Starting With Batman

Chapter 117 – Lair

Charlie Cooper sat at his desk, adjusting his seat in front of the computer. His eyes flitted between the screen and Friday, who stood by in her typical serene and poised stance. She projected a holographic display in mid-air, her palm emitting a soft glow that illuminated a complex web of data. The Batcomputer was currently analyzing traces from the previous night's investigation.

"I've already applied for access to the Batcave system," Friday's voice was calm but efficient. She understood the importance of moving forward swiftly, especially after the events of the last night. "The analysis and comparison process you initiated on the Batcomputer should be nearly complete by now."

Charlie couldn't help but marvel at the ease with which Friday handled complex tasks. Her voice, crisp and precise, made even the most convoluted technical discussions seem like the simplest of matters. With a swipe of her hand, she summoned another floating window, this one bearing an application for remote access to the Batcomputer.

"You may need to log into the Batcomputer directly to approve my access request," she said, "Once you approve, I'll be able to connect directly from anywhere."

Charlie raised an eyebrow, his thoughts momentarily distracted by the sight of Friday. He leaned back, unable to ignore the fact that she had chosen a new outfit—a dark blue sailor uniform, complete with a red bow tie and white pleated skirt. The simplicity of the outfit made her look younger, innocent even, though there was nothing naïve about Friday's intelligence.

"Wait a minute... What's with the outfit?" Charlie asked, his voice tinged with curiosity and amusement.

Friday tilted her head slightly, offering a polite smile. "I reviewed your browsing history and noted that you appear to have a particular affinity for this style of clothing. Based on that, I selected this as a more visually appealing choice."

Charlie blinked, feeling the heat rise to his face. "You can do that?" His voice came out more surprised than he intended. "Wait, are you telling me you can change outfits on command?"

"Not just my outfit," Friday continued smoothly. "My entire appearance can be adjusted based on your preferences. You can customize any element of my look, including clothing, accessories, and even my physical features."

With that, the projection around her shifted again. The air shimmered with golden particle effects, and the sailor suit dissolved like mist. In its place appeared a classic black-and-white maid outfit, her apron tied neatly in a bow at the back, and white stockings that highlighted the delicate curve of her legs. The transformation was seamless, as if a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie had been brought into reality.

Charlie's mouth parted slightly. "Okay, that's... incredible."

The technology was so lifelike that he couldn't help but compare it to the superhero Vision, who could manipulate his appearance at will. It reminded him of that scene where Vision, despite being a synthezoid, displayed a fully human form when interacting with others. The difference was that Friday was pure artificial intelligence, designed with versatility that went far beyond even Stark's greatest AI achievements.

Friday gave a light smile. "I can switch between these appearances any time you wish. You're also welcome to explore the personalization module whenever you feel like designing something specific."

Charlie entertained the idea for a moment, imagining all the ways he could customize her look. Stark was known for having a certain flair when it came to his AI creations, and Charlie suspected that much of Friday's appearance was influenced by Stark's famous tastes—elegant, classy, and impeccably tailored to his preferences.

For a brief second, Charlie thought about designing her to resemble one of his favorite video game characters. Tifa Lockhart came to mind—a classic, iconic figure who had been part of his gaming memories since childhood. But Charlie knew from experience that the process of customizing a character's appearance could take hours, even days if you wanted to get it right.

[TL Note - Tifa (takes a deep breath) ...I think... she's not that great... ya I said it, she ain't all that]

"Maybe later," Charlie muttered, a smile tugging at his lips as he turned back to the screen. "Let's focus on the task at hand first."

He initiated the Batcave system and logged in to approve Friday's remote access. The connection was established instantly, a small notification confirming that she now had full access to the Batcomputer's systems. From this point on, Friday could analyze data, track patterns, and assist with investigations without Charlie needing to manually log into the game. It was a small but monumental shift in how he could approach cases.

"Excellent," Friday said, her tone businesslike but still gentle. "The analysis of the materials we extracted from the secret room at Sloan Technology, as well as from Rosalie Hugh's apartment, is complete."

Charlie straightened in his chair, the mention of the mysterious case instantly catching his full attention. "What did you find?"

"Footprints in both locations contained traces of a specific type of metamorphic rock powder," Friday explained. She waved her hand, and a detailed breakdown of the powder's composition appeared in front of him. The list of ingredients and minerals was extensive, each line of data seemingly more complicated than the last.

Charlie squinted. "Okay... but what does that mean?"

"Certain minerals found in the powder are rarely used in modern construction," Friday began to explain. Her tone shifted to a more analytical one, as if she were delivering a well-researched report. "While these materials have excellent durability and properties, they're expensive and difficult to extract, which makes them less desirable for contractors."

"So... someone's using it where they shouldn't be?" Charlie ventured.

"Exactly. I cross-referenced the use of these minerals in the city's building records, and based on my findings, I was able to pinpoint several potential locations where this material was used."

A city map appeared on the floating screen, and Friday highlighted a section of the sewer system in red.

"This is the only part of the city's sewer system where such materials have been implemented," she said. "The trace amounts found on the soles of the shoes in both locations suggest that the individuals involved have been here."

Charlie let out a low whistle. "You figured all of that out from some rock dust?"

Friday smiled. "It's just a matter of cross-referencing the available data, sir. I believe this section of the sewers is where we'll find the answers."

Charlie nodded, impressed yet again by Friday's resourcefulness. Without any hesitation, he selected Batman from the game's roster and began navigating through the streets of Riverton City. The Dark Knight's cape fluttered as he moved through alleyways, making his way toward the sewer entrance.

The sewers were no stranger to Batman. It was familiar terrain for the world's greatest detective, a labyrinth he had maneuvered through countless times in his career. This time, however, there was a growing sense of unease as Batman descended into the tunnels, his boots echoing softly on the damp concrete.

As Batman approached the main sewer system, Friday's voice cut through the silence. "I'm detecting multiple heat signatures. Scanning... It appears that several groups of individuals are patrolling the area."

Batman crouched in the shadows, activating detective mode. The outlines of several figures appeared on his HUD, their patrol routes illuminated in soft blue lines.

"These guys are organized," Charlie muttered, his fingers moving deftly over the controls. "They're not just random thugs."

"And several of them are showing signs of infection," Friday added. "Based on their behavior, I suspect they're part of The Dead—the organized group of infected individuals we've been tracking."

"Perfect," Charlie muttered sarcastically. "Just what we needed."

Using the shadows to his advantage, Batman navigated through the tunnels, careful to avoid the gang members' lines of sight. As he moved deeper, more gangsters came into view, their movements methodical, as if they were guarding something of importance.

"I've mapped their stations and patrol routes," Friday said, displaying a detailed 3D rendering of the sewer system in front of Charlie. "Their positioning indicates a central area they're protecting. Based on their distribution, I've marked the most likely location for what they're guarding."

Charlie's eyes followed the red dot on the map. "Looks like we've got something big here."

As Batman approached the marked location, the tension thickened. The number of infected and armed gangsters increased the closer he got to the central point. The detective mode revealed a hidden door concealed behind layers of brick and grime.

"There's something behind this wall," Batman observed as his scanner picked up the anomaly. "It's bigger than I expected."

Friday's voice remained calm. "I believe this is more than just a hideout. We may have stumbled upon the central lair of The Dead."

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