courtesy of Batman's grappling hook, they spilled every bit of information they had.

Their confession was almost pitiful in its simplicity. They were members of a local gang, hired for a job that they hadn't fully understood. Their task had been straightforward: keep watch on the secret entrance to the office of Sloan Technology's chairman. The moment the secret door was activated, they were to detonate explosives that had been planted there beforehand.

Their infection, they explained, had come about recently, likely as part of a plan by their mysterious "messenger," a person they had never met. Their infection was light but enough to keep them pliable and obedient to orders. This messenger had ensured they would follow instructions without question, though they were clearly no more than disposable pawns in a larger scheme.

Unfortunately for Batman, the three had no further details about the identity of this so-called messenger. They did have a phone number they used to receive orders, but after checking, Batman found the number had already been canceled. The trail was cold.

These small-time criminals were nothing more than a dead-end, but there was still someone who could provide more answers: Sloan, the chairman of Sloan Technology.

Batman's next task was to locate Sloan, but that was easier said than done. The chairman wasn't at home, nor was he in his office. His phone had been turned off, and he had seemingly vanished.

But to Batman, no one stays hidden for long. Using advanced tracking systems and surveillance, Batman quickly identified Sloan's car, tracing it to a high-end resort located in the suburbs.

It didn't take long for Batman to arrive at the luxury villa, where Sloan was staying. The opulence of the surroundings was in stark contrast to the criminal underworld Batman often dealt with—an elegant and expensive facade hiding darker activities within.

Moving swiftly through the resort grounds, Batman located Sloan's private suite. Through the window, he could see Sloan inside, the chairman completely oblivious to the imminent confrontation.

When Batman finally entered the room, the sight that greeted him was almost laughable. Sloan, the chairman who wielded so much power and influence, was in bed with a striking blonde woman. Their tangled limbs and awkward positioning indicated that the two had been thoroughly "preoccupied."

To Charlie Cooper, watching from behind Batman's eyes, the situation was far too amusing to ignore. Of course, they're probably "learning biology," he thought sarcastically, referencing the bizarre positions they had found themselves in.

The entry of the dark knight into the room was swift and merciless, and its effect on Sloan was immediate. The once-proud chairman, with all his wealth and authority, suddenly became nothing more than a frightened man. His waist, which had been ready to unleash a burst of energy moments before, contracted with fear, leaving him limp and terrified. The woman, who had been so full of life just seconds earlier, now screamed and jumped from the bed, retreating to the corner of the room with the sheets pulled tightly around her body.

She trembled as her chest heaved with frightened breaths. Batman's facial recognition scan revealed her as nothing more than a high-class escort arranged by the resort. She was of no interest to him.

Ignoring her completely, Batman strode over to Sloan, who had barely managed to get out of bed before Batman's fist met his face. The punch was swift, efficient, and powerful, knocking Sloan unconscious in an instant. Batman didn't bother with pleasantries. He grabbed the limp body of the chairman and dragged him out of the room without a word.

When Sloan finally regained consciousness, he found himself in a nightmarish situation. He was hanging upside down from a cliff, suspended by nothing more than a thin rope tied around his ankles. The world spun disorientingly around him, and the only thing keeping him from plunging into the abyss below was Batman's grasp on the rope.

Above him, the full moon cast a cold, silver light, illuminating the rocky cliffs and the vast, bottomless chasm below. The clouds swirled ominously beneath him, making it impossible to gauge just how far he would fall if Batman let go.

Sloan screamed, his body jerking as panic set in. The fear consumed him. Despite his wealth, despite his power, despite everything he had built—none of it mattered in the face of Batman. He kicked his legs, his body flailing helplessly as his fear grew.

To Charlie, still safely seated in front of his screen, it was almost comical how utterly pathetic Sloan looked, dangling there like a worm on a hook. But it was effective—fear was always Batman's greatest tool.

[TL Note - He should still be in his birthday suit, sooooo... I don't think he's the only thing dangling "wink" "wink."]

Batman crouched at the edge of the cliff, the hem of his black cape fluttering in the wind. His figure, silhouetted against the moon, looked monstrous, like a creature of the night come to devour its prey.

"Talk," Batman growled, his voice low and dangerous.

Sloan's eyes bulged with terror. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his pulse deafening in his ears. "I'll tell you anything! Just ask! I can give you money, anything you want!"

Charlie couldn't help but roll his eyes. Really? That's it? This guy has no backbone at all, he thought. How is this even fun if he doesn't put up any resistance?

Apparently, Batman felt the same. Without a word, he released the rope.

Sloan's scream pierced the night as he plummeted into the abyss, his body weightless as he fell. The sensation of free-fall consumed him, his heart leaping into his throat as the ground rushed up to meet him.

But just as suddenly as he had fallen, the rope tightened around his legs, snapping him back up with a brutal jolt. His entire body ached as he was yanked back up, the harsh pull on his ankles sending shockwaves of pain through him.

"You're going to tell me the truth," Batman said, each word carefully spaced out for maximum intimidation. "If you lie, even once…"

"The truth! The truth! I swear!" Sloan sobbed, his voice cracking with desperation. He was too terrified to even contemplate lying. Why would he? His life literally hung by a thread—Batman's thread.

Despite his usual swagger, Sloan was a coward through and through, and in that moment, he was willing to say anything to save himself. He babbled on, confirming what Batman already suspected. Sloan, while corrupt and immoral in many ways, was not directly involved in the infection plot. He didn't even know about the secret room in his office.

"You're telling me you didn't know about a hidden room in your office?" Batman's tone was ice-cold, his eyes boring into Sloan's.

"I swear! I didn't know!" Sloan practically screamed. "I hadn't even heard about it until you told me!"

At first, it sounded ridiculous, but Batman's detective mode confirmed that Sloan was telling the truth. He was genuinely ignorant of the secret compartment hidden in his own office.

Suddenly, something clicked in Sloan's mind. "Wait... there was a girl! A college student! Maybe she had something to do with it!"

Batman's eyes narrowed. "What about her?"

"She's the only one besides me who had a key to the office! Her name's Rosalie Hugh! I can give you her contact information, her address, whatever you need!"

It was a thin lead, but a lead nonetheless.

Batman tracked down the address Sloan provided, but by the time he arrived, Rosalie was long gone. Her room was abandoned, with no signs of recent activity. Detective mode picked up a few faint traces—footprints near the door—but they were days old. It was clear she had fled.

Later that night, Batman returned to the Batcave. Charlie, exhausted from the night's events, finally logged out of the game. It was already two in the morning, and his body ached with fatigue.

Before shutting down, Charlie decided to check the in-game store. Despite the lack of major bosses, he had accumulated enough points for a few pulls.

Maybe I'll get something decent, he thought, though he didn't expect much. Usually, it was just low-tier junk.

He hit the summon button, and to his shock, a golden glow erupted from the screen.

Lightning crackled, and a blinding light burst from the B-class summoning portal. Charlie's eyes widened as the dazzling event unfolded before him.

He blinked, utterly stunned. Did I just… hit the jackpot?

Seconds later, the doorbell rang.

Confused, Charlie rose from his chair and made his way to the door. When he opened it, his breath caught in his throat.

Standing there, framed by the dim hallway light, was a girl of breathtaking beauty. Her skin was flawless, her red hair cascading over her shoulders. Her features were delicate and refined, her eyes captivating. She wore an off-white skirt that hugged her curves, and her long legs, wrapped in sleek black stockings, made her look impossibly elegant.

She smiled warmly at him, her hands clasped politely in front of her. "Good evening, sir. My name is Friday. How may I be of service?"

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